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User: big_guy


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Posted in Behind Closed Doors at School*Boys Only* on 2008-12-26 16:59:53

Girl in tight white dress and a slim very good looking guy in a good suit and tie.

Posted in High school brawl,GUYS ONLY on 2008-08-25 16:22:57

"notmuchlonger" you sound like the gay guy who picked a fight with me when I was in florida. I had only won 1 fight in 8 tries in my life. Are you the guy who picked a fight with me at the church convention while in a suit and tie? And after i beat you up came back and challanged me again saying my suit turned you on? I am 105 pounds and considered the weakest kid in my school and church. In my fights I never considered them fun, but it was fun beating you up. I will be there in October again so If you want to go at it again. I am ready.

Posted in Weak boys on 2008-08-25 16:16:23

I am 19 year old male who is 5' 5" tall and 105 pounds, I really am not strong. I have gotten into 10 fights in my life. Lost first one in 5th grade. lost 2 more in 7th grade, lost 1 in 9th grade. Won my first fight in 11th grade when a freshman kept on shooting spitballs at me, He always had someone around him to protect him and was known as a kid who would beat up on other kids when he had 2 or 43 friends around him. Well he saw me lose a wrestling match in gym and thought I was real weak and he finnally agreed to meet me one on one. Well it was tough but I did win the fight, Well I got a little $%!@y and picked 3 fights in the next couple of weeks and got my butt kicked. I thought I was done fighting till I was on a Church Trip in Florida when I had this guy about my size in a tan suit and tie came up to me while I was in a suit and tie and bumped into me and started talking trash, he then challanged me to a fight saying that he liked to fight in suits and ties against others in suits and ties, I told him to get his gay $%!@ away from me, when he then pushed me and put a open hand to my jaw, I then agreed to fight him, we went accross the street from the church, well he tackled me down and tried to be on top of me, I then threw a couple of punches in his gut and ribs, He quickly let his grip go. I then reversed him, threw a few more punches and hwe said I had to finish him off. I then hit him in the jaw and he continued to say he was still going to win, so I hit him 10 more times in the jaw and knocked him out. The next day I was out again in my suit and he challanged me again. I agreed to fight and beat him up very easily. I am sure that was "notmuchlonger" he really is the weakest kid I ever saw. And trust me I am pretty weak myself.