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User: Jujitsu Kristen



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Posted in Why girls win? on 2004-12-07 04:49:00

We always lose? LOL! Let's get some things straight here. There's no way that i can compete with the strength of most men. I'm only around 125 lbs.

And the the vulva in general has as many nerve endings as a man's crotch does as well, it's where they are concentrated. Most women's nerve endings are concentrated in the clitoris, while men's are in the scrotum. The scrotum is a much easier target than something the size of a sticky pin head.

And believe it or not, some women are stronger than men. Look at the Olympic bodybuilders, some of them are just rediculously huge. And lets face it, ANY athlete, male or female, wouldn't have a hard time dealing with the average american couch potato.

Posted in Why girls win? on 2004-12-07 04:45:04

People like you should be locked in a cage.

Posted in Why girls win? on 2004-12-07 04:43:40

Sure, i just added you to my yahoo messenger list. My screename has something to do with New Jersey.

I've beaten though a few guys who were well trained in judo and jujitsu, just because they were overly aggressive. If men know how to use their strength correctly, 90 percent of the time they can overcome a woman. Most of the times when they use their egos and not their heads, is when you can beat them.

Posted in girls wrestling with their sister on 2004-12-04 00:07:10

I happen to wrestle all the time with my one year younger brother. It seems that about 10 percent of the time he wins, usually by catching me off guard, and usually his wins are in the pool. I usually use my superior knowledge of jujitsu to take him down, and just let him know who is boss. I think it's great that he's nearly twice the size of me... he's about 6'2" and close to 190 lbs, and i'm 5'9" and about 125 lbs. The frustrated look that he gives me when he loses makes it so worth it everytime.

Usually i win our wrestling contests by throwing him to the ground and headlocking or scissoring, sometimes both, before he even gets a chance to retaliate. Our matches really are never too serious, but we always try our hardest and it's just a lot of fun. Anyone else here do the same?

Posted in Girls only - Headscissors on 2004-12-03 02:21:49

Depends. If it is a formal sparring match in Jujitsu, then of course i do. You have to honor who you are fighting.

But.. if it's a guy who thinks he's hot $%!@, i might just loosen up a little, hold him for a little while, and then maybe give a few more squeezes. Maybe make him beg if i'm feeling really sadistic. With my stamina, i can probably keep a guy there for a few hours if i really wanted to. It's real easy to wear someone down and just completely take control. After awhile their ego breaks, and you can get them to pretty much do whatever you want.

I could also do a lot more damage. When you get your black belt in jujitsu, you learn these "lethal strikes" in which you can break someone's arm, leg, neck, or dislocate their shoulder. All are very easy to do from the scissor position actually. A lot of take downs in jujitsu lead to the scissor hold... I would never even consider doing that to someone though unless it was a life or death situation.