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Girls: How old were you when you first saw a penis?

Brothers $%!@

Posted by Gideon on 2004-04-20 15:29:17

========== In Reply To ========== i dunno y i said when i was 3 and he was just born and when i was 9 and he was 6. Im only a year older than him so it was when i was 3 and he was 2 and when i was 9 and he was 8. now I'm 14 and he's 13.

Dont just look touch it and get the feel for it so that when you have a boyfriend you will know how to handle and control it.

Posted by sexinabox on 2005-02-14 19:53:07

The first time i saw a $%!@ was when i was 10 and i accidenly walked in on my 12 year old brother when he was comingout of the shower. i just walked in and stared for a while then said sorry didnt no u were in here and left.

Then about a week later me and my bro went on holiday with my cosins and had to share a room with my girl cousin alice (12) and boy cousin jack (13). when the guys each took shower alice decided to look through the little window in our room that looked straight in to the shower cubical. it was a great holiday!!!

Posted by e-kaj on 2005-09-16 12:35:23

i`m a guy

i`m a guy, but i can tell you when my sisters(3) saw my $%!@, it`s alot of times,

katy - 18 katrina- 17 Kylie- 18 me- 13

here is what i remember-

  1. we used to go swimming, all my sisters used to help each other wash me, to save my mum a chore (i was 4)

  2. my older sister and my mum used to help me pee,(whipe too)

  3. when i`m washing and hey need 2 wash thier hands or sumthing (i`m having a shower\drying myself) they just walk in

  4. sumtimes my $%!@ posp out of my boxers,

  5. sumtimes, when wrestling we pull eachother clothes off .......

that`s all i remember

Posted by Star_Boy on 2006-01-18 08:26:43

girls seeing $%!@es

The sooner a girl sees a boy's or man's $%!@, the better. Better for both the girl and the boy, and even better for the man. The man can then sit the little girl on his knee and explain to her what his $%!@ is all about, and answer her questions, and remove the mystique from the $%!@. Girls have a natual curiosity that needs to be satisfied, so let the little girls see the $%!@, especially when it's erect and throbbing. Boys and men should never be ashamed to be naked in front of a girl.

Posted by rockey on 2006-05-08 20:39:31


i am 15 year old girl theres alot of times

1- i had hand cuffed my bro and pulled his pants down and me and this girl in his class watch him get hard. we moved his $%!@ around in circles.