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User: big_guy


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He never won a fight in his life, He is 14 and gets into fights all the time with 4th to 6th graders,. I Made fun of him for being wimpier than I was, he challenged me to a fight, i said yes and he beat me up real bad.


Posted in Have you been beaten up by a girl? on 2009-08-09 22:29:27

I am 22 5'6 " 135 pounds, I picked a fight with a 13 year old 5'3" 100 pound kid and he beat me up in less than 30 seconds, His 16 year old 5' 4" 105 pound sister saw me on theground beaten up in my suit and tie, and the next week when I was in a new Suit and tie she came u to me ina very tight White Dress and challenged me to a fight saying if I won I could do her right there, I accepted, She then Grabbed me by my Shoulders and got me to the ground, She then got control of me and had a hold on me and I was not strong enough to get out of the hold, She then started Hittong me in the ribs, she then got punches in the gut and ribs and i started passing out, Then she sat on my stomoch and hit me in the jaw 30 times till I was knocked out cold

Posted in Life and Death on 2009-07-30 16:45:37

I want to be shot while in a $1000.00 Tan Double Breasted Suit and Tie in the chest with a small caliber bullet right where the Lapel Pocket is. Fall to the ground, and have the blood ooze all over my suit and for me to be aware of my surroundings for about an hour with my the whole side of my chest covered in blood and be found in a large pool of blood. I have a hard on just thinking about seeing a body like that

Posted in Guns (Poll by blackninja133) on 2009-07-30 16:39:07

I have taken 4 to 6 bullets in the chest while I was in a light colored suit 6 different times, It was the coolest thing ever. I did Shoot someone till death in a gun fight one time,