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User: tuffgrrl


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Posted in Size or Strength? on 2007-07-03 00:00:34

Just about every proud strong athletic young girl eventually finds herself in the humiliating position of getting out-muscled by some nerdy wimp of a boy who has nothing going for him but a big dose of testosterone. Its even worse if you're used to beating him. Life's unfair, but you need to find positive energy. When it happened to me I got so mad that I started training hard. I don't think there is any guy close to my size who is stronger than me just because of "hormonal advantages." But that's not the main thing. Now I train for strength because the stronger I am the better I feel - and look! Of course I'm completely natural.

Posted in Mixed Boxing (girls only) on 2006-05-09 01:39:06

You should be ashamed of yourself. Any 15 year old boy can find plenty of weak girls to beat up on. I'll bet they had no muscle and didn't know how to fight. Just because they had big mouths, thats no reason to hurt them and humiliate them. If you go up against a girl your own size who has some decent muscle and knows how to fight, you'll be the one on your back. Maybe that's already happened and you haven't written about it!

Posted in who is stronger? boys or girls on 2006-03-12 00:36:50

Hey Cragslad I partly agree with you. Girls and boys are pretty equal before boys go thru puberty. Then you boys grow and add alot of strength - I don't know about "a whole nother dimension" though - LOL! Unfortunately us girls stay about the same :-( unless we start lifting alot :-)

Maybe you matured early, but I don't know any boys who got that strong when they were only 11 or 12. A few boys I know were getting pretty tough by 13, but it took most until 14-15 to get noticibly stronger.

Posted in Who has the Muscle, Moms or Teens? on 2006-01-21 18:16:09

LOL - I like that expression. I've had a few boys just about puke up a lung trying to beat me -- usually right before their arm hits the table - LOL. I wouldn't have a chance against you though, unless I caught you early enough in your weight training.

-- Tuffgrrl

Posted in Boys vs. Girls: Age and Strength on 2006-01-11 04:50:34

Oh pahleez, this is toooo much. I've picked up plenty of boys ever since I was pretty small, so I guess BoysRLight and girls are stronger--Right, GirlsRLight!

Ok, some strong young boys are stronger than weak older girls. But some strong young girls are stronger than weak older boys too!

It works both ways--Duh!!