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User: KitsuneAngel1


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Posted in Bed wetting dress code on 2016-09-09 23:55:10

Hi everyone! I'm a teenager, a speech kid, a band geek, a bit of a gamer and also a girl who happens to wet the bed. I'm trying to do research on other people like me so if you have time, please take a couple of my polls! (:

Bedwetting Kids & Pajama Day:


Dealing with Bedwetting pt. 1:


Dealing with Bedwetting pt. 2:


Thoughts on my personal bedtime routine:


Thanks! <3

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2016-09-09 22:20:44

Sorry it took so long to respond. I was going to respond earlier but the message area wouldn't work for forever. D]=

About failing the challenge: It's because right around the end of the first week my parents switched me to Abenas instead of Goodnites. I don't really mind wearing goodnites around other people, especially if I'm wearing pjs or a onesie so I know nobody will see it if my top comes up for some reason, but Abenas are a totally different story. Even dry, they are pretty thick and definitely rustle when you walk quickly or sit down, even under footy pjs, and if they are wet they are impossible not to notice. They get so thick I walk weird and make a lot of noise at the same time... like my mom can tell when I need a change just by looking at me. Because of that, I really didn't wear them and often as I should have and ended up paying for it. ):

On the plus side, my parents said if I can keep my grades up they would get me two-piece pjs for my birthday in November! c: I'd only be able to wear them as lounge pjs, and even then only as a reward for good behavior, and they're gonna have feeties since it's going to be cold by then, but still! If I get them they will be the first two-piece pjs I've had since before I had to wear goodnites every night again! (: So that's exciting.

Also, my Dad convinced my Mom to compromise on daytime protection like a month ago! Now I'm allowed to wear goodnites under my lounge pjs until 4pm, but if I'm wearing them after 4 I have to wear an Abena until it's time to get ready for bed. Since I get home from school at around 4 anyway, it really only applies on weekends, but it was really nice during the summer because I'd usually change into my lounge pjs pretty early (or immediately after waking up xD) if I didn't have anything going on. Goodnites still aren't allowed at Rosa's house, but progress is progress. :)

I should say that it's not like I hate Abenas, I just hate wearing them outside of my house or Rosa's place. I mean the tapes kinda suck on them so taking them off to use the bathroom sometimes means you need to use different tape. Rosa's mom got me a really cute patterned duck tape to use that works pretty well, but it's still super lame. I don't know why they wouldn't make it so the tapes come off and on easier. But they never leak and are pretty comfyable, so sometimes (tho rarely) I'll wear them even if I don't have to. Like on Labor Day, I just got my pink and black jail stripe footy pjs the night before (the ones with the leg zip) and since I was just gonna play video games all day I changed in my new pjs and an Abena right after breakfast and wore them for until it was time to get ready for bed. (They're lounge pjs cuz of the leg zipper)

For the most part I really like my new jammies, they're look amazingly cute on me and are made out of chenile (sp?) so they're also really soft and super duper comfy. They also hide my Abenas pretty well which is nice. The only lame part is they do zip up the back and have a flap over the zipper like my nighttime pjs, so I need help to put them on or take them off. Unlike my night-time pjs tho, I'm able to change myself without having to get help with the zipper, which is really nice. I thought the leg zipper would work kinda like a butt-flap on other footy pjs I've seen, but it's pretty hard to use the toilet without taking them off all the way so I just used my diapers for most of the day.

About new jammies: I didn't ask my parents about mitten pajamas and just decided to take the earlier bedtime. It was 9 o'clock for two weeks but now it's just 10 o'clock throughout the week and I need to get ready for bed two hours instead of an hour before so it isn't too bad. I didn't really want another set of back-zippered jammies... before I got the jail stripe ones I had 5 lounge pjs and 5 night-time back zippered jammies. I always keep one or two sets of lounge pjs over at Rosa's too and since right now 2 of my night-time jammies are footless and I only have 3 with feet my Mom already ordered another footy one for the fall. Add the mitten pjs to that and I have 8 sets of back-zippered pjs at home but only 4 front zip ones, which means I'd probably end up wearing the back-zips ones at lot more.

