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User: big_guy


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I am 22 and 5;6" 135 Pounds and was wearing a Tan Suit and Tie and picked a Fight witha 16 year old 5' 4" 95 pound kid in a Very expensive Double Breasted Suit and tie and I picked a Fight with him, He wrestled me to the ground, Hit me in the Ribs and gut 20 times and then the Jaw till I was knocked out, While he was finishing me he said it was the 1st time in 50 fights he ever won a fight, He then after I was out $%!@ed on the inside lining of my suit, then Took my clothes off and had outercourse with me as I felt his sperm throughout my suit, on my body and in my mouth. We have had 8 rematches and the results are the same. We will be diong this again the excact same way every saturday night

Posted in are there alot of fights at your school? on 2009-05-24 22:09:14

Mine was in 11th grade, I had lost all 100 fights i had ever been in I was 110 lbs at the time and had lost 30 fights to 5th thru 7th grader at the catholic school ( I picked the fights because they were dressed up in suits and ties, I always wear a suit and tie. Well this one 9th grade kid started picking on me but would not agree to my call outs. He always wore a suit and tie and always hung with at leats 3 other smaller kids, he always picked on kids with the other kids help. Well he did that to me 4 times, The last time he agreed to fight me one on one but with his friends around, well I let him win easily, finnally we ran into each other alone at the school prom. He then said if i wanted to go lets go. we went into a remote area and went at it, he was in control for the 1st 3 minutes but i got a good hold of him and then got some shots in the ribs, he let go of his grip, i got 3 more dhots in his gut then jaw,then I got on top of him and hit him 30 times in the jaw and knocked him out cold, i then Pulled my pants down and jacked off on the inside lining of his suit and then Stripped him naked and jacked off all over his body.He did not wake up till 30 minutes later, And i then beat him up again. 2 days later he shot me in the chest 6 times with a 25 caliber Raven and did me the same way I did him he then was getting up and a Cop saw him and he pointed the gun and they shot him dead

Posted in School Erections on 2009-05-24 21:46:00

I when I have a hard on go pick a fight with a another kid, we all wear suits and ties and if I win I jack off on the inside lining of his suit

Posted in Boys Arm Wrestling Boys on 2009-05-24 21:20:58

Nothing turns me on then a smaller kid and his small but hard arm muscles.

Posted in Wrestling teens on 2009-05-24 21:17:59

I wrestle or Fight in my Suit and tie vs other kids in Suits and ties all the time I am 130 lbs and 18 and I have never beaten anyone up over 13 years old all over 105 pounds and in the past 3 months I have been beaten up by 3 different 11 year old kids who are about 85 pounds