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User: KitsuneAngel1


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Posted in Choose my pjs on 2017-07-22 20:47:42

Sorry I took so long everybody! I've been enjoying the summer! <3

Thank you for the compliments everybody! I feel like it took me a long time to stop being so scared about what other people think of me and realize that the stuff my parents were making me do is what's best for me, even if it's embarassing sometimes, it's not like their goal is to embarass me.

I feel like I've adjusted to wearing diapers during the day now. It's not that big of a deal anymore, like I'll still wear pull-ups for certain occasions but for the most part I stick to my tape-on Abenas. If I'm at home I don't wear anything else. It's nice not to worry about leaks or having to change as often, since I can use them 2 or 3 times before they start to get full. I'm still on my 2nd diaper! ^_^

About the weather getting warmer, we have central air at our house so the temperature outside isn't a big deal. I've been wearing my back-zippered footies all day. :)

About the locking zip, I actually put it on a pair of my front zippered pjs myself and wore them yesterday just to try it, but I kept the key and I didn't wear them for very long cuz we went out to eat. IDK, I just don't really see a reason to put a lock on anymore.

I'm not sure about compression shorts. I don't wear them. :\ I do have a bunch of onesies now though and those help with the sound some and stops them from sagging so I'm not waddling around as much if I wet in public. I don't think I really need new clothes tbh. I'm been wearing diapers full time for quite a while now so almost all my clothes work with them and I have a pretty good system right now. If I'm going to be at home for a long time I can just wear my pjs, and if I'm going out and going to be wearing my tape-on abenas for some reason a onesie and a pair of overalls disguise it pretty well (thank god overalls are still in fashion from 2015!) and I've figured out what bottoms work with the Abena pull-ups too. I can still wear the kinda-skinny jeans (I was definitely already using the larger waist size trick haha) I wore with goodnites as long as they're high waisted and I wear a onesie with them! :D I mean, I can't wear leggings which kinda sucks and I have to wear shorts under any skirts or dresses if I'm going to something formal, but its not that horrible.

I do wish that more places made clothes that were more diaper friendly though. Like overalls + a onesie are the best option if I have to wear an Abena out of the house but they SUCK to take off if I have to change. Footy jammies for older kids still have the zipper that goes down the leg, which my Mom says is to make changes easier, (and also why I only buy footies from the kids section) why can't other clothes for older kids have the same kinda stuff?

About having a friend try a diaper at a sleepover: No I haven't offered, it never occured to me and I don't see why they'd want to. I mean it's a medical thing, it'd be like asking someone if they want to wear your cast or try your inhaler or something. :S

About the mattress protector, I just started wearing a diaper cover with my nighttime diapers and my parents let me get rid of it. It makes a lot more noise but nobody who doesn't know what I'm wearing is usually around after I get ready for bed anyway. I'd rather wear a noisy diaper cover for 2-3 hours than have a mattress protector all the time.

About brands: I switched off of Goodnites and got Abena pull-ups. They're a lot thicker, which is OK since like 95% of my clothes are diaper friendly, and they're not very noisy. The only downside about them is if they get really wet I walk a little weird since it gets so thick between my legs, but at the point a goodnite would've leaked so it's still better lol. Tbh my night diaper situation is pretty OK, if they leak at all most if the time it's actually through the top, usually because I didn't get it taped on tight enough, and it's almost never more than a couple little wet spots. I'll keep Baincos in mind though if I ever want a change of pace.

Carg, about what you said about one pieces being more pratical, I agree. I was in too much of a rush to start wearing more "mature" pjs that I got ahead of myself and stopped thinking about what was best for me. The whole point of going from one to two-piece pjs is that you can use the toilet easier, but I need to be able to get to the toilet first lol. I realized I just wanted to look more "mature" without actually being there. :\ I feel like when I can start wearing pull-ups to bed, then I can "graduate" to two piece pjs, but I'll let my parents decide when that is. On the plus side, they're work pretty good if I'm going with my parents for a quick trip out of the house. The elastic on the bottoms makes them fit over my pull-ups better than jeans and if I'm wearing shoes they really just look like pj pants to most people and the top makes a cute sweater I can wear if its chilly out. (:

I don't even keep them in my pajama drawer anymore lol, they're basically dayclothes now.

About camp, Well when I went to camp I stayed in the "IC" dorm. (It's the same camp, just a different dorm.) If I had a choice of which dorm to stay, I think I'd still stay there. The only real downside is having less free time outside of the dorm than everyone else. (We have to be in the dorm by 7 but most of the other people there have to be in the dorm at 9. The deans start getting everyone ready for bed at 7 too, but we still have the same amount of free time as everybody else, we just have to spend it in the dorm.) Otherwise bedtime and lights out are at the same time (10 and 10:30). Seeing my friends from last time is nice, and I don't have to worry about being judged or made fun of when I'm there either.

