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User: awayness


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Posted in Fathers taking their daughters to the Dr. on 2013-12-01 22:09:42

Hearing that just makes me smile. At least some people won't grow up with weird hang-ups.. I mean if your parents who changed your diapers can't examine you medically, what hope is there for anyone?

yeah put the girls in burqas. make sure they know their bodies are dirty and evil.

I'm very pleased with the results as well.

Posted in The Problems With Feminism on 2013-11-28 04:31:57

Pretty sure that's backwards. Right-wingers are all about freedom of expression, it's the left who tells you what you can and can't say. Ask any feminist what side she's on and i think you'll understand.

Posted in Girls Clothing Limits in summer. on 2013-11-25 23:47:55

hear hear. anyone who shows up naked at my door is getting the finest hospitality i can offer. You share your body instead of hiding it, I should share some food and drink.