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Are you going to heaven or hell?

Acting as God

Posted by Music412 on 2006-03-03 19:24:03

Is it not blasphemous to think that you know the way to "salvation"?

Posted by Steve Finley on 2006-03-04 02:28:34

Music412, no, claiming to know the way to salvation is not blasphemous. Jesus made it very public how to be saved. The way to salvation is something that many know, but many ingnore. To deny that Jesus is the way to salvation, that is blasphemy.

Posted by Cragslad on 2006-03-28 22:54:46

But Steve, there are a ton of other religions, or "public announcements" floating around. How are we supposed to know that Jesus' path is the true one? Yeah, we can read it in the Bible I suppose, but we can read something totally different in the Quran or the Upanishads. What clue is there to a person who's looking at all the religious texts of the world, that Christianity is the correct one?

Posted by Steve Finley on 2006-03-29 05:01:00

"But Steve, there are a ton of other religions, or "public announcements" floating around. How are we supposed to know that Jesus' path is the true one? Yeah, we can read it in the Bible I suppose, but we can read something totally different in the Quran or the Upanishads. What clue is there to a person who's looking at all the religious texts of the world, that Christianity is the correct one?"

What a great question! There is so much evidence supporting the bible and Christianity I literally don't even know where to start. There are two different categories to look at: Faith and Proof. Faith should in itself be enough, but for those demanding proof, they are swimming in it.

As for faith, I personally know Jesus is the only Way, and the bible is the very word of God because of actual experience with God. Not belief, but experience. Since I have been born again, I have the Holy Spirit of God with me, so I know Him personally. This is no joke.

As for evidence, here are a few facts, (any of which I can send you more details on): Many, many scientific facts were written in the bible before man even discovered them! Archeology is constantly unearthing things that were in the bible the whole time!! The world contains overwhelming evidence of a worldwide flood, just like scripture says happened. Some have counted 5,000 prophecies in the bible, all came true, not one failed. The odds of one man fulfilling all the prophecies of a coming Messiah are virtually impossible, but Jesus did.

The way the bible was written is a miracle. Imagine this today: get a group of 10 writers and separate them, give them a controversial subject, and they must each write a book with perfect harmony to one another, no disagreements or anything. Wouldn't happen. Yet the bible was written by 40 authors, varying from fisherman to kings, on three different continents, in three languages, over a period of 1500 years, and from start to finish they all wrote in perfect harmony! Nobody could pull off such a feat today. Jesus said, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father except through Me." That excludes all religions and leaves Jesus as the only option.

Last but not least, let the Law of God draw you to Christ. (Galations 3:24). Focus on the Ten Commandments, and be sorry you've broken them, hurting and angering the God who gave you life. (see tenthousanddolleroffer.com). Realize that "it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Looking at His Law with an honest heart will convert your soul. Get on your knees and pray: Repent, turn from your sins and trust in Jesus and His shed blood (not your good works) to save you, and believe God raised Him from the dead, and then you will know He is the ONLY way. Do you have a bible? Read it every day, and obey what you read. Start with the Gospel of John. Today is the day of your salvation, don't pass it up. There may not be a tomorrow for you.

Feel free to write me with any questions/objections at spfinley77@yahoo.com

Posted by Dr.Smart on 2006-03-30 02:47:42

I have a few questions. First of all, is the fact that the prophecies of the Torah came true not support that Judaism is true? Also, is there still war? If you said yes, there has been no mesiah. Is there still disease, or hate, or anyone who does not follow the Torah? If you said yes, there has been no mesiah. These are the primary purposes behind the mesiah. Jesus did not fulfill the mesiah prophecies. Also, could not the authors be lieing? The Bible exculdes the writings of many authors of the times, many dealing with the subject and some even gospels which are contradicory to the Bible. Also, since Jesus' teachings went against the Torah, does that not make him a false prophet, as it says in the Torah? Since the Torah contains many facts about history, is that not proof it is right? You either have to drop the Torah, and many prophecies/facts or drop the "new testament". They contradict each other, sorry. Even from my veiw that things can be taken as reform and that canons are not God's word, this is too far to accept both.