So anyway, I just had some free time and wanted to update you guys. I'll probably edit with more stuff later but my Mom is going out to pick up milk and I need to have her help me with my pjs before she leaves haha.

edit: In response to nray's question about sitters and back zippered pjs: I know it's something I shouldn't be, but that's something I'm still kinda embarassed about since the implication is that I'm not mature enough to know I need to wear protection. Wearing them around my parents isn't a big deal, but sitters don't have the context that my parents and Rosa's mom do. Wearing them at night is one thing, and I can't really do much about that, but I feel like wearing them around sitters during the daytime too means that they'll think I'm always trying to take them off. Like the first time I wore them around a couple sitters, they thought that I couldn't be trusted to keep my diapers on at all unless I was wearing my back zippered pjs. In fact, I'm pretty sure one of the back-up sitters still thinks that. If I get my pjs on early she always pushes me towards wearing back zips and she's had me get ready for bed right after supper every single time she's been watching me.

edit #2: Carg, you asked if I'd like pjs with short arms and legs and I missed it earlier. I hadn't really thought about it but it would be nice. (: Anya wore something like what you were describing at camp and it was cute af. It was kinda like a onesie, except it had short sleeves and legs and had snaps on the shoulders instead of between the legs. She's always wearing the most adorable stuff, I need to remember to ask her where she gets her clothes. Maybe my parents will let me get one like that.

Btw, do you mean I should ask if I can get short sleeve pjs as loungewear or sleepwear? Cuz I feel like it would be hard to find something like that that my parents would let me sleep in. :| For loungewear or even dayclothes it would be awesome tho: Like I never thought about how I have a bunch of sleeveless onesies and a few long sleeve ones but none with short sleeves! xD

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2017-05-04 01:34:54

This response is to Nray. I'm going to watch a movie with my Dad so I don't have time to respond to you rn xerious, but thanks for responding! <3 I'll try to post one tomorrow!

Yeah, I figured I should update you guys. (:

About wearing back-zips more often now: It's also kinda nice not to have access to my diaper unless I really need it and its OK with my parents, like for a change or something. Part of that is if I start feeling embarassed or don't want to wear it at some point during the day, I like not to have the option of taking it off, at least without running it by my parents first, it helps me get used to wearing them during the day. Plus, I've been trying to work on WHEN I go before I start working on WHERE I go and wearing back zips make sure I stay focused on that.

I still wear my front zips pretty often, especially when I'm home alone or have someone watching me, but its definitely not like before where I'd never ever put on my back zips before I had to. It depends a lot on what's going on and how I'm feeling.

If I'm going out of the house, like to a store or something, that's pretty much the only time when I'll wear my 2 piece footies with goodnites if I'm not going to be wearing normal dayclothes, especially since its warmer out now so it doesn't make sense to wear a top with one piece pjs to try to disguise them. I try to avoid wearing abenas out and about as much as I can since they're so obvious under my pjs, especially when they're wet. (Though wearing a onesie helps with the sagging at least) It's not always possible, but since I'm older now my parents will usually let me stay home alone for longer if they're going out so its not often that I end up wearing abenas in public thank god.

Also, no, I still have to get ready for bed at the same time, but its not as big of a deal. If I change or use the bathroom anytime after supper I'll just put on my nighttime diaper and my back-zippered jammies (if I don't already have them on) instead of maybe wasting an abena by waiting until 8 to do it, so I usually have all my bedtime stuff on earlier than I really need to anyway.

I did get a new mattress protector, and it's better, but I was actually gonna try to convince my parents to let me get rid of it totally. I think if I start wearing a diaper cover at night they'll probably let me go without one.

About camp, yeah, I'm probably only going to camp for one week this year though. :\

I was just talking about using the locking zipper during sleepovers, but yeah, I was kinda thinking that too, that's why I asked. So you think offering to put on my sleepover stuff (night diaper, stuffer and cover) and back zippered pjs before I go to her house for the sleepover and doing the same but with abenas for hanging out during the day will be enough to make sure my parents still let me sleep over there? That wouldn't be too bad, I mean, its not like I don't already put on abenas before I head over there most of the time anyway. I have a question though, how does the tape or stitching on the zipper cover help? I don't think that would stop Rosa from unzipping me if I asked her to. :S

I might still keep the locking zipper idea on the backburner tho. Tbh I'd rather wear a locking zip at Rosa's for a while than not be able to hang out or sleep over with her period.

