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Choose my pjs


Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2015-11-05 19:37:28

I suppose, and no they weren't. I only got one new one from inpetto and my grandma made me the other one so it's got snoopy on it. The one from inpetto is pink and unicolored though. Neither of them have footies which was nice for the summer.

Yeah I talked to her about it when we were hanging out once, she said she wears them becaus she likes them and because she sleeps on her tummy the zipper doesn't bother her. I didn't ask about diapers, but it didn't look like she was wearing any. (She does have really baggy pjs though)

Thanks, but I don't think Nick was that interested in me anyway. He always had a bunch of girls flirting with him and I couldn't even work up the courage to do that. :\

Oh you have no idea how nervous I was walking in to camp for the first time while WEARING my back zipper footies. I got so many stares, but I think people are a lot less judgmental at music camp because it's basically a band camp so there's really no 'popular' kids who go there, just a bunch of band geeks like me. =] I think most of the people who go there have been on the receiving end of bullying more than they've been the bullys so they're less likely to be mean, but that doesn't mean none of them are. There were a lot of rumors going around all week and some of them were pretty bad. One of my camp BFF's boyfriends went there too and I heard that he seriously believes he's a werewolf so I can only imagine what rumors my pjs started. ._. The nice thing was most people didn't treat me any different despite what they might have heard about me.

I noticed that, a lot of them are harsher than my parents. What was weird though was that a couple people took the poll and said they were 15 and 16 and they wore diapers and footie pjs to camp earlier in the year but wouldn't cut me any slack. Like one of them still wanted me to wear back-zipper pjs every time they came up as an answer. And the only people who thought my weekly pj routine should change thought that I shouldn't wear front zipper pajamas at all. You can take the poll if you want though, I'd like to hear your opinion. =]

THANK YOU!!!! They seem to think that since I have an underdeveloped bladder I can make it develop through hard work but I'm pretty sure it's not going to get better until I just get older so there's really no point in trying to control it!

What if I got a zipper tab over the top? I could undo it if it's on the front.

Posted by carg85 on 2015-11-07 19:01:39

Hmm, it was a bit hard to answer your poll truthfully: since I'm a fan of one-piece pajama's and also like back-zip ones, but this is not about what I like. And from the standpoint of a parent I wasn't quite sure yet if you would not interfere again with your protection if you had the opportunity; I hadn't heard from you for a number of months, so I can't judge how 'responsible' you have been, and although I get the impression you are more mature and better able to see your parent's viewpoint than when you started this thread, I didn't deviate too much from your normal rules, though I think on a holiday a few things should be more relaxed.

About the underdeveloped bladder, did your doctor ever say whether you should be able to train it or not? If you think (s)he thinks you just don't have the control, you might ask him/her about it a next time while one of your parents is present - perhaps they'll accept the professional opinion.

I think a zipper tab is an excellent idea, and should hide both the fairly conspicuous pull and the keyhole.

If you could freely choose a onesie from any webshop - which ones would you go for?

Posted by nray999_b on 2016-01-26 01:18:15

It has been a long time with no news from you. How are things going with parents, pajamas and protection? Did you get any new outfits for the holidays, or have any interesting experiences? Even if there is nothing much to report, could you collect and post some of the text box answers from your other polls like you did for the first bedwetting poll? Thanks and best wishes for the new year.

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2016-05-15 22:23:12

Carg85; Sorry it took me so long to respond! I've been really busy with school and homework and extracurriculars and friends I totally forgot about my polls! I'm also less upset about my situation now than I was back then so I don't feel the need to vent on the internet as much. xD I'll explain why after I reply to you!

I can't tell which response is yours, but thanks for the reply that the rules should be relaxed for a special occasion, even though it wasn't for a holiday. (: I just checked the results and only 3 people said the rules should be relaxed. Most people thought they should stay the same, that I shouldn't be allowed to wear front-zip pajamas at all, or that I need to change into my protection and pjs if I have daytime accidents, which I can understand at least. However, a few people thought that if the camp is providing diapers I should be wearing them 24/7, and a couple others said that I should wear protection and pjs from right after supper to after breakfast. Tbh, what got me the most was that three people said that they also had to wear footy pjs and diapers to camp but none of them really gave me a pass on anything... all of them said I should wear disposables both to the movie and breakfast and that I can't change pjs before breakfast! I thought they of all people would understand. ):

The last time I went to a specialist my Dad asked the same thing and he said it might be possible but there was no good, non-invasive way to test it, he said it would just be easier to excercise and see if the problem gets better over time.

