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Choose my pjs


Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2016-09-09 22:20:44

Sorry it took so long to respond. I was going to respond earlier but the message area wouldn't work for forever. D]=

About failing the challenge: It's because right around the end of the first week my parents switched me to Abenas instead of Goodnites. I don't really mind wearing goodnites around other people, especially if I'm wearing pjs or a onesie so I know nobody will see it if my top comes up for some reason, but Abenas are a totally different story. Even dry, they are pretty thick and definitely rustle when you walk quickly or sit down, even under footy pjs, and if they are wet they are impossible not to notice. They get so thick I walk weird and make a lot of noise at the same time... like my mom can tell when I need a change just by looking at me. Because of that, I really didn't wear them and often as I should have and ended up paying for it. ):

On the plus side, my parents said if I can keep my grades up they would get me two-piece pjs for my birthday in November! c: I'd only be able to wear them as lounge pjs, and even then only as a reward for good behavior, and they're gonna have feeties since it's going to be cold by then, but still! If I get them they will be the first two-piece pjs I've had since before I had to wear goodnites every night again! (: So that's exciting.

Also, my Dad convinced my Mom to compromise on daytime protection like a month ago! Now I'm allowed to wear goodnites under my lounge pjs until 4pm, but if I'm wearing them after 4 I have to wear an Abena until it's time to get ready for bed. Since I get home from school at around 4 anyway, it really only applies on weekends, but it was really nice during the summer because I'd usually change into my lounge pjs pretty early (or immediately after waking up xD) if I didn't have anything going on. Goodnites still aren't allowed at Rosa's house, but progress is progress. :)

I should say that it's not like I hate Abenas, I just hate wearing them outside of my house or Rosa's place. I mean the tapes kinda suck on them so taking them off to use the bathroom sometimes means you need to use different tape. Rosa's mom got me a really cute patterned duck tape to use that works pretty well, but it's still super lame. I don't know why they wouldn't make it so the tapes come off and on easier. But they never leak and are pretty comfyable, so sometimes (tho rarely) I'll wear them even if I don't have to. Like on Labor Day, I just got my pink and black jail stripe footy pjs the night before (the ones with the leg zip) and since I was just gonna play video games all day I changed in my new pjs and an Abena right after breakfast and wore them for until it was time to get ready for bed. (They're lounge pjs cuz of the leg zipper)

For the most part I really like my new jammies, they're look amazingly cute on me and are made out of chenile (sp?) so they're also really soft and super duper comfy. They also hide my Abenas pretty well which is nice. The only lame part is they do zip up the back and have a flap over the zipper like my nighttime pjs, so I need help to put them on or take them off. Unlike my night-time pjs tho, I'm able to change myself without having to get help with the zipper, which is really nice. I thought the leg zipper would work kinda like a butt-flap on other footy pjs I've seen, but it's pretty hard to use the toilet without taking them off all the way so I just used my diapers for most of the day.

About new jammies: I didn't ask my parents about mitten pajamas and just decided to take the earlier bedtime. It was 9 o'clock for two weeks but now it's just 10 o'clock throughout the week and I need to get ready for bed two hours instead of an hour before so it isn't too bad. I didn't really want another set of back-zippered jammies... before I got the jail stripe ones I had 5 lounge pjs and 5 night-time back zippered jammies. I always keep one or two sets of lounge pjs over at Rosa's too and since right now 2 of my night-time jammies are footless and I only have 3 with feet my Mom already ordered another footy one for the fall. Add the mitten pjs to that and I have 8 sets of back-zippered pjs at home but only 4 front zip ones, which means I'd probably end up wearing the back-zips ones at lot more.

About overalls on trips: I understand what you're saying, but I don't think my parents would buy me overalls just to wear on trips. If they did get something like that I almost guarantee you that they would want me to use it for other stuff too, and I don't really want another set of clothes I need help to take off, especially ones meant for daytime. On car trips it's really not a super big deal anyway, between my nighttime diaper, the booster pad and diaper cover I can make it most places without having to change on the way so I don't really have to get out of the car very often. Plus with how thick that combination is I'm not sure there's any clothes I can wear that will disguise it haha. Idk, I feel like if I have to wear a diaper anyway I might as well be comfy when I'm wearing it.