About overalls on trips: I understand what you're saying, but I don't think my parents would buy me overalls just to wear on trips. If they did get something like that I almost guarantee you that they would want me to use it for other stuff too, and I don't really want another set of clothes I need help to take off, especially ones meant for daytime. On car trips it's really not a super big deal anyway, between my nighttime diaper, the booster pad and diaper cover I can make it most places without having to change on the way so I don't really have to get out of the car very often. Plus with how thick that combination is I'm not sure there's any clothes I can wear that will disguise it haha. Idk, I feel like if I have to wear a diaper anyway I might as well be comfy when I'm wearing it.

And nray I don't know if I really feel ok about posting people's text answers... I can summarize them if you want tho. Btw are you saying that if my parents wanted I could still be in back zippered jammies every night in college? :c

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2016-07-08 14:34:57

Finished! I should have replied to most of your questions now and also updated you guys a little a bit. Next time I'm just going to reply to you one a at a time though these get really big haha.

That sounds a lot like what Rosa said. She said that trying to get to the toilet is getting in the way of stopping my accidents. According to her I should start by consciously going potty even if it's in a diaper first and only once I can do that all the time then I should try to make it to the bathroom. That's part of the reason she doesn't want me to wear pull-ups anymore, because she says it tricks me into thinking that I need to make it to the bathroom. Both her and her mom told my mom I need tape style disposables during the day and that goodnites should only be for special occasions when I can't wear my lounge pjs.

Since I had asked to try some new daytime protection earlier and my grandma and Rosa's mom also said I needed new ones, my parents let me pick from three brands back before the test for new pjs for me to try out. Unfortunately, none of them were pull-ups. (Thanks Rosa and Grandma :) The one I picked was called an Abena, and there was another one called Tranquility and another that I don't remember the name of. Anyway I got them the Friday before last and I decided to try them out the next morning. I put them on right after getting my night time pjs and stuff off and taking my morning shower. The first thing I noticed is that they are really thick compared to goodnites. Not as thick as my night diapers, which make me walk a little funny even when dry, but thick enough dry that you can tell I'm wearing them if my sleeper gets pulled tight for some reason. Don't even get me started on when they're wet- they get super-duper thick and noisy. Like my mom could always tell if I was wet just by looking and listening because it gets thick enough to force my legs apart some and change how I walk. They're pretty noisy too. If its quiet I can hear a rustle from walking around in them under my pjs and that goes double for sitting down. Basically what I'm saying is that their stealth sucks. :\ I wet once wearing my lounge pjs and these while in walmart with my mom and I'm sure everyone could tell. I know it took my Mom like 5 minutes.

On the plus side, they control odor a lot better and they have NEVER leaked once so far. Its kinda a crappy bargain. Do I never want to leak again but wear more obvious diapers or not? But I guess its not really my decision. Rosa's mom loves them and I'm banned from wearing goodnites in the Fuentes household ever again. My mom wants me to have goodnites for out and about and only under dayclothes, abenas for home and keep my normal night time diapers for night and travel. Thankfully, my Dad wants to try out some more options, but that won't happen until these are gone, and there's like 30 left. :\ Those abenas really screwed up my plans for the 2 piece pjs though. I could wear goodnites all day every day and not care one bit, but since the abenas are a lot thicker I really hesitate to wear them out of the house.

I guess I hope I'm out of back-zippered jammies by college. My parents couldn't get a college nurse to zip and unzip me at night then?

Anyway, I failed the test for two-piece pjs by a long shot. ): I guess I'm not ready for them yet. ): Since I wet without protection three times I have to my wear night time stuff for three days. I'm doing one day this weekend (which I have a babysitter for half the day) and the rest when I get back from camp. I also lost my front-zippered pj privledges for a little bit so I have to have my diaper and night-time jammies on at 7 now. I usually put them on before that tho. I basically spent the last two weeks wearing protection most of the day and I wet when I didn't so its kinda scary to be without it. D: Also if I don't come up with an idea for new pjs as a punishment by Sunday my parents are just going to give me an earlier bedtime instead. All I can think of is mittens that you can't take your hands out of and a back zipper. Anything else I can say, or maybe another kind of consequence? I'd rather not have the mittens on my pjs tbh.