I've been thinking about that also, but I don't know what to do. I don't want to stop wearing pull-ups during the day, but I guess I will if I have to. Do you know about any more absorbent pull-ups I can use? Ones that are thin and quiet but don't leak easily? Whether or not they look like diapers isn't really an issue anymore, I wear onesies with any pants that aren't high waisted enough to make sure nobody can see. I doubt I can find anything that can replace abenas for around the house, but I do need something to wear out and about, like to school.

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2017-04-27 19:33:38

Btw nray, I tried your advice about putting on abenas right after I get home from school and I actually still do that most days. Is it weird that nowadays I'd rather wear Abenas around the house than pull-ups? For real though, after wearing Abenas during the day for a while I tried going back to goodnites when I ran out of Abenas and couldn't do it. I felt like I wouldn't be able to use them without leaking and they're less comfy to wear too. I literally wore them for like 20 minutes and changed into a nighttime diaper instead. I think the experience with Abenas got me too see the bright side about back zip pjs too. Nowadays I'm pretty sure I wouldn't take off my diaper during the night anyway, so its no loss, and since I don't see the zip every time I look down I don't even think about unzipping myself, changing or breaking a rule. I just have to concentrate on knowing when I have to go and getting to a bathroom in time. It's nice. And anyway I feel less bad about it when I do wet because if I'm not already unzipped it's not like I was gonna make it to the bathroom anyway. Idk, I just feel like I've accepted my incontinence and how I have to deal with it. I didn't have school today, and me from last year would have woke up and got dressed immediately, not worn any protection and worried about making it to the bathroom all day. At most, I would've worn a goodnite with my two piece footies and worried about leaks or hiding the goodnite if I wet all day. This morning I was dry, (:D) so I waited until after breakfast to change out of my night time diaper, and right now I'm wearing my back-zippered Little Mermaid footies with an Abena. I get to stay comfy and I have nothing stressing me out. :)

I realized I forgot to reply to Erdman23 too. It's been so long I doubt he'll reply back, but I'm not really doing anything else atm lol.

Idk what you mean. Do you mean onesies as in footy pjs or onesies as in shirts that snap in the legs? If you mean shirt style ones only like 3 girls besides me had to wear daytime protection so like 4, but only Anya wore them every day. (Idk about the boys) One girl wore a onesie to bed under her pj pants and/or her footies tho. If you mean footy pjs nobody wore them during the day. (I guess Anya had a two piece footy set that she sometimes wore during the day, but she was definitely the exception. She had a big idgaf attitude tho, the only girl I know who can pull that off) I didn't really keep track of what everyone wore to bed, but I know there were definitely a couple nights when almost every girl in my dorm was wearing a sleeper of some sort. And no, I wasn't the only one wearing back zip jammies, there was a couple girls who wore them and even I saw a couple boys wearing them too. ^_^

No, the rails weren't there to keep us from getting out of bed. They were just there for safety. I don't remember exactly how tall they were. Tall enough to make getting out of bed awkward but not impossible.

And I read this a while ago and forgot about it. Idk, I do feel bad about having Rosa (it's RosA btw, not Rose or Ross) unzip me sometimes. I'd probably feel better about it if I confessed, but again idk. Do you guys think offering to put a locking zipper on my nighttime jammies and offering to put them on over my nighttime diapers before I get dropped off at Rosa's for a while will make it OK?

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2017-04-27 17:46:58

Omg, I'm so sorry to hear that. :'( On the bright side, your parents have to know how much you love them since you put so much time into caring for them. It's very noble of you to do that. You're a really good son. :)

No, I really only wear them with pull-ups nowadays. My parents offered to get me another set for the spring but I said no because I don't really use them that often. Tbh I actually feel more babyish wearing the 2 piece cuz of how obvious the diaper is. The only nice thing about it is I don't have to take the top off when I use the bathroom lol.

Ok. I don't really wear the leg zipper ones that often anymore either haha.

And no I didn't ask for them, they just got them for me. And yeah me too. That would suck. D:

I can take them off with the mittens on, its just a lot harder. If I want to actually make it to the bathroom in time I have to take them off.

