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Choose my pjs


Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2016-10-25 03:00:34

This one is to nray, (but that doesn't mean you can't reply too carg :P) I'll post the pajama day responses after this and try to get the routine poll and responding to carg if I get time tomorrow.

They were pretty borked lol and thanks! I can't wait until I get them! Its been so long since I've got to wear any two-piece pjs that I don't even care that they're only going to be a reward for good behaviour.

Overall, camp went pretty awesome! Yeah, I was in the bedwetter dorm. It was the old special needs dorm (they built a new one) so it was pretty small for a dorm. One side of dorms for the boys, one side for us and commons in the middle where the bathrooms are. (but they lock the doors to the commons and told our parents to have us pack "modest" pjs cuz they think we're gonna sneak over and seduce the boys xD) They had buttons built into the wall next to the bed that could call a dean to your room if you needed to use the bathroom or a change or something.

Tbh I didn't like it at first, having a side rail on my bed was weird, I was only gonna get to my lounge pjs to movie night and we had less free time than everyone else. (We had to go back to our dorms to get ready for bed right after dinner) Plus I didn't like having to wear goodnites during the day, but looking back now was probably a good idea. But it was nice finally getting to hang out with people who understand what living with bedwetting is like. I've read stuff online but to actually spend time with people who have some of the same embarassing issues and rules I do, even if someone of them were a little weird. (My roommate wore onesies instead of shirts or blouses for almost the entire two weeks and wanted to trade me her pjs for my back-zippered jammies one night) They were mostly just super chill and nice people too. And with one exception the counselors were super cool and supportive. I've got a bunch of stories but I wouldn't want to bore you with all of them, is there anything you would like hear about? :D

But after I'm 18 it's my decision what I wear, even if my parents are the ones paying for my college?

I thought I said, but no I did not get mitten pjs. It wouldn't be such a big deal if I could take them off sometimes, but permanently attached mittens would blow. Imagine if for some reason I had to wear those on a trip or with family.

And carg, even if you don't want to respond to the rest of this message, can both you and nray give me some advice? My school is letting us wear Halloween costumes on Halloween as long as they are school appropriate. Idk if you guys remember, but my monster-high-jail-striped pjs were supposed to be my costume. My mom made me a little matching cap and I picked up some leg shackles, handcuffs, and a ball and chain at the Halloween store. Do you guys think it would be a bad idea to wear it to school, since it's got a leg zipper and everything? And do you guys think people would put it together that its for changes or no? If I put the lockable zipper on, I think I'd do it after Halloween because people would think its weird that I have lock on my costume.

I'd probably have to go use the bathroom in the nurse's office because its hard to pee through the leg zipper too. It's a long walk from some of my classes, but I'm kinda-sorta thinking that I could hopefully make it every time so I wouldn't need to wear protection at school. Of course, I've worn goodnites to school before, and it's only super scary and nerve wracking if I'm not wearing a onesie or footy jammies, but I still wouldn't want to reply on one in case of a leak anyway so it might be better to go without. I guess overall, do you guys think I should my jailbird footy jammies costume to school or no? How should I go about it? Details please! D:

I'm gonna post the pajama day polls results and then it's my bedtime. Goodnight guys! <3

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2016-10-25 03:06:14

What pajamas does your child wear most often when they are at home?

Nothing too surprising here. I know from my other polls that like half to two thirds of bedwetters around my age wear some sort of sleeper most nights. What I found interesting is no girls wear pajama pants or button-up pjs and only one wears 2 piece pajamas. Almost every girl that's a bedwetter wears sleepers most or all of the time, but only half of the boys do. Why do you think that is?

Essay response:

Five parents said that their child wears back zip pjs and two parents said that they wear locking back zip pjs, but I think that person maybe double voted. Everyone else said footy pjs, but some said they would let them wear something else if it was really hot.

"At home & with family, we only let her wear sleepers that zip up in the back so she will keep her diaper on. (They have been a lifesaver!) For sleepovers and when she wears her pjs in the car she has two sleepers that zip in front to save her the embarrassment of having to ask us for help, but she knows they're a privilege, not a right."


I was kinda disappointed to see that basically everyone my age either wears tape style diapers or cloth ones. I was kinda hoping that more parents would let their kids wear pull-ups or at least pull-on style disposables, just so I might be able to convince my parents to have them again, but now I doubt that can happen now.

This one honestly surprised me quite a bit. I didn't realize how many people my age have to wear daytime protection! I can't imagine having to wear cloth diapers all day. I've never worn one but I've heard they're usually way bigger than disposables.

The most common rule was diapers on trips, which makes sense. I think almost every bedwetter is diapered for long trips lol. The diapers under pjs at all times rule makes a lot of sense too. I was pretty surprised about how many kids my age have to get their night diapers and pjs on 2 hours before bed. Why do you think that is?

"He wears Underjams to sleepovers but he wears tape diapers the rest of the time"

I find it interesting that only like 65% of bedwetters wear usually sleepers at home, 80% of them wear sleepers on pajama day. That means even if its not their most commonly worn sleepwear, most bedwetters have a sleeper or two. I also found it wild that literally every girl that's a bedwetter wears a sleeper on pajama day! I'd guess its probably because so many more parents pick out what their child is going to wear for pajama day than other times.

It's also pretty interesting that so many parents have their kids wear protection on pajama day, even if they wouldn't normally wear daytime protection. While like 50% of kids wear daytime protection normally, it jumps to 80% on pajama day. It's also pretty wild that so many parents would send their kids to school in cloth or tape-on disposables. I'm glad those aren't my parents.

It's not that surprising to me that most bedwetters are excused from gym though, that would be an awkward time in the locker room for sure.