The back tab on the keeper sleeper is kinda like mine. Mine has the little flap that goes under the big flap but mine uses buttons and the small flap is on the opposite side of the big flap. I mean I guess it's not THAT big of a disadvantage, but I try to get jammies that help me hide my diapers when I can. My night time diapers are pretty darn thick so they would look pretty weird and obvious under the keeper sleeper. Also, with how tight it is I might have to wear a bra under it and I don't like wearing them to bed.

Yeah, I think I have two locking zipper thingys actually, they came off one of my mom's old travel bags that she gave me and I kept them around because of that locking front zip pajama idea we had. Idk about locking pjs, on one hand they sound like they would be pretty embarassing if someone found out plus I don't want to just give up my independence like that, but on the other hand logically it doesn't seem like I'm really giving up anything because its not like I can unzip my pjs right now anyway and maybe locking pjs would even get me more privledges. I think its a psychological thing, like how I hated having to wear footy pjs when all my friends wear pj pants and when I hated wearing my night time diapers for a while. Sometimes I feel like that part of me is in denial about my wetting, because I knew like 80% of bedwetters mostly wear footy sleepers and most bedwetters my age don't wear goodnites anymore, but I still thought that I shouldn't have to. Maybe it's the same way about locking pjs. I mean, not as many of us wear them as back zippered pjs, but I know from my polls that quite a few do wear them, especially to sleepovers. On my dealing with bedwetting poll 25 people said locking pjs are the way they stop their bedwetter from taking off their diapers, and most of them said that it was the best way for older kids. Only back-zip pjs had more. (Mitten pjs had 15 and daytime pjs/diapers had 10. btw some people said their kids have barriers or rails on their bed. What are those? :S) Sometimes I think I probably should have them, because sometimes I get Rosa or one of my cousins to unzip me even though technically only the "parent(s) in charge" are allowed to and a lot of the people in my polls said I need them too. I don't know, do you guys think I need locking zipper pjs? How and when should they be used?

Also my grandma is making me some pjs with a zipper in the legs for changes. (its a copy of those monster high jailbird style jammies I showed you but with a back zipper and a leg zipper) Do you think my parents would let me wear it at night if the leg zipper had a locking thingy on it?

I love Harajuku fashion!!! I would totally go for a full-on pastel goth look if I was brave enough for it. I think I know why, Harajuku fashion is influenced by lolita fashion, which takes a lot of little girls fashion and makes it adult. Maybe footy pjs were considered babyish, but a lot of kids, especially girls, wore them into their teens. Maybe the line that divides babyish and cute for an older girl has moved. Like I would hate wearing barney,

Hm... I do have a couple pairs of overalls, but none of them zip up the back. I'd have to ask my parents. It'd be kinda nice, pjs are more comfyable but overalls would be a lot less weird looking to other people. I mean, these days I usually don't even get out of the car until we get to our destination so it's not a huge deal. Do you guys think overalls or a jumper would disguise my diaper better? That's what I care about the most. Its really thick and noticable, especially when its been used a couple times.

@AMW: I'd rather sleep nude haha. My mom wouldn't let me though. Since I'm a bedwetter I have to wear a diaper and the back-zippered footy pjs she picks out for me every night to keep me from taking it off.

I started writing this last night but didn't finish it time. Both my laptop and phone have parental controls on them that keeps me from using them after my bedtime. ):

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2016-06-21 02:08:52

Carg: I do wet a lot more now... Ever since I accepted my condition and stopped fighting my body to stay dry at night I started wetting more. I haven't had a dry night in like two whole months and sometimes I have daytime accidents, but never more than two in a day. (Two in a day doesn't happen very often either) My doctor said that like only a few 5 year olds wet every night and its pretty rare for 5 year olds to wet during the day but kids who don't grow out of it by the time they're teenagers start wetting more often. I think she said that 50% of teen bedwetters wet every night and teen bedwetters that are girls are 4 times more likely to have daytime accidents than boys, so its pretty normal. Though some of it is my fault, like when I'm on a trip it is a lot nicer to use my diaper than stop someplace. I don't have to hold it and also don't have to get out the car, which can be embarassing.

