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User: agnieszka-maria


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Posted in Diapers for teen girls on 2022-11-12 10:40:47

I agree Anna. She sounds a lovely girl! And what you wrote was very loving

Posted in When is too old to still have a babysitter? on 2022-11-11 23:53:11

Mandi, You sound like a very loving and caring babysitter.....it cannot be easy for the girls you sit for but you are right that bedwettimg can be a problem at that age with puberty. So being diapered at bedtime males sense.

Im sure that you make them feel much safer and more relaxed when they are in their diapers. It is good that tjey are both very girly they probably like having a pretty cover too and with a pretty nightdress on top they surely look adorable.

I can give you some ideas..maybe you do these anyway.. I did for my oldest daughter

1) make sure they both have hot water bottles in their beds. Thy will be much happier if their beds are already warm

2) give then each a glass of gently warmed milk to drink

3) do they sleep in the same bed? it would be good if they did because you could read to them for a while.

4) You can get cute diaper pins too, with pretty coloured animals and flowers on,, im sure they would like those.. They could have fun choosing which ones they want you to use each time you babysit.

What time do you put the girls to bed.?

Wayne - please be polite and call me Miss Agniezska.

I would be sure your friends have hot water bottles in their beds now it is getting cold. Like you it might be their mothers' decision, or, after seeing yours they might have asked to have one too. Maybe they do not have ones which are as pretty as yours though and maybe they are jealous of that.

I have two daughters, and I always make a hot water bottle for each of them at bedtime so their beds are warm. Both have soft pink covers with pom-poms on, so they are pretty too and lovely to have in their beds. Both love that they have a hot water bottle at bedtime - so why is it a problem for you?

Posted in When is too old to still have a babysitter? on 2022-11-11 20:38:02

I only know from what I have read in here in complaints from Brian and Wayne. I am just advising them that whether they need a babysitter is their parents decision and they have to be obedient about it. If a boy is immature its not a problem for him to have a younger babysitter because age in years is not too important.

I have talked with Wayne on here and he seems to find this really hard to understand and accept. i do not know why this is, his mother will have chosen him a nice and loving girl for his babysitter but he is not grateful.. I think it is probably time he went over his Mum's knee and had his bottom properly spanked for him. It will be good for him I think.

I have two teenage daughters (14 and 17) as you asked. They still have a babysitter as the oldest is rebellious and would not otherwise go to bed at the right time. So I suppose I would agree that I am a strict mother and about other things too

Posted in When is too old to still have a babysitter? on 2022-11-10 14:19:16

Brian, Your mother knows you best and knows whether you need a babysitter at night. It doesn't matter if your babysitter is younger than you - your mother knows best what you need, and she will have found you a nice girl. She would not be allowed to spank you unless you need it and you must accept that if your mother is out then your babysitter is the adult you must respect and obey. It sounds like she was right to spank your bottom for you.