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User: AkaliVonette13



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Posted in Spanked Unfairly? on 2014-04-01 05:04:51

When we were young my friend and I would always do stuff and blame her older brother for it. He'd get spanked bare-assed in front of us half the time:) Lol, it was so fun!!! Her mom wouldn't always believe her, but I was the innocent little girl next door who would never tell a lie... OR WOULD I?!!! Honestly I just wanted to check out his cute little bum. He was SOOOO HAUGHT!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!

If I found some guy's clothes, I'd for sure take them, lol! Don't know if I'd throw them out or destroy them, but I'd def hide them somewhere he'd never ever ever find them. JK, he can find them eventually. I just want to see him run around naked looking for them first. I'd act all innocent, lol, even offer to help.

Posted in Spying on people bathing (version 2) on 2013-04-18 06:55:54

My friend and I spyed on her brother (older) when I was young. We looked through a window and saw him in the shower, lol! It was tons of fun:P I've also watched guys in locker rooms shower and sat and watched the boys I babysit take a bath, but I'm not sure either one counts since they know I'm there.

Posted in Family Change Rooms on 2013-03-11 07:10:28

I use family change rooms whenever I can!!! Of course, I don't actually change or shower naked in them;P I just come in to check out all the naked guys. I love how all the dads with the young kids just stip naked and walk around or shower with their cute butts showing and their little $%!@s swinging back and forth! THEY DON'T EVEN CARE IF I SEE THEM!!! And some are't all that small really;P

Posted in Girls only. Spying on neighbour on 2012-03-18 02:58:16

Yeah, I'm 14 now and he's 19. He is lucky we don't go to the same school anymore, lol. We'd probably bring it up every chance we got to embarrass him:P I know I'd find some way of embarrassing him further if he was around, but he's off to college :( so we can't have any fun.