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2017-01-31 22:24:46

To nray:

So you're saying you think if I put my abenas on earlier I won't have to get ready for bed as early? I'd basically have to get them on right after I get home from school, but I'm down to try it for a while and see if it works. I don't think I'd want to wear my dayclothes with them though... skirts are totally out of question and the abenas go up high enough on me that they would stick up out the top of my pants. (Plus I'm not sure that skinny jeans would hide an abena that well anyway xD)

Yeah, I also get the feeling I'm outgrowing goodnites sometimes. A lot of my family are surprised I still wear them and my Grandma won't even let me wear them around her house. She's kinda like Rosa's mom where she thinks pull-ups are ok if I'm gonna be out and about but I need something more absorbent if I'm going to stay around the house. Idk though, I really do like the indepence and convinience of pull-ups, even if they leak a lot more often. And then they also feel a lot less like I'm wearing diapers and more like I'm wearing quote unquote "big girl" underwear, which I like, but tape style ones give me a better sense of security and its also nice that I don't have to go get changed immediately after an accident like with goodnites.

Do you think I should give up trying to get my parents to let me wear different pjs, or at least give up on trying get them to let me wear night time pjs that don't have a back zipper, until I'm 18? Nobody in my polls thinks I should wear anything different and my parents don't seem budge on it either. :\

No, I don't share the results with my parents. I would if they said that my parents should be more relaxed with the rules, but since like 99% of people agree with them I don't see the point. I'll ask my parents about the quilted mattress pad for sure and try to run a later bedtime past them too, but I'm not optimistic about that.

Let's see, we had a few out of town meets for speech, but except for one we had a coach bus with bathrooms on it so protection wasn't a big deal, and the time we didn't we had to leave the school at 5am so I wore my blue Frozen footies with Anna on them and a goodnite. I remember because I was nervous about wearing such kiddish pjs, but since it was 5am pretty much everyone who wasn't wearing sweatpants was wearing their pjs so it was ok lol. Plus its a smaller team and I already kinda have a reputation for wearing footies/onesies a lot with them. Some of the other teams gave me some weird looks, but nobody said anything mean.

We went to my Grandma's for Christmas. It was a 9 hour drive there so I wore what I normally wear for long car trips. Tbh car trips aren't bad at all, usually the only time I have to get out of the car is for changes and since I wear my nighttime diapers with a stuffer that's not very often, I'm just glad we didn't fly. My family and relatives are all really accepting of my problem too, I mean it was still a little embarassing, especially cuz I had a lot more daytime accidents than normal, but it's not like they expect me to stay totally dry during the day anymore anyway. :\ They made sure not to post any pictures to fb where my diaper was obvious, which was nice, but there was some little things. Like having to get ready for bed after supper (all the kids have to at my grandma's) which meant that I put my night time diapers on at the same time my little cousin had to get his underjams on or my grandma insisting that I change into a fresh night-time diaper instead of an Abena and keep my back zippered jammies on for Christmas morning. Stuff like that. Overall I had a good time though. (:

To bulklover: (My mom loves costco too lol)

I actually got a set with mittens for Christmas. It doesn't have footies so my feet get cold but otherwise I like it. I think it's from target, it's like a cheetah print onesie with a hood, tail and little paw mittens. I really like the fact that its more of a neutral design too. Since I don't usually wear the more kiddish ones (like my frozen or tinkerbelle ones) outside of the house much, the more "adult" styled ones (adult for a onesie at least) wore out a lot faster so my lounge pajama drawer is basically all cartoon and disney stuff right now. I mean, I still love my hello kitty and disney princess pjs, but it's nice to have the option of wearing something more mature once in a while too. The mittens are a nice touch too, they're warm and awful cute and you can flip your hands out of them and back into them easily. If you're talking about me getting more pjs like those ones, with flip-off mittens but with feet, I'm totally for it, but it sounds like you're talking about the kind with "always-on" mittens.

Tbh, I'd rather wear footies with a locking zipper, even if it was in the back, than wear ones that have mittens I can't take off myself. Like right now I get ready for bed two hours before bedtime, which means if I had to wear those kind of pjs I'd basically lose two hours of my day. Like I couldn't use my phone or the computer or even do homework or chores. I tried drinking a glass of water with the mittens from the cheetah pjs on. It took both hands and I still ended up spilling a bunch of it. so idk how I'd eat snacks or get a drink and I'm pretty sure my parents don't want to literally feed me every night. I mean a locking zipper is something I'm not at all stoked about, but having to wear mittens that are permanently attached to my nighttime pjs would totally. utterly. suck. But even with the mittens nothing is stopping me from getting out of bed and asking my parents to unzip me for the bathroom, at least if I'm awake, so I wouldn't be "forced" to use diapers and tbh I'd rather not be "forced" to do so in the first place. Like exactly 0% of that experience sounds "fun," it sounds difficult and really, really, really annoying.

Uh btw pacificer. I'm sorry but I clicked on your profile and you made up like 5 different ages and stories in the space of five posts, so uh... leave please? kthxbye