I just hope it stops before college. I know its a long way away and I really shouldn't be worrying about it, but I don't want to be stuck with one of the colleges in my hometown just because I have to live at home because of my wetting problems. I haven't told this to very many people, but I think I can share it with you two because you all have been so non-judgemental about my wetting, but please don't hold this against me, I'm not trying to brag. At school we have these things called MAP tests you take twice a year, and this last year my teacher showed me my scores. (They aren't supposed to, but he made an exception for me.) Since 6th grade I have been scoring in the 99th percentile of exiting high school seniors in every subject. In 7th grade my reading score was 283 and that actually put me in in the 101st percentile, it was literally off the chart and I've been off the chart in reading for every test since then. I told a couple friends but nobody believed me. ): I probably don't have good enough grades to get into Harvard, but I really want to go to a good school that will challenge me. High school never really challenged me and its been soooooo terribly horribly boring. But what if I'm still wetting like this by then? I would have to live in the dorms my first year, at least that's what Rosa said most colleges make you do, but what if I still have to wear back zippered pjs at night? What if my bladder gets worse and I start day-wetting all the time and have to wear a thick diaper all day? I don't want to give up my education because of my bladder, but living in the dorms with the issues I have sounds like absolute f#@king hell.

I mean, I've wanted mittens on my pjs for a while, but I was thinking of the kind you can take off when you're not using them. I guess that would be more of an actual consequence than the mittens I was thinking of. Since I wouldn't be able to use my phone or tablet wearing them sounds like it would be a lot like being grounded haha. Idk, I'll probably only bring it up as a last resort. I already eat pretty healthily, but an earlier bedtime is another option I could run past the parental units. Getting up earlier... notsomuch haha xD

As for the little keeper sleeper, their designs are pretty good, though I wish they had one in pink and black like that Monster High one or at least black and white stripes. The thing is I'm really not a fan of how tight they are. Even if I was wearing them for Halloween, my parents would make me wear some form of protection underneath. Like you'd probably even be able to tell if I was wearing a goodnite under those, I can't even imagine how obvious my night time diapers would be under a Little Keeper Sleeper. Idk about the tab tho, I couldn't find a picture of it on the site. Overall I like nray's idea of my Grandma making more of my pjs, she always does a really good job. ^-^ I only Halloween is a long way away, but maybe I can get her to make my costume. She say she will only make me back zipper pjs until I am more responsible, but maybe she can put in a ankle to ankle zipper since its a halloween costume as well as pjs!

I just think of an ankle to ankle zipper as the same thing as a drop seat but for people who wear protection. But unfortunately my parents vetoed the idea for my night-time pajamas, they still think that the only way I will keep my pjs and diapers on at night is wearing back zippered jammies. My Dad said later that I can have them once I'm mature enough to wear front-zippered pjs to bed, but he made it clear that I'm still a long way from that. On the flip side, I would be allowed to have a zipper in the legs in my lounge jammies, but I don't really see how that's useful as I wear pull-ups with lounge pjs and most of them already have a zipper going down one leg.

I think what you said was the reason that back zippered pjs are mainly for bedwetters. Most non-bedwetters would rather have a zipper in front to make it easier to use the bathroom, but since most bedwetters wear diapers under their pjs they don't need the easy bathroom access. Plus a lot of bedwetters (myself included) aren't allowed to take off their protection without permission, so a back zipper just makes more sense, especially when you consider that most teen bedwetters usually wear footy pajamas to bed already.

Idk carg, I feel like there's a difference between "cute" and "babyish" pajamas. Like I wouldn't wear pjs with baby bottles and pacifiers on them, but Disney is Disney. It's not just me, every other girl I know loves Disney too. I guess the worst part about Adult Baby pajamas is that the zipper locks shut on them. I probably wouldn't put forward "Adult Baby PJs" as a consequence, if I did, I'd say locking-zipper pajamas since they are the same thing. High school a place where you can be criticized for the smallest fashion choices, at least it is for girls, I appreciate that you can understand that. (=

nray: It's cool that you know that tho! (: Do you watch anime??