Posted by nray999_b on 2016-10-25 23:56:37

Thanks for getting back to us. I'm glad camp went well, even if you had to get ready for bed early. Please share any stories or experiences you think are interesting. It sounds like it is a good thing that you didn't get mitten pajamas. Just to clear up something from a previous post, when I suggested getting overalls or a jumpsuit for car trips, I didn't mean a back zip or locking one, just something less obvious than a sleeper that would fit over your protection, although from what you say your night time diapers are too bulky to wear under clothes, but maybe Abenas and a scheduled change would work. I think you should wear your Monster High sleeper for Halloween, with all the accessories people won't be looking at your zipper, and you can wear a Goodnite, or even an Abena without being obvious. Regarding the pajama day poll. I think the percentage of bedwetting girls wearing sleepers versus boys actually makes sense since non-bedwetting teenage girls are more likely to wear sleepers than boys. The cloth diapers may be overstated, in my limited experience most incontinent people wear disposables out of the house and save cloth for home use. Also the in pajamas 2 hours before bedtime may also be overstated since poll respondents often go for a more extreme answer. Please update us on the "my routine" poll, and also your current routine.

Posted by carg85 on 2016-10-26 17:11:45

On your camping trip: Goodnites during the day: yeah, it seems not as bad as having an accident among your fellow campers.
Those side rails on the bed - what made them weird to you? I assume they wouldn't stop you leaving the bed if you wanted to.
I bet your PJ's qualified as 'modest'! Were you tempted to switch onesies with your roommate? Would be a chance for you to finally wear front-zipped ones at night. (At least I assume hers were front-zipped.) And you might even enjoy 'locking' someone else in them for a change?

"But after I'm 18 it's my decision what I wear, even if my parents are the ones paying for my college?" Well, legally you would be an adult and they wouldn't be able to force you, but of course if you would go against their wishes they could decide to stop or decrease your funding. But in the end my (limited) idea of why your parents do this is to protect you and their furniture. If you move out the furniture will be your problem, not theirs, and I would guess that if you want to embarrass yourself by having accidents in public instead of using protection, they'd consider that your choice too.

About your Halloween costume: I think the onesie wouldn't be a problem if you'd go trick-or-treating, or at a party; in both cases the light would likely be so low that people wouldn't see the leg zipper. At school that is different of course, but I have not seen the onesie, so it is hard to judge how obvious the zipper will be. And I'm unsure if people would accept the explanation that the zipper is for bathroom visits (like a back flap). Even if they are rare, there are some regular adult onesies with leg zippers, like https://www.onepiece.com/en-nl/jumpsuits/limited/joey-onesie-jungle-green. But especially babysitters and people with small siblings, nephews/nieces, and such might associate your leg zipper with their onesies and how they are used for diaper changes.
In the end I have never done Halloween (wasn't a thing here when I was young), so it is hard for me to give definitive advice.
I assume the shackles and handcuffs are fake? Actual handcuffs might make school a bit more challenging - although it would draw the attention away from your leg zipper ;-)
The locking zipper pull is indeed a bit more conspicuous and a bit noisy, so even when you need to look closely to see the keyhole, it would probably draw more attention to the leg zipper. Although if you wear ankle cuffs and clanking chains...
About peeing through the leg zipper: wouldn't it help if you pull your feet out of the legs?

About the poll results: people can vote more than once if they are not logged in; I've seen double answers on my polls as well.
It is always hard to determine if individual answers are truthful; there are always people filling in what they imagine, or like nray say exaggerate, or even fill them in with nonsense, as a prank. Apart from that, most people who (seriously) fill in a poll do that because they have special interest in the subject, which results in the average opinions being mostly absent. Still I think that the general trends in the answers can be worthwhile, and especially the free text answers can contain helpful information. On one hand it is sad that only the creator can see those, and even then (s)he has to take an effort to download the results. That might also lead to people not taking the effort to write anything. On the other hand of course, the anonymity might help people give honest answers. But since the poll results are anonymous anyway, I'd prefer if anyone could see the free text answers. (In my polls I always strive for a balance between multiple choice and free text, because the open answers are often the most interesting, but potential voters might lose interest if there are no results to inspect.)
It sounds logical that on pajama day many onesies are worn, since the chance of the diaper being discovered seems a lot larger with two-piece PJ's (both the bulk and the chance of it sticking out on top of the pants. And I agree with nray that I expect many more teenage girls to wear onesies than boys, especially now that there are all those fun ones like the Kigurumi ones.

Posted by bulklover on 2016-11-03 15:54:18


I've been following this topic with interest from the beginning; your story of wearing onesies is very interesting, especially how your approach changed over time.

Just wanted to chime in that IMHO you shouldn't give up on the idea of mitten pjs. Attached mittens are very fun to wear, especially working around the limitations they impose (especially thumbless ones). Also, it's not entirely true you can't use touchscreens while wearing them - some devices will work through mittens (my tablet does, but not my phone), and for others you can use a stylus, those can be bought dirt cheap. Also, I've found sleeping with covered hands is quite pleasant, though it takes a bit of getting used to - at first it feels strange to constantly have fabric under your fingers.

On the other hand, being locked in back-zip footies with attached closed mittens and thick nighttime diapers is quite an intense experience and puts you totally at the mercy of your parents. Not only will you be forced to use the diapers and won't be able to take the sleeper off, but your dexterity will be impaired and you will need your parents help with some things (as was mentioned before, you wouldn't want to get your mittens wet or dirty).

So I'd suggest talking to your parents about getting a mittened pair, either as punishment onesies or just to wear them from time to time or to bed. Maybe discuss with them that you'd prefer to wear them only at home?