I totally forgot about the locking zipper idea haha, I think its buried in my dresser someplace. I actually put it on a set of pjs but the zipper was the wrong size. >_<

Oh wow, I don't even know. It's been such a long time since I've thought about that I don't know where to look, plus its almost summer now so all the places I can think of probably dont have them anymore. Besides, I'm not usually allowed to pick out the pjs I wear from just anywhere. Usually my parents either buy them for me or give me some options to pick from, so its something I don't really think about. Do you know of any websites that still sell onesies or footy pajammies rn? If you show me a few I'll pick out my favorites! C:

(I remembered that Target used to have these leopard print footy pjs that had paw-style mittens that looked really cute! You should still show me some stores though :D )

And I don't know, I originally came on here to prove to my parents that their rules would be ridiculous to other people, but I've made a bunch of polls and most people ended up agreeing with them. When I first starting making polls, I was mad because thought my parents were treating me like a little kid, but really they were just treating me like a kid who wets the bed. A few months ago I put the ages from the bedwetting 2 poll into excel and the average age rly stuck with me, it was like 15.8-something! For a long time I thought that people were just assuming I was a little kid because the polls were about wetting the bed and having to wear footy jammies to bed, but now I know better, in fact, I've pretty much given up on worrying about staying dry at night. I can't control it, I'm hoping I just grow out of it but until then I'm not going to let it ruin my life. I even told one of my new friends about it and even let her spend the night even tho I still had to wear my diapers. (She was totally super-cool about it, she calls me her baby sophmore now haha) I've also given up on trying to fight my parents about how they handle my problem, it is so so soooo much less stressful just to do what they want. Like I dont try to get the back zipper down on my pjs when my parents aren't looking anymore, cuz even though I'm the one wearing them, the zipper is there for my parents to use, not for me... idk if that makes any sense to you... tbh I think these polls have given me a lot of perspective I didn't have before and made me feel less alone with my problems. Like until recently I didn't know that...

  • Half of kids my age who wet the bed wear footie pjs

  • Almost all of them aren't allowed to wear pajamas without protection

  • Except in incredibly rare cases, most bedwetting kids my age have to wear protection on long trips, and many of them also have to wear their pajamas

  • It's pretty rare for someone my age who has problems staying dry at night to choose whatever they want for pajamas, and its quite common for their parents to choose which pjs they get to wear at bedtime

  • Back zippered pjs are relatively common pjs for bedwetting kids and it is even more common for parents to have rules about asking permission before their kids take off their protection

Knowing those facts makes me feel a lot more OK with my position in life. Another thing I've realized is I don't have it as bad as a lot of people my age with the same problem, which makes me feel less down on myself.

  • Most bedwetting kids my age have to wear disposables or cloth diapers, which are a lot bulkier and noisier than goodnites

  • Also most bedwetting kids my age have to put their diaper and pjs on right after dinner, but I get to wait until an hour before bedtime

  • A majority of their parents will get a babysitter if they are gone for more than a couple hours, but my parents only get one if they're gone overnight

  • There are some kids my age who have to wear protection, usually pull-ups but sometimes full-on disposables to school on pajama day or on school trips. I'm so glad I don't have to wear my night time diapers to school, I'd die of embarassment. >_>

  • A lot of kids my age with the same problem have consequences for wetting during the day, which is something that my parents are pretty relaxed about. For me, if it happens before I have my goodnights on I just have to wear my goodnites and, if practical, my pjs for the rest of the day. Some kids get spanked, grounded or have to wear their diapers and PJs for non-stop for a whole day!

Not much else is new, except my parents decided I had outgrown Goodnites last fall (But I'm not so ridiculously short anymore either! ^_^) so now I wear a big tape-up-style disposable to bed and if we're gonna be in the car for a long time. Unlike goodnites they are all about absorption and stopping leaks and not at all about secrecy. All the extra noise and weight and bulkiness took forever to get used to but I feel better about them now because even though it's super-duper obvious when I have them on under my pjs because they almost never leak. My parents also let me make a deal where I get to wait until bedtime to get ready for bed on the weekend and only have to get ready an hour early on weekdays! I kinda missed goodnites because they're a lot better for hanging out around the house before bedtime, so I asked them if they would buy me goodnites to wear if I put the goodnites and my pjs on a few hours early everynight without being asked to. Usually I put on my goodnites and front zipper pjs on like an hour after supper then change into my night-time diapers and back zipper pjs when I'm supposed to. None of my front zipper jammies fit well over my new night-time diapers anyway, so now they're just my loungewear. By the way, my Mom says if I'm responsible and get good grades she is going to buy me some two piece footy jammies for me to wear around the house!! (:

I'm so excited! It has been forevveerrr since I've worn two piece pajamas. How do you think I can prove to her I'm responsible enough? I was thinking about asking my parents if I can change into my actual bedtime jammies earlier instead of waiting for them to ask me. Or maybe I can try to start wearing my night time diapers on trips that I wouldn't normally have to because they take less than an hour? What do you guys think?

By the way nray I tried to reply to your question too even though I didnt directly reply to you. :p

Anyway I was going to write a lilttle more but it's supper time! I hope this big huge ginormous message makes up for how long I was away!! (:


Posted by nray999_b on 2016-05-20 05:09:33

Thanks for not forgetting us. It sounds like you have decided to stop fighting it and just wear the diapers until you stop wetting at night. I think just accepting and not trying to unzip your sleeper is sufficient proof of a changed and more responsible attitude. If you feel like you have to go a bit further to earn a reward then voluntarily putting on protection and PJs early would be a good move. I don't think wearing diapers on short trips makes sense. My impression is that you wear diapers on long trips because you are likely to fall asleep and wet while sleeping. On a short trip you will stay awake, and dry. I suppose you could volunteer to wear a back zip sleeper with your diaper on longer trips if it isn't mandatory. Anyway please keep us updated occasionally. I think several web shops sell sleepers year round so you can still shop.