About losing front zip pajama privledges, how long do you think the set period should be where I would wear my nighttime stuff? I normally get that stuff on an hour before bedtime, and sometimes I'll put my lounge pjs anytime from right away in the morning to late afternoon. The time I change into them most often is after supper though. It's just a lot less stressful to have to worry about making it to the bathroom when the stakes aren't quite as high. And how long after the end should I get my pjs back? Like I said, I'm pretty confident about my chances so err on the side of something my parents will accept. (:

My parents decide what I wear for protection, and if they think I need a diaper cover and stuffer I probably do. shrug I only wear them in the car and at other people's houses though, and the only place I ALWAYS wear a stuffer is when I'm wearing protection for a long drive. At home I almost never wear them and when I stay over at Rosa's I only wear the cover.

So are you saying I should ask my parents to let me wear a youth diaper instead of goodnites? Maybe... I mean Rosa always lectures me about being too old for goodnites too. :| They don't hold that much and have a tendency to leak, but I do like goodnites because they're basically invisible under my lounge pjs. I can go to Walmart or Pizza Ranch with my parents while wearing them and nobody will notice. (tho it is still pretty embarassing if I see someone from school, if it's not too hot I'll wear a hoodie) Are those Tena briefs pull-ups or full tape-on diapers? Because the other reason I like goodnites is because pull-ups are easy to use the bathroom in. Since I really only wear them during the day, that's pretty important for me. But I guess there's really no harm in trying something different just for a little bit. I'll think about it and maybe I'll ask my parents sometime.

About mittens, I mean the punishment doesn't necessarily need to fit the crime and anyway it's ultimately up to my parents what the consequences will be. I'll forward the idea of mittens to them. I'm not worried about wetting without protection during the next two weeks anyway so it doesn't matter that much what the consequences are. Tbh tho, the only way I'd fail the test is if I take of my protection at the wrong time so maybe I should have mitten pjs for these next two weeks! (jk lol xP)

Anyway, my two week test for 2 piece pjs starts on Tuesday when my Dad get back from Seattle and that's also my deadline for coming up with consequences. Here's my plan, let me know if you think there should be any changes. After I wake up in the morning, change into my goodnites and lounge pjs right after my parents let me out of my night time stuff unless we are going someplace right away in the morning. If we're going someplace that I can't wear my pjs, I'll change in day clothes and use the bathroom right before we leave, but I'm ok with wearing them to the video store or the grocery store and places like that. (I really wish I had pajama pants that I could wear over my goodnite instead tho :\ Even footy pajama pants would be ok) I'll wear them until 6, then I'll ask my parents to change me into my nighttime pjs and diaper. If I leave the house I'll bring my diaper bag or at the very least put a goodnite or two in my shoulderbag and if I'll be somewhere past six I'll pack a couple nighttime diapers and my back zippered pjs. Hanging out with people shouldn't be too much of a problem, I'm wearing my lounge pjs half the time I'm with Rosa and her sister anyway and I really don't hang out with that many other people. xD

I agree with what Carg said, my teammates and classmates would definitely notice the back zipper if they didn't ask me or someone else about it, they would wonder about it to themselves. I mean my teammates have noticed that I always wear footy pjs on the bus and some people who aren't even on the team have even come up to me later and why I like them so much or where they can buy some. If they saw me in my nighttime stuff that would DEFINITELY lead to rumours.

Teachers aren't supposed to give out their phone numbers to students, but maybe that could work. IDK, I'd want an assurance before I end up wearing my nighttime outfit on a school trip. Plus I'd still have to stupidly thick & noisy diapers under my back-zip pjs on the bus ride, what can I do about that?

