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Schoolboy Pinning

schoolboy position

Posted by ticklebully on 2019-08-22 04:08:38

dude, I think you are cool (and your story of how you tickled that boy under the armpits until he peed himself is what turned me on to you) but you simply don't get it. My nickname is TICKLE BULLY, not tickle VICTIM. The reason you give me a tent is because I thought you were a bully also...but these stories of girls tickling you is a complete turn-off (so are "tied-up & tickled' stories too). Any wimp can tie someone up and tickle-torture them, but it takes a REAL stud to pin down his helpless victim using only his strength and muscles...like you did in junior high and high school. Why would I wanna to be tickle-tortured? to know what it's like? I KNOW what it's like; I have tickled other dudes sometimes until they begged me to stop, but mostly I have paid other bullies to wrestle, pin down, and tickle the total crap out of wimpy boys who were at my school. I love seeing fat or skinny dudes turned into complete Jello by continuous, non-stop underarm and rib tickling (and I laugh about it for days). I love to hear them laugh, cry, scream, run out of breath, and pay us to stop the horrible torture. My boyfriend & I have tickle-fights all the time, but again I don't wimp out...for ANYONE.

Posted by somebodyelse on 2019-09-05 01:27:01

OK, we'll do it your way. Let's make up a story together, each of us adding to it step by step. But why settle for overpowering a wimp if you can do it to a guy who has some muscle? Of course, that's an important IF... Here's the scenario: I just finished my morning run, wearing just my running shoes and shorts (jockstrap underneath, of course), and you ran with me, or you're just there where I finish. It's one of those outdoor places with equipment for people to work out, and there's a guy there, maybe 18-20 years old, in just shorts like me, who was running with his girlfriend. We hear them talk to each other, and learn his name is Mike, and hers is Sarah. I go up to the chinup bar and do five chinups. The girl asks him, "Can you do that, Mike?" The guy, who looks fairly muscular, seems annoyed by the question and tells her, "Of course I can" and does five chinups himself. He looks at me like a challenge. So I go and squeeze out two more, and then he does the same. "I can do more than that when I'm not tired out from running," he tells me. "So can I," I answer. "So which one of you is stronger?" asks his girlfriend, who is blond with a fairly big chest filling out her T-shirt. "I am, easily," the guy answers. "I'm not so sure," I tell him. "Why don't we wrestle to find out?"

Now you continue the story.

Posted by ticklebully on 2019-09-09 15:48:12

dude, the only story I wanna hear is how you tickle-tortured that poor boy after gym class...that story has fascinated me since the first time I read it (both you and the other tickler you first mentioned who started the school "boy tickle-craze", waiting for the showers to warm up). I never get tired of hearing how you went even further...though at the end of your first story, with the other boy doing the tickling, you never did say how long that the "winner" kept tickling his victim, even after the "victim" gave up and SCREAMED his submission in less than 10 seconds...I assume the winner tickled the boy he was sitting on top of for a good amount of time afterward.

Do you have any idea how sexy you must have appeared to any of the boys in your gym class who may have been gay or bi? you in your underwear, shirtless, can sitting on top of your victim, laughing at that skinny wimp, while your fingers tickled his armpits? As you said yourself armpit tickling is TORTURE...and you did that to a classmate just because he was weaker than you; that's AWESOME! I wish I could have seen that, sexy you tickling him all over but concentrating on his armpits because he was most ticklish there...not to mention spitting in his face after he peed himself! That my dude is being a tickle-bully to the extreme. I love hear REAL tickle stories involving athletic boys who dominate (and torture) their weaker opponents...I have no use for girls. If I were you gym teacher and had seen you armpit tickling a boy into peeing himself, you would have been Teacher's Pet for the month; if not the year!

Posted by somebodyelse on 2019-09-13 00:22:07

The guy who introduced tickling to our wrestling matches? He did tickle his victim a little even after his submission, just to make him repeat it four or five times, but no more than 20-30 seconds--not the kind of extended torture you and I like to see. But I still say it's better to overpower and tickle torture a guy who has some muscle instead of just a weakling. I remember the first time I schoolboy pinned one of the guys in my class and while I was on top of him I noticed he had some visible biceps in those arms that were pinned under my knees. The fact that I could pin muscular arms like those made me proud, and after that, if I noticed biceps on any of my classmates, I always wondered if I could keep them pinned or if they were strong enough to break my pin and throw me off. I found out that one or two guys were too strong for me to keep pinned, even if I got on top of them, but the others couldn't escape a schoolboy pin--that's what made it so much fun. Of course, about half the time I challenged one of them, I was the one who ended up pinned and tickled, but that's a risk I had to take in order to have the chance to do it to them.

If you think I looked good pinning in my underwear (often with a bulge in it), you should have seen when I did it in just a jock. A few weeks into the school year the gym teacher made us all wear jocks for class, which some of us did underneath our underpants and some instead of underpants. So when we were back in the locker room and took off our shirts and shorts and wrestled, jockstraps were all most of us were wearing for the match. Or lying on our stomachs arm wrestling in our jocks. I don't think the gym teacher would have been as supportive of me torturing one of my classmates as you are, but since he almost never went into the locker room after class, it didn't matter. But just think if HE had decided to tickle us...

Posted by ticklebully on 2019-09-16 13:08:13

Hi! that guy who introduced all the boys to tickling sounds hot; even though he did not do the extended torture (as you put it) for as long as we would have liked, making a wimpy kid SCREAM his submission four or five times (after he clearly submitted once) is still pretty awesome. I can imagine that helpless kid with a stronger dude on top of him, not knowing when, or IF, the tickle torture is going to stop, and having the "pinner" enjoy every minute of it. One quick question: did the kid on top tickle his victim's armpits? I assume that was the case; or was it the rib-cage or both if you remember? I certainly would not have forgotten that detail if I had witnessed that after gym class.

But back to you. I actually dig your personal story more because you were more vicious in your tickling. I respect your opinion that's it's better to overpower a guy who is stronger, and I can understand your reasons why. I just hold the opposite view. That's why I'm so attracted to you online. The idea that you could have literally tickled that wimpy kid until he passed out drives me nuts. I picture you in your underwear, smiling at your helpless victim as he begs for mercy. I think with a stronger guy, it might to be hard to tickle-torture him as much (or get him to say things like "my arms are smaller than Sarah's") because he may be able to push you off him, at some point. That boy who was the victim your fingers sounds like he was at your complete mercy...and I love the fact that after his tickle humiliation, you decided to spit in his face (to the laughing and applause of your classmates).

I'm not so sure if your gym teacher would not have been "supportive" of seeing you tickle that helpless kid...or any of the boys tickling each other. Your gym teacher sounds like a bit of perv himself, making you guys wear jock straps instead of underwear (not that I'm complaining!). I bet he liked seeing you guys in jocks, especially you; and I find it a bit hard to believe your gym teacher DIDN'T hear all the screams of your victims as they were schoolboy pinned down to the floor and tickled under the armpits. I have seen a lot of tickling in my day, and I still pay hot, muscular "bully-types" to tickle and humiliate guys I wanna see humiliated...and each and every time the screaming has been very LOUD. I think your teacher was secretly watching you guys and getting turned on and even getting off; I would have been for sure!

As for your teacher tickling you, that would have been cool, but I would much rather have seen all the boys in jockstraps tickling your teacher! By the way if I were in your gym class and offered to pay you to bully and tickle another boy, would you have done it? especially right before the showers (or after school) in front of the other guys & gals?