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Girls: How old were you when you first saw a penis?

Brothers $%!@

Posted by sandraw on 2006-07-26 22:53:10

When I was 11 in the 6th grade two boys grabed me by the arm and took me into the boys showerroom. boy what did I see? about 50 NAKED 7th and 8th grade boy at close view the boys sexorgans were between 1/4 to 2 in. with some hair, and did they ever have nice looking buts and I loved it like you would not believe. The two boys who forced me into the shower room got a spanking for doing so, but I made it up to them by have sex with them a few days later.


Posted by preformatted on 2007-02-13 14:32:47

In response to Anna-Lee's post as below: I am surprised that your parent(s) allow that, but if so, then he should be kneeing you in the c u n t, when you annoy him, or just a hard pull on your ear would do the trick too in stopping you cold.

Posted by Anna-Lee on 2003-07-30 10:51:34 Yeah, Kim, it is even neater to be able to play with your brother's wiener, rather than just look at it!! I know what you mean about trying to hurt him. LOL. When my brother was really annoying to me, I stopped him cold several times by hurting him down there!! And even better of course, he could NEVER do that to me!! He He He!

Posted by preformatted on 2007-04-18 16:06:21

Further to my email about Anna-Lee's post above here.

Her parents could be charged with allowing their daughter to sexually assault or sexually molest their son. Anna-Lee in some places would be placed on a registry for sex offenders, when she turns 18.

If he poked her in the eye each time he felt she was annoying him, he would be in trouble. Likewise here. Parents should realize that or face charges.

Posted by regdotynit on 2008-07-06 12:32:39

I was 4 and I saw my cousin's in the bath. He was 4 too and after that I used to make jokes to him about it (and to my galmates as I called them). We used to have 'cusses' as we called our chats and I remember 1 day we 'cussed the $%!@es (or should it be penii?) that we'd seen. I will always remember Vicki, one of us 5 year olds (as we were then), saying that her younger brother's was bigger than her older brother's. "How would you know?" somebody else said, and she said, all nonchalantly. "I measured them last night!". After that, our quest became to see the 2 boys naked, but I don't think we ever did! Janet

Posted by sandraw on 2008-10-28 22:11:01

I saw a good looking boy get depanted today at school, someother boys took both his pants and underware off, so i got a good look at his pen-is, it was less than an inch, wtih no hair, but he turned me on to no end

but it was not the first time i have seen a pen-is by no means.....