Ok my mom is telling me I need to go get my night time stuff on. I'll finish up this post once I'm changed! <333 UPDATE: I'm finished! My mom got kinda mad at me for getting my stuff on late again but I didn't get in any trouble over it. whew It's almost my bedtime now tho, I'm gonna go get my diaper check done and go to bed. Thank you two soooo much for listening to me rant and not judging me! :3 Goodnight everybody! :*

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2016-06-11 01:33:08

It's "Kawaii Desu," (-= but yeah I don't mind being short. I get made fun of sometimes for it but usually it not in a mean way. Everyone else just seems so giant though. :0

My Grandma is really crazy good at sewing. She made me the night-time jammies I'm wearing right now for Christmas actually. They have a special double security tab that holds the zipper in place even if you get your finger under the tab and try to push it down. I guess if the all-in-one company wouldn't put in zippers that go up the legs she probably could. I would still have to ask my parents if its ok though. To tell the truth I know I'm not mature enough to choose my own pjs anyway so its totally up to them and even then I don't know if I'm even responsible enough to wear pajamas that I can take off myself. :\

What do you mean when you say lose front zip pajama privileges? Im already not allowed to wear them as actual pajamas, but I can wear them during the day if I have a goodnite on. The thing is, I can put them on pretty much whenever I want. Once I'm allowed to take off my nighttime diaper and pjs I can change directly into my tinkerbelle footies and new tinkerbelle goodnites if I want to and wear them until I have to get ready for bed or at the very latest I can put on my spongebob footies and other goodnites two hours before I have to put my nighttime diaper. So would I just change into my nighttime stuff at the normal time? Or would I have to put on my night time stuff on earlier since I'm not wearing my lounge pjs?

I actually wouldn't mind having pajamas with mittens as a consequence. Target has these leopard print footy pajamas with paw style mittens that I really want. I guess since I would be getting them as a punishment they would have to zip up in the back but I wouldn't mind that too much.¯_(ツ)_/¯ Plus I can't think of any patterns that would be very embarrasing either. I guess its not much of a consequence haha but its still an idea.

I think my plan should work too, especially if I change into lounge pjs and goodnites as soon as I get my nighttime pjs off in the morning. That's a good point you made about dehydration though, I'll definitely be sure to drink a lot of water. (:

It might be worth the risk to wear my night-time diapers on school trips, but I'm scared to do it. I mean I would definitely sleep better, but its pretty easy for people to tell when I'm wearing them, even when I'm wearing my nighttime jammies over them. They are sooooo not inconspicuous, they puff out a bunch in front and almost go up to my belly button, and are even worse in back, where the diaper is biggest. Plus when I'm diapered for the car or when I'm staying away from home I wear a stuffer and then a plastic diaper cover that to protect me from leaks, at which point you can easily tell what I'm wearing from pretty much any angle at a glance. I suppose I could wear a robe, if my parents would buy me one, (I always put my diapers and nighttime pjs on right after my shower so I never needed one), but that doesn't solve the sound issue. My nighttime diapers are part plastic so they are loud enough already, but when I'm wearing one of my diaper covers it literally makes noise every time I take a step or shift my weight so it's pretty much impossible for me to stop crinkling.

But if I wear my nighttime diapers, I'd also have to wear my nighttime jammies too, and that means I need to find a teacher to help me get ready for bed. If it turns out I get a teacher to help, what if I'm sitting in my hotel room when I realize I have to use the bathroom? At home I'd probably just use the diaper but here I don't know when I'm able to get changed next, so I have to track down the teacher through the hallways filled with my friends and a bunch of kids from my school and other local schools while obviously wearing a diaper. I mean, I could wait until morning, but then the diaper will probably be even bigger because its wet and if I do somehow leak then everyone will be able to see the wet spots on my pjs until I find the teacher. But even then that doesn't change much because when I do find the teacher I'd just get a dry diaper and dry pjs to wear on the bus ride home.

And also since I feel back-zippered footy pjs are really only worn by bedwetters, don't you think my classmates would notice the back zipper and put it together even if I wasn't diapered underneath? (yeah I know I wore one on PJ day, but wearing something to spirit week is WAY different than actually wearing it to bed in front of your teammates and other people)

Plus not everyone is supportive, I've only told 3 of my friends I wear diapers and even then only my BFF Rosa is the only friend who has ever seen me wearing them. True, some people were super cool about it and didn't judge me, but I feel like a lot more people just silently judge me and I have been made fun of before because of it too.

I'm not really sure what kind of diapers they are, I've never got a good look at the box, my parents keep it in their closet and I'm not allowed in there. If I need a change my parents just grab me one. Why would a smaller youth cut be better for me? :S