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Posted in Gagged In Protest on 2012-04-20 22:00:51

The first time I ever saw a gagged protest was when I saw a group of people protesting California's Proposition 8... and almost all the protesters were gagged. I found it very interesting, but still never thought it to be something I would be participating in, until one of my friends dragged me along to a protest, about a year ago, against the military's (old) "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. There were probably about thirty or so protesters - most of whom were students - and it was not until we had arrived that I discovered it was a gagged protest! Although most of the protesters did not have gags on at that moment, I could see a few of them putting gags on themselves and gagging each other, and it seemed that everyone else had a gag and just hadn't put it on yet. However, when another student came around and offered me to choose from a piece of duct tape or a long strip of material, I refused, figuring that I could just protest without having to be gagged. I went over to get a sign from my friend's car, and by the time I started walking back towards the group, almost every single protester was gagged, though I tried not to feel awkward that I wasn't. But as I was standing there, two random boys that I didn't know came over and gagged me! While one of them restrained me from behind, the other stuffed a handkerchief in my mouth, took out a bandanna and tied a large knot in the middle, then tied that tightly through my mouth, and before I could do anything, they both ran away to the other side of the crowd. I was shocked and pretty ticked off at them, but also a little glad that I wouldn't be the only one (standing out) by not being gagged. We marched through the street waving our signs and drawing attention from the people walking by... and though some had negative reactions, many seemed to support us and our cause. Since then, my friends and I have participated in three other protests, all of which I was gagged in (though never again by complete strangers). I am not quite comfortable being gagged during a protest - not only does it draw attention to the protesters and the cause, but it also helps to get the point across that whoever/whatever we're protesting is trying to silence dissent.

Posted in Belly Buttons on 2012-04-20 20:37:35

A few months ago when I was babysitting my five year old niece, she started coloring on my bare belly with a pencil. It was digging into my skin and making marks - it hurt so I told her to stop. But she just kept scribbling on my belly with the pencil! Finally, I just found a pink washable marker and gave that to her instead. She's pretty stubborn and I doubted she would have stopped, no matter what I did... and at least markers aren't sharp and pointy. She started drawing little hearts, flowers, smiley faces, and doodley designs all over my belly, and basically using it as a drawing board. When her parents came home, she pulled up my shirt and showed them her drawings. I was so embarrassed, but they thought it was hilarious! I thought it was a one-time thing, but ever since then it's been happening every time I go over to babysit. My niece will ask me to wear one of my "belly button shirts" so that everyone can see her "pretty pictures" and if I'm not wearing a crop top, she'll just pull up my shirt and turn my belly into a work of art anyway! She draws all kinds of doodles and pictures with different colored markers, and even puts tiny stickers inside my belly button! At first, I was just not quite sure how to put a stop to it. But thankfully the markers are washable, and it really seems harmless... I've been letting it go on. I don't mind getting a colorful belly - in fact, I kind of like it. :)

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Posted in Tickle Tickle Tickle on 2012-04-20 16:54:14

I am really really really ticklish, and I absolutely LOVE to be tickled! Though I am ticklish almost everywhere, my ribs, belly, sides, and feet are the most ticklish, and my belly button is especially ticklish. Although I do sometimes put myself in a vulnerable position by going barefoot and wearing crop tops, I often don't have to, because everyone already knows that I am ticklish! I have been tickled my my friends, my cousins, my niece, my nephew, my boyfriend... they torture me mercilessly! My little seven year old nephew loves to sneak up behind me and tickle me when I'm not expecting it. He squiggles his fingers all over my belly and pokes his fingers inside my belly button. It tickles SO much! Even though he's only a little kid, he can be pretty evil when it comes to tickling me. But, I love it. :)

Posted in Noisy Hungry Belly on 2012-04-20 15:09:25

My belly is EXTREMELY talkative, especially when I'm hungry. Sometimes it's not so bad, and my belly gurgles quietly enough that only I can hear it. When I'm really hungry my belly makes very loud low-pitched growls and gurgles that echo through my empty belly. My belly growls whenever I'm hungry. I don't usually eat breakfast, so it is often really loud in the morning. Since I spend most of my morning in class at school, most of the people I know have heard my noisy hungry belly. :( One of my classes is a lecture that is completely silent except for the teacher talking, because all we do is take notes. I always rub my belly and push on it with my fist to try to keep it quiet, but my belly always growls really loudly in that class, and EVERYONE notices! It is so embarrassing. :( Even when I'm not in school though, my belly still growls and gurgles a lot. Although I don't usually wear crop tops to class, I do on the weekends and during vacations, especially when it's nice weather. My belly always seems to growl louder when it is exposed. I think it's way more noticeable. Most of the time I don't mind my loud talkative belly, but during class, it is one of the worst things ever. I wish it would just shut up while I'm in school!