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Sexually Active Kids

My daughter

Posted by Sadiemom on 2023-01-29 02:21:38

My daughter has been sexually active with her boyfriend for over two months now, and she's only 6. Her boyfriend is 16, they met when I hired him to babysit her, and their romance grew from there. I approve of their relationship wholeheartedly, he's a very nice boy who treats her well and takes great care of her, and she's crazy about him. It's a very exciting time for her exploring her sexuality with him, she's having a great time. Practically every day she tries something new with him and she's always eager to tell me all about it. I thought I was being exceptionally forward-minded by approving of this, but it turns out it's a lot more common than I thought, a surprising number of girls her age are sexually active these days. She has several friends in her class who also have teenage boyfriends, that's what all the girls want now apparently. I know 4 other moms with sexually active young daughters as well, we exchange advice sometimes.

Posted by Kurio on 2023-04-24 11:00:40

I'm happy to hear that sadie, more and more people are realizing that sex is very common among children. I'm glad you're accepting of your daughters sexuality. Have you helped her buy clothing that her boyfriend might like on her?

Posted by Sadiemom on 2023-04-24 12:00:03

Thanks! It's been six months since they started dating and my daughter and her boyfriend are still going steady, they're crazy about each other and have a much better relationship than most teen couples! It certainly seems to be very common these days, half the girls in her class have teenage boyfriends now! Me and my daughter both enjoy shopping for new clothes for her, she gets very excited when she finds something her boyfriend would like and it's a lot of fun shopping together. We have to scour the clothes stores looking for the right kind of clothes in sizes that fit her, but occasionally when we work together we can find a gem, like little daisy-dukes or very short skirts. Lingerie is harder, but I found somewhere I could order some online and bought her a few pieces for her 7th birthday. She was delighted and so was her boyfriend, they disappeared upstairs for a couple of hours as soon as she opened it so she could "model" it for him. That doesn't take two hours so I know it must have led to something else, as I knew it would. They're still in the stage where they can't get their hands off each other, and I knew he wouldn't be able to resist her dressed like that!

Posted by Kurio on 2023-04-24 12:59:05

Haha ya I can imagine any teenage boy would be all over her for hours seeing her dressed up. I met my wife when she was in elementary school and i was in high school, it was much less common back then but not unheard of though we had to be more secretive, and we are much happier than most other couples it seems. We'd spend whole days together doing nothing but have sex haha

Posted by Sadiemom on 2023-04-24 13:41:55

Her boyfriend is a big fan of lingerie in general, my daughter tells me everything. I'm the one who washes her panties, so I know exactly how big a fan he is, if you know what I mean. That's actually how I first found out about what they were getting up to together when he was just her babysitter, certain stains are unmistakable. I remember trying to wash them out of my panties too when I was her age and started dating. It was a bit like you and your wife, I was 7 and my first boyfriend was in college, and we had to be secretive as well. Relationships with that big an age difference weren't nearly as common as they are now and we had to hide it from my parents, which we did successfully. It helped that he rented the spare room in my house so we had lots of time alone together, I even sneaked into his room at night. I remember the non-stop sex too, it's so special for a girl when she's that age. I'm happy for my daughter that she gets to experience all this without having to sneak around! I'd be interested to hear about you and your wife, how old were both of you when you started dating and when did you go public with it?