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Abandoning shoes & one shoe - ladies

Question choice about boots

Posted by OneShoeOff on 2016-10-18 02:52:31

Thank you! I'm working on ideas for more polls too.

Posted by lucy_stillman on 2016-10-19 15:16:48

Oh, good to hear that! I look forward to see the last two finished polls officially released, too!

Keep up the good work!

Posted by lucy_stillman on 2017-03-20 15:06:25

Hi, how is the work on the new and old polls going?

Posted by OneShoeOff on 2017-04-11 16:16:19

I've been busy with work and haven't really had time to work on them but will be shortly. Thank you for keeping in touch. My current polls haven't been getting activity for quite a while now either so I'm wondering what is going on with that as well.

Posted by lucy_stillman on 2017-04-18 19:00:49

Hi, I'm happy to read again something from you! Maybe the activity problem on your polls is related to the fact that your last 5 polls don't appear searching for "shoeplay" or "one shoe", while the older ones do. Have you got any idea of what can cause this strange difference?