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Choose my pjs


Posted by carg85 on 2014-09-13 10:44:29

You can use google translate to see the text in English: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.inpetto-reha.de%2Fshopframe.php%3Fwg%3D301&edit-text=
It's not perfect, but pretty understandable that way.

Well, I must say your parents have made an effort to make it a bit more bearable for you, paying extra for Hello Kitty print. It's probably wise to let them know you do appreciate that effort; otherwise they might not try a next time. (I don't mean you should be grateful for the sleeper, just for their effort.)
I am a bit surprised though that they don't use mattress protectors on your bed: you hardly notice them, but they prevent any wetness from ruining the mattress. (Inpetto sells those too, but most bedding stores will have them.)
Given the effort and money they spent on the pj's, I don't expect you can avoid wearing them or the goodnites, unless you can find some way to control your bladder better, or predict which nights you will wet the bed. And that doesn't sound likely. Have you ever tried to set an alarm in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom then, so that you can empty your bladder before it happens involuntarily in your sleep? It's not easy to actually get up in the middle of your sleep, but if you give it a serious try and it works you might not need the protection and the pj's anymore.

Making a poll from a different point of view would be an interesting experiment. I still think that some of the people answering are 'into' such things, and wouldn't mind being in your situation - or at least think they wouldn't. But my guess is that another portion might find it easy to be strict with others, but might be more careful if it is about themselves, so I would think the results might be a bit different.

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2014-09-26 05:31:27

Idk if my pjs are on there. One that I have looks kind of like a wello but mine has attached footies.

I'm back in goodnites because of those stupid pjs tho. I was wearing them and had to go but my parents were out in the garage but I didn't go outside because one of my neighbors was out there. I tried to hold it until they came back but they stayed out there for like half an hour. I tried using my hairdryer to dry them off but the hairdryer was so loud I didn't hear them come in and all of a sudden my mom is standing in the bathroom doorway. That was my 5th strike, and since it was at like 9 o'clock I'm not allowed to wait until bedtime to put goodnites on like I did before. Now I have to have protection under my pajamas "at all times" when I'm wearing them. From when I get out of bed to when I change out of them in the morning. :| And they're also going to keep the package of goodnites in their room and I have to get one from them when I get ready for bed because my mom is "suspicious" because this last month I've only wet my back zip pjs. My dad said they're going to start marking the calendar and if I can stay dry for two weeks, (!) then I can stop wearing them. So no, I'm not grateful. They should have just bought me something else beacuse those pjs are dumb and I hate them.

I actually have two mattress pads, because you have to wash them. They were talking about when I was younger. My mom and dad used to wake me up a couple hours after I went to bed to use the bathroom when I was younger but I still wet. That was a long time ago though and I'm desperate so I think I'll try that. And I was thinking about another poll, but now I don't think Id get anywhere with my parents if it were from my point of view. (I give them it all they time and it doesnt change anything) Maybe I should ask other parents what they do?

Posted by carg85 on 2014-09-28 11:48:52

With the Wello the site says they can also put in footies on request, so that seems likely.

I don't quite get why your father is complaining on needing to buy you new mattresses all the time if you have pads. Or are they not sufficient protection? It also sounds unfair that they counted your episode with them in the garage as a strike, since that was not unintentional wetting. They probably argue that you just should have gone to them and not try to cover it up. And why put you in the PJs so early if that is only to prevent you from wetting the bed?

If you want to change the way they deal with this, I think no poll is going to convince them. Perhaps your best chance is to get another adult on your side, like a relative, school nurse, or doctor, and see if they can help you work out a way with your parents that works a bit better for you. But it will still be a compromise at best.

If you are going to try getting up at night to visit the bathroom, you of course need to work that out with your parents: otherwise you'll be at the toilet without a way to take your PJs off.

In the end all the fighting and trying to find ways around their measures haven't made things any better for you - worse in fact. I'd like to find out what exactly is the thing that bothers you most. I don't think it's the PJs themselves, but is it the goodnites because they are uncomfortable or for children, or is it still hard to accept that you have accidents that you can't control, and feel shame especially if anybody else sees it? I know this probably is a pretty sensitive subject to write about on a public forum. You're welcome to email me personally at carg85@xs4all.nl, but of course you can't tell whether I can be trusted, so that might not be a good solution either.

Something different: your alias, KitsuneAngel1, sounds a bit Japanese to me. Are you, or your ancestors, from there? (It's none of my business of course, but I am curious whether this kind of treatment happens more often in certain cultures.)

About another poll: like I said I don't think it's likely your parents will change their opinion based on an anonymous poll, but if you ask what other people might do in your situation, either as you or as parents, you might get some useful tips from others (if you use 'essay' questions partly).

Posted by Andre 99 on 2014-10-05 20:26:07

I think you should wear nothing to bed, nude and covers to keep you warm. If it is too cold when you get up, then a nice thick robe will do :)

Posted by carg85 on 2014-12-15 13:12:16

Hi Kitsune, I see you made a poll on betwetting, and have some answers now. I'd say you did a pretty good job in creating neutral questions to have a better chance of getting honest answers. How do you feel about the results? It still seems that many of the people answering share some of your parents idea's. Carg