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User: starofkaos


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Posted in Apocalypse Culture! on 2005-12-05 04:21:19


Prove to me that GOD exists, for starters. Give me a picture, handwriting sample, ANYTHING.

You can't. No one can.

The problem here is that there is no verification for the existence of ANY God, Goddess or lack thereof. That's the trick to me:

To be safe and secure in your faith or belief enough to wait it out and see. NOT to proseletyze endlessly ad nauseam about things that are, in reality, just leaps of faith.

So sorry, there is NO verification, no evidence, just books, stories, legends and beliefs. Same as for all religions, big and small. Never will be anything more than that, until we meet our end and find out the only way we can.

So give your life to whatever you want, just don't tell me or anyone else that we should think the same, it's an insult to both you and your God.

Posted in Apocalypse Culture! on 2005-04-05 19:59:43

Hmmm, okay, you are correct about the Nazis'. That unfortunately is all... It doesn't take a genius to wonder three things about your suggestion, so one must extrapolate, and wonder about you, and your pithy little comments also...

1.The Nazis, despite their wonderful invention, also had power shortages ANYWAY. Why? If they had this cheap, plaetiful power source, why didn't they use it to the fullest extent? Think about it...

2.) Why hasn't this particular invention, AT LEAST 50 years old, been brought to the attention of the public before? I seem to remember mass shortages in the late 1970's that would have been the perfect time to unveil this great contribution to the worlds' energy problems... Makes one think, hm?

3.) Do you actually think that ANY government will use this form of power? They are not in the business they are in for the smiles and adulation of the masses, they are here to make a profit. I can guarantee that as soon as the fossil fuels are gone, and rest assured they will be, we will suddenly find ourselves paying ridiculous prices for some other garbage they assure us is safe and cheap... (FOR THEM)

And by the way, if you're going to come in here and spout the MOST TIRED barb EVER, chicken little, please see fit to inform us that you are just a teenager, and that you watch far too much propaganda courtesy of whatever FOX sanctioned garbage outlet you cram down your gullet.

You conservatives AND liberals make me laugh, then cry, then feel better about myself. Where do you think I get the inspiration for polls like this? From normal, middle of the road people?

Keep bringing me your conspiracies and I'll keep watching you all fight over day old bread that your masters neglect to sweep away...

Posted in Apocalypse Culture! on 2005-04-05 19:44:13

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you do know that Misterpoll services won't read this, right? This is just another poll in their voluminous directory, just another voice issuing forth from the din... You might want to try Mozilla Firefox, they don't allow popups, adware, spyware, et al... And it's a better browser anyway.

Oh, wait, you said you weren't coming back... Never Mind.

And they never said if they liked the poll or not...sigh

Posted in The Big Bad Paranormal Poll on 2004-06-30 19:58:54

Hey there-

I hope that the "only one other paranormal poll" was mine...

"Apocalypse Culture!" is the title of it, and it has been here on misterpoll for years and years.It is also found in the "Conspiracy" section.It is slightly similar to yours, although you touch on some subjects I have sadly neglected to include in mine.If it wasn't, click on over to it, and have some fun!I definitely had fun voting on yours...Well done!

Oh well, just wanted to drop a line about that.



Posted in Apocalypse Culture! on 2003-11-26 14:32:17

========== In Reply To ========== Wow, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about do you?Go to school, study the early world around the time of Christ, and then come back here.

Oh yeah, and since when does your "prince of peace" wage WAR?Moron, you read a book, and suddenly, with no verification, it's true?Ignorance is the true enemy, not some science fiction hero or devil.

Live in fear and ignorance, it's not really my problem, but it saddens me to see people like you caught in their own pitiful world unable to see anything but evil, despair and "victory" for only themselves...

If there is an all-encompassing force in this world, you are not one of its' champions, you are just a sad byproduct of hatred and insecurity in this modern world.

Please get an education, it works wonders for the soul.