And nray I don't know if I really feel ok about posting people's text answers... I can summarize them if you want tho. Btw are you saying that if my parents wanted I could still be in back zippered jammies every night in college? :c

Posted by nray999_b on 2016-09-13 09:35:40

Nice to see you back with us now that Mister Poll unborked the comments. I'm glad to see some progress on the pajama and diaper front. Good luck with keeping up your grades and earning 2 piece jammies. How did camp go this year? You had mentioned something about a specific program for bedwetters, did that happen? Also did you get mitten pajamas or not, it is unclear in your latest post. On to other stuff, yes your parents could get an ADA accommodation to have somebody zip up your pajamas in college, at least until you are 18, then it's up to you. On the bright side you have a few years to convince them you can be trusted to wear diapers without a back zipper. I would appreciate it if you put up at least a summary of the text responses to your polls. It leaves a gap in the results otherwise. Also I think it is OK to quote some of the responses since everyone is anonymous on here. I'm curious about your routine and pajama day rules and I hope posting links will increase your response rate since the search is still stuck in late 2015.

Posted by carg85 on 2016-09-14 12:59:11

Kitsune, there is no need to apologize for not answering when the forums are down. After two weeks I've emailed the owner, and even though he hasn't replied, two weeks later the forums were online again. (You could actually still access individual topics if you had a direct link, but the pages with the topics overview didn't work.) I hope he will also fix the problem that we don't get emails anymore about topics we watch nor for new poll results, but that has not worked since the beginning of this year.

In your previous post you told that you picked the Abena's from 3 brands - were you not that aware yet of the noise, or were the others just as bad in that aspect? Abena has cotton-feel outside disposables as well as plastic. Those are less noisy and less sweaty, so perhaps you could get those? The highest absorbency with cotton is the Abri Form X-Plus Premium Airplus; with the Abena Abri Form (M3) slightly less so, but probably less bulky too.
I think that the tapes on most diapers either stick so well that after a while you can't pull them off without damage, or might not hold when e.g. you sit down. I guess I'd prefer the former, especially if you have no access to redo them ;-)
Do you consider it a (small) advantage that your mother can see if they are wet without having to undress and check?
BTW, I do consider it unfair of your parents to change the conditions halfway through the challenge - you should have at least have gotten some time to get used to the new protection.

I know when you wear protection you notice the bulk and any noise, but especially at a store like Walmart, most people are not paying any attention to those around them, and certainly not to a possible bulkier behind, and even the noise most people won't notice or draw the right conclusions about. But with people who know you, especially from your own age, the risk is higher.
Were you actually wearing back-zip jammies to the supermarket? Did you wear something over the top? Would you not prefer overalls or a jumpsuit for those situations? (I'm not sure if sturdy denim or thick fleece would give better sound isolation.) Would the overalls you already have be big enough to fit over the protection?
I think overalls (or jumpsuits) of denim might be better at hiding the bulk than onesies because the sturdy fabric doesn't follow contours easily, but of course there are limits.
Do you think your parents would allow regular clothes on top of your disposables when going to supermarkets, on car trips, etc. if they would fit over the bulk, or do you always need to be prevented from taking them off? I do get your point that adding more clothes you need help with might also mean you'd wear them more often, although as long as it in replacement to other unremovable clothes, it shouldn't be much of an issue.

You say that you are not allowed to wear pull-ups in the Fuentes household anymore, so how does that work? Do you need to put on a disposable and jammies before you go to them, or just change there? (I guess the latter if you mention that you even have some onesies there.) Does Rosa wear (footed) onesies as well, or even only when you are there? They don't require you to wear back-zip ones there?

By now the negative consequences of failing the test have passed, and you are back to your 'normal' routine? So I guess no locking PJs or mittens as a consequence then. Have you looked further into having a leg zipper that locks, so with your night jammies you can change your protection easier? Or do your parents don't agree with that?

So the pink and black jail stripe footy pjs are the newest ones your grandma made you? It's nice that she made them like the monster high one you liked. A jail stripe is somewhat appropriate ;-O I also have a sleeper from chenille, and it is amazing fabric. Quite warm though! Why did your grandma add the flap over the zipper if they are lounge PJ's only, anyway, because of the leg zipper? Although if you'd replace the leg zipper pull with a locking one, it might be allowed for nightwear too?

By the way, if the forum would go down again, and you urgently need to talk to someone, you can email me at carg@xs4all.nl. (Perhaps not wise to use your regular email, but you could always create a gmail or hotmail account that you can delete or ignore if things don't feel comfortable.)

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2016-10-04 00:58:18

This response is to carg. I'll finish it up and try tp respond to Nray later tonight, but I'm have to go get my night-time pjs on and then I'm watching a movie my parents so it might have to wait until after school tomorrow.

Well from what I remember all the ones I could pick from were plastic backed. I just read some reviews for them on Amazon and Abenas sounded like the best choice. I'm pretty sure I have the M4 and nobody really mentioned the noise on them vs the others. And I guess what you said about tapes is true, it's just frustrating that I usually have to use the Abena instead of the toilet if I don't have my diaper bag with me. And its not really much of an advantage. I can tell when I wet like 75% of the time. (At least when I'm awake haha) And I always can tell when I'm THAT wet. RIGHT!? Yeah, I thought changing my daytime protection right in the middle of the test was pretty unfair too. I argued with them about it and after a while my Dad convinced my Mom that it wasn't totally fair too. I think that's why I'm probably getting those two piece pjs for my birthday.

