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User: awayness


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Not that they could enforce it, but they should instruct their kids to always undress completely in the locker room, and spend some time naked before and after showering. It's also a good idea to start undressing as soon as you enter the locker room. Your thoughts?

Posted in Should Gym Class Showers Be Mandatory? on 2013-09-27 04:55:08

Of course it SHOULD be mandatory.. but that's not the only "should". people should also be okay with it.. and they should never make or think mean comments.. that's the problem with "shoulds" you can't make up for one thing not being what it should by making another the way it should, just because it's easier. tackle the hardest things first, and the rest will fall into place.

Posted in What do you cover first...? on 2013-09-25 00:44:12

it's kind of rude to act shocked when someone sees you, it was an accident and you're making them feel bad. Unless they were peeping on purpose, in which case all should be forgiven as long as they undress as well.

Posted in Got Caught on 2013-09-21 03:37:26

hiding your $%!@ion from your family is like being afraid to blow your nose in front of them.. it's natural, it shouldn't bother you.

Posted in The Physical Exam Poll on 2013-09-21 02:36:53

That shouldn't be embarrassing. It's a doctor's office. You're supposed to take everything off right away (while the nurse is taking weight and blood pressure, if possible) and not wear a silly gown. And really you should tell the doctor you're uncomfortable with enclosed spaces so she opens the door wide and anyone can see you walking by.