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User: big_guy


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Posted in teenage boys wrestling kids from ages: 9-21 on 2010-02-15 16:38:47

I am 20 and I am 5'6" 125 pounds, I have never wrestled/Fought a kid over 16 years old or over 110 pounds, I have never won or beaten up a kid over 14 years old or over 105 pounds, The average kid I wrestle or pick a fight with is 13 years old 5'4" 100 pounds and in the past year I have won 10 and lost 45. LOst a fight this week to a 14 year old 5'5" 90 pound kid who never won a fight before in his life He was in 40 fights so his win over me was his first, We will be having a rematch again this friday night. Because I was not in a suit and Tie and he was, This time we will be both in suits and ties and that is the only way I have ever won a fight, I have fought that way 300 times and won 50 of them, WE alsway fight to a KO with the Winner jaking off on the losers inside lining of the losers suit or body

Posted in Wrestling Mates on 2010-02-15 16:28:51

I like to wrestle in a suit and tie with my opponet in a suit and tie with the winner jacking off on the inside lining of the losers suit

Posted in Suicide on 2010-02-15 16:19:54

I would go out in a $1000.00 Tan suit and tie and go somewhere where I can get someone to pull a gun and empty it into my chest with 10 bullets Hopefully found where there can be some neat pictures of my bloodied chest dead body

I would want to take the bullets in my chest even though the thought of seeing a hot chick with 6 bullets in her breasts does turn me on

Posted in your worst fight on 2010-02-15 15:40:56

When I was 20 years old in 1990 I was in England and I always love to fight in suits and Ties, against kids in suits and ties, England the kids are always willing to fight so I fought against about 20 12-14 year old kids, I was 5;6" tall and 118 pounds, The average kid I fought was 5'4" 100 pounds and I won 9 of them. I then saw a kid and he was maybe 5'4" 95 pounds and had such a baby face turned out he was 20 ,and he saw me in 10 of those fights, He also liked to fight in a suit and tie against other kids in a suit and tie, He came up to me and said he has lost all 100 fights he was in but he thought he could take me, I remember seeing him getting beat up so I said lets go.

He then hit me in the ribs then the gut then a upper cut to the jaw and I was KOd, He then jacked off on the inside lining of my suit then stripped me naked and did me.