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User: agnieszka-maria


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Posted in When is too old to still have a babysitter? on 2022-11-13 14:44:53

that is better Brian. You said you called your babysitter a bad name when she was the adult in charge of you. Why can you not see that she was right to spank you for that?

Posted in Diapers for teen girls on 2022-11-13 13:36:26

Hello Anna, yes, i decided that Karolina would be better in a pretty nightdress and not pajamas as part of her new rules.

She was naturally very stressed and frightened about her nightime accidents, so her doctor suggested that a diaper would help her feel safer and more relaxed.

I tried in several other ways to make her bedtime nice for her, I gave her a glass of warm milk to drink at night, and always put a hot water bottle in her bed so it was warm and nice for her. I sat with her for a while to make sure she was comfortable and felt safe

But I also put her to bed earlier with a fixed bedtime which of course she did not like

Posted in When is too old to still have a babysitter? on 2022-11-13 13:32:17

Brian, you need to improve your politeness. When you message me it should me Miss Agnieszka.

But at least you agree that you deserved to have your bottom spanked. That is good

Posted in Diapers for teen girls on 2022-11-12 12:27:18

Hello Anna - it is nice to know you partly yes,when my eldest daughter was entering puberty she started to have bedwetting problems so she needed to be in diapers for months at her bedtime until she had calmed down. It was hard for her at first, especially as I insisted on a new bedtime routine, but i believe it was definitely best for her and I felt I was doing what a good mother should.

Like Mandy i used traditional cloth diapers, she had a plastic cover on top, and then a pair of large underpants which I sewed lots of frills and lace on so she looked pretty and her diaper did not show. Then obviously her nightdress on top. (I do not allow my daughters to wear pyjamas)

Posted in does anyone else still have to wear short trousers? on 2022-11-12 11:01:11

It has been some time since you posted this