I'll put it this way. This is how detectable my protection is under my normal loungewear (front-zipped footy sleepers):

Goodnites: pretty much invisible, no noise

Abena: maybe noticeable if you look closely or know me and how I look normally, the noise is really only a problem if I sit down or run.

Wet Abena: definitely noticeable if you look closely and relatively noisy all the time unless I walk carefully.

Nighttime diaper: really obvious no matter what, about as noisy as a wet abena

Nope, no back zippered jammies in Walmart haha, I had my loungewear pjs on. (Ironically the back zippered ones might have been better since Abenas arent as noticeable under them.) I only wear my back zippered ones for a couple hours before bedtime, at night and on trips unless I'm home sick. I did not wear anything over the top though. Idk, I'm definitely not the only person who wears a onesie to Walmart occasionally, I've seen quite a few people doing it, especially in the fall, spring and winter. There was a girl who was probably like 15 wearing one at pizza ranch like a week ago. I do wear overalls shorts over my goodnites pretty often, but only two of them fit over an Abena and only one covers it up enough for me too feel safe wearing them out.

I wear goodnites under my clothes all the time! The problem with Abenas they don't fit well under my clothes aside from a couple overall shorts and tripp pants. I've done it before, but I'm always paranoid someone will see them if my shirt rides up since they go up so high on me.

I guess I lied kinda, I'm not allowed to wear goodnites under my pjs at Rosa's, I can still wear them under my clothes, but if I'm staying at their house for a while Rosa or usually her Mom will want me to change into Abenas, so I usually just put my lounge jammies on at the same time. (I don't have to wear pjs, but its usually better than whatever else I'm wearing, plus that whole family is in their pjs by like 5 oclock usually so I'm not the only one) But if I'm spending the night I do have to bring a nighttime diaper and my back-zippered jammies and put them on at the normal time. And Rosa does have one set of footy pjs that I got for her last Christmas but she usually wears sweatpants or basketball shorts to bed.

The negative consequences have passed for the most part. I still have to get ready for bed two hours early instead of one and I don't have a later bedtime on weekends anymore but that's about it... so no mitten pjs haha. Idk, I wasn't too stoked about not being able to use my hands very well after I get ready for bed, especially if I'd be wearing them a couple times a week.

My Mom said that it's up to me if I want to put locks on them, but I'm really indecisive about it lol. On one hand I don't want to give up my independence, you know? But on the other it might be nicer than what I have now, like being able to change myself before bedtime, but I'd also only ever want to wear it at home because it'd be pretty embarrassing to wear to a sleepover or if I had a babysitter, or even when I'm staying with family. I guess I could try it for a bit and if I dont like it I could put the normal zip back on, but is there any other way to have the same benefits without a locking zipper?

Idk, honest opinion, do you think I need locking jammies or no?

Idk about that either really, when I asked my Grandma for front zippered jammies in the spring and she just laughed and said maybe when I'm older.

Posted by carg85 on 2016-10-09 08:45:42

About wearing onesies in public: I fairly regularly see children outside in them, and occasionally female teenagers or young adults. Last Easter I saw a teenager delivering the morning newspaper in a rabbit onesie - wonder if that was a coincidence... A week ago I saw a university student in a Minion onesie. So rare enough to remember the individual occasions.

So Rosa wants you in a onesie, but not so much put one on herself. (And I guess hers is front zipping, anyhow ;-) Perhaps now the days are getting colder, she might start to appreciate them better.

I'm not sure why there would still be negative consequences from the failed test - I thought that they were supposed to be for 2 weeks only? I agree with your parents that if you fail the challenge, there should be some sort of consequence, but not only did they switch the daytime protection halfway, it also is not as if you made a serious transgression that you should be punished for for a long time. But at least there is your birthday gift to look forward too; from what I heard until now it shouldn't be too hard for you to keep your grades up !?

My idea about the locking zipper was to put it on the leg zipper of a model with a back zipper. Since you don't have to lock it, they are still usable as lounge PJs, but when you go to bed the zipper can be locked to make it suitable for the night (in your parents view). In that way I don't see you giving up any of your independence. Of course you could also try to put one on a front zipped pair if you want to use that one at night, which could work in the same way. I guess there might be a risk of your parents using the opportunity to lock you up earlier, but then again, if they want that they could make you put on a night time one earlier, anyhow. So no, I don't think you need them, but I expect them to give you extra possibilities.