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User: laura987


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Posted in Genital Spanking on 2016-01-01 07:14:40

I have to say, that first story is so ridiculously fake that I don't understand why someone would waste time writing it (or posting it).

That said, this definitely does occur - with boys at least. I would be opposed to hitting a girl on her genitals. Boys, however, are often unruly and both corporal punishment and nudity are useful in modifying their behavior. I keep my own son (now 15) naked in a variety of situations and have since he was young. Naturally, he will act up from time to time while naked; sometimes BECAUSE he is naked and embarrassed he decides to complain or disobey. Like most caring mothers, I correct his behavior - often with a swat on the behind. I almost always use my hand, but have been known to use a wound-up towel like a whip. When his cute little bum is not readily available I swat what I can reach. This primarily means his genitals. I've found that a swift swat wakes up his little peepee and that it is quite painful for him when I hit his little balls. Such a slap has him reeling in pain and is far more effective than one on the butt. As such I've found myself targeting his genitals more than his behind in the last few years. I'll often give him gentle taps down there when he starts to get whiney to get his attention and remind him of what will come if his inappropriate behavior continues.

Posted in Girls in men's changing room on 2015-12-10 03:47:28

To answer truthfully, yes, I do find it amusing. What woman wouldn't enjoy watching a red-faced guy being forced to expose his dangling peepee and cute little bum to the opposite sex? Seeing them embarrassed is just as good as seeing their naked bodies.

However, stripping a guy to punish him in a cfnm manner is more about what he will experience than what I will. A naked guy NEEDS to feel completely vulnerable and mortified by his predicament - so much so that he will NEVER want to experience it again and will modify his actions accordingly. That said, it is important that he DOES in fact experience it again and again and again - possibly with increasing levels of exposure and degrees of humiliation. Punishing him in this manner for progressively minor missteps is effective in tightening up his behavior and generating a critical level of helplessness. He will eventually realize that he must show the utmost respect for females and his proper position in relation to them is one without clothes. Though he may still feel embarrassed at his nudity in cfnm situations, he must do his best to display the proper masculine lack of modesty.

This extensive transformation of both thought and behavior will take time and effort on the part of both sexes to make happen, and it is difficult to practice in many public places because of society's currant laws. So, yes, it is enjoyable, but it is also worth it and should be strived for.

Posted in Bath together (kids/teens) on 2014-06-22 05:31:16

Well, we are really going off-topic now. I am admittedly a bit of a feminist, but some of the things you say just aren't true. First of all, it is well known that "$%!@ envy," along with most of Freud's ideas, has long been discarded by modern psychologists as total rubbish, so let's please put talk of that aside. Additionally, feminist ideas don't make one superior and don't create double-standards. Instead ideas such as those I've been espousing merely allow a veil to be lifted from the eyes of those preconditioned to see only the supposed equality that our society constantly tells us we already have. Men AND women clothed is not equality. Men AND women nude is not equality. Natural and societal imbalances between the sexes already exist and can only be corrected via seeming inequality. That's where CFNM and similar ideas and practices come in. Think of it as a sort of weird Affirmative Action.

Posted in Bath together (kids/teens) on 2014-06-21 01:42:39

Thanks for the quick and detailed answers Luke. It sounds like the right approach was taken.

Sam, I think you misunderstand some of what I was asking. The situation is inherently sexual when non-family members of opposite sexes are put into situations where one sex is naked and the other is not - particularly because of the age-range we are discussing. This is a socialized feeling. However, I am suggesting that it shouldn't necessarily be that way. Luke, though naked in front of and in fact bathed by his friend's older sisters, should not have felt modest or objected. This was of course the approach he adopted given time, but it was not his natural reaction. This lack of modesty, feeling of not being threatened, and general willingness to be fully exposed, even in front of the opposite sex, are all male traits that should be re-socialized into our boys and young men. Quite the opposite is true of girls and young ladies; that is why I was concerned about the little sister.

Posted in Bath together (kids/teens) on 2014-06-15 02:31:56


I have a few questions for you if you don't mind.

It sounds like this was a one-time incident when you were 9. If it wasn't how long did it continue - from what age to what age? Also, how old was the male friend? How old was his sister who was bathed with you? How old were the older sisters and how many were there? I'm assuming you and your friend were both naked, but was the younger sister who was bathed with you?

On a more personal note, the last sentence about you being used to bathing yourself makes it sound like it was a shocking experience, and the story has obviously managed to stick in your head all these years somehow. Were you embarrassed? Did you try to protest? Did the older sisters do a thorough job? Finally, did they take it upon themselves to bath you and the others or were their actions sanctioned by their mother/your mother?

I ask because I have strong feelings on the matter. I am perfectly fine with my own son being bathed by other females. I go so far as to encourage such actions when possible. It's a natural thing that he shouldn't be modest about, and the experience, while potentially embarrassing at first, will be for his own good. He is already significantly older than you were in your story, but I will continue to encourage this behavior for as long as possible. However, I'm not sure I'm ok with the younger sister being bathed with you guys without her having some sort of swimsuit on. Unless she was under, say 5, I don't think this was acceptable.