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User: awayness


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Posted in Nudity / Nakedness on 2013-12-19 22:40:37

A huge majority seems to agree there's no age limit on nudity. If we all agree, we ought to act like it. How many of you out there have direct experience with nudity being allowed and accepted? Where have you gone naked as a family?

Posted in Your Ideal Clothing Limits for Girls on 2013-12-18 19:31:26

Unfortunately I don't think the naked people on the internet are usually very representative. It would be better if real people, real families had nude pictures and videos more often instead of gross porn actors. Of course there are useful nudist websites but too often they shy away from ever focusing on the genitals.

Posted in Your Ideal Clothing Limits for Girls on 2013-12-07 20:43:21

it would be a good educational thing wouldn't it. Every kid should see that time-lapsed video so they know how development goes and what variety it can take.

Posted in Girls Clothing Limits in summer. on 2013-12-04 02:06:16

perfectly sensible, I'm glad you had a good time. Bras are just totally unnecessary and most women agree they're pretty uncomfortable.. and panties harbor yeast. I think you should be just as accepting if the men in the house wanted to undress as well, shouldn't they have the same right to comfort?

Posted in The Problems With Feminism on 2013-12-04 01:59:02

Indeed, but that goes for everyone with every viewpoint. The difference is the right doesn't build up a climate of "politically incorrect" and "hate speech" and this-ism and that-phobia to systematically ban the opposing viewpoints and ensure only one way of thinking is allowed. instead they just hit you and tell you to shut up.