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Choose my pjs


Posted by Felinius on 2015-03-30 02:40:19

So, what did you decide to go with? I'd say go all out, but that's just my opinion...

Posted by AJ in PJs on 2015-03-30 14:40:07

I agree, they should go all out

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2015-04-07 21:02:15

Happy Easter everyone!

Wow you must have had it pretty bad! The doctor said I'm recovering from the mono quickly and I hopefully will have fully fought it off in a week or two. So hopefully I'll be able to go longer than a day without waking up wet by then. My parents are being pretty patient with me so far. :)

Replying to your reply to, "and you said exactly what my parents told me. Why not?" I actually tried to split up my post to respond to both mommabear and you.

I was talking to mommabear there, replying to when she said "Saying that you had an accident because you couldn't get the jammies off and then your GoodNite down to use a bathroom isn't in my book an acceptable reason."

Pajama day was super crazy and I was pretty nervous until I found this article that helped me out some. (link: http://www.wikihow.com/Survive-Having-to-Wear-Footies-on-Pj-Day) Then I gave it some thought and decided to wear my spongebob pajamas. (these: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Nickelodeon-Girls-SpongeBob-SquarePants-Footy-Pajamas/12517620#Q%26A+Exchange) I noticed on the bus that quite a few people, mainly other girls but a couple guys were also wearing footie pjs, so that made me a lot less nervous. The first half of first block went fine, but I was sitting near the vending machines my best friend (she wore footies too c: ) while on break when some senior from a different class "accidentally" spilled her water bottle in my lap. Like wtf! I've never even talked to her. Anyway, my friend let me borrow her blanket and I wrapped it around myself as I walked over to the office so nobody would misunderstand anything. Except when I got in to the office the door closed on my blanket and pulled it out from around me. The office lady just gave me that "Oh you poor dear" look. I told her some girl just spilled water on me but she didn't believe me. She called my parents and told them to bring dry pjs for me to wear, but they were in a meeting, so I had to wait in the conference room until my aunt came to the school. Of course, she didn't believe me that someone I don't even know randomly threw water at me either but she just hands me my other backpack and leaves. They tell me to go in to the nurse's office to change and inside the backpack are my hello kitty pjs (still better than wet pjs i guess) and 5 goodnites! So I changed in to the HK pjs and the back zipper was taking forever for me to try to zip up. The nurse asks if I need help, I say yes and she comes in and sees the goodnites in the bag and is all like, "your Aunt brought these for you, shouldn't you be wearing them?" I told her there was no way I was wearing a diaper under my pjs for pajama day. I didn't think she was going to let me, but she finally caved and said she'd leave in them in her office if I needed them. So I'm like 25 minutes late to the second half of my block wearing different pajamas than when I got to school, so everybody stared for the rest of the class. -_- Hopefully they don't suspect anything. Everything else went pretty OK after that until my 8th period class. Some people even told me that my pjs looked cute! A couple people even asked where I got them, but I just said I borrowed them from my cousin like you said. :D

My 8th period is gym, which I HATE, but I had a plan. I went in to the nurse's office and said I would actually feel more comfortable wearing a goodnite for the rest of the day. After I had it on I asked her if I could be excused from gym because I don't want to wear gym shorts over it and she was like "ok here's a note." The gym teacher just left me inside an empty classroom to write a paragraph on something fitness related. It was awesome, I had the room all to myself and my own sink to fill up my water bottle. Halfway through the class I had to pee so I went to the nurse's office but she was busy with someone else so I had to wait a while to get unzipped. When I got back the gym teacher was super mad at me for leaving the classroom without telling him so I ended up with an hour of detention. So I get sent straight to the detention room and get sat next to this boy named Nick. (He's like a genius, definitely the smartest kid in school and hot too, barely nerdy at all. (I have a little crush on him)) I'm super nervous and awkward going to sit next to him and when I sit down next to him he says, "Looks like someone's got the school spirit." (He is not wearing pajamas ofc) and I'm just like, "Hey, I'm just another girl who woke up and thought a onesie was easier to put on than school clothes." (Smooth, right?) But he just looks at me and says, "Doesn't look like it to me." and then the detention teacher yells at us for talking. BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!? Doesn't look like what? Was he reffering to the back zipper or was he saying something totally different? Anyway, I didn't get an answer, my mom grounded me for the rest of the day for getting detention, and now the nurse keeps a stockpile of goodnites for me. =( BUT I TALKED TO NICK FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! :DD

If I do end up getting locking pajamas I would just get a locking zipper puller because it basically looks like a normal zipper. A small padlock would work too but I wouldn't ever want anyone to see it, while with the locking puller I wouldn't have to worry. I'm not 100% sure I want locking pjs yet anyway lol. They would have been very inconvenient to wear on pj day.

My parents are out of town this weekend! :D But that also means that I have babysitter this weekend. ): I hope it's not she same one as last time, she was a b-word.

Posted by carg85 on 2015-04-10 18:13:49


What I remember from my mono is that I felt better fairly quickly, but they wanted me to take it easy for a longer while, esp. with swimming in a large lake.

Those Spongebob onesies are cute - a bit more feminine than his normal merchandise.

Wow, that PJ day was quite an emotional rollercoaster. I see a few positives in there:
Of course talking to Nick. I wouldn't immediately assume the worst about his remark - he might as well mean that your outfit was more because of the school spirit or extra credit, than just laziness. Or perhaps that putting something on with a back zip probably isn't easier than normal clothes.
See if you can keep his attention by saying hi when your paths cross, or perhaps even a small remark in passing. Nothing big or scary, just to keep the communication channel open, and who knows - it might become a conversation at one point.
Anyway, I bet you feel the detention and grounding was worth it ;-)

The other positive that I see, is that wearing your back-zip onesie in public for the first time is always the worst, so now that is over, and if in some way it happens again, it will not be quite so scary. (If people remember you telling you borrowed it, you can always say that you liked it and never got around to returning it.)
Don't forget that these PJs have a big negative association for you, but probably not for others, so most will hardly pay attention to back zips or footies, or even fondly remember how cosy and warm they felt when they wore them earlier in life. And back-zip clothing isn't so rare for women; especially at the moment back zip and even back button blouses, dresses and even jumpsuits are quite in fashion. I expect hardly anyone will suspect that your onesies have a back zip for another reason.

About the nurse holding a stockpile of goodnites for you: I guess no one else is going to find out about that, and it doesn't look like you will be needing them at school, so you should probably just forget about them.

So, you saw a fair few others in footie PJs - had most of the onesies you saw attached feet? Did you see any other back zip ones? Or even mittens, like the howTo advised against?
Did anyone ask you about the back zipper? I guess the nurse, when she zipped you up, also closed the button flap, so you were truly stuck?
And did anyone talk or tease about your onesies the following days? (Like why you changed?)
How do you like seeing others, esp. boys, in onesies?

About the locking zipper pull: you can lock it and then you can still close the zipper but not open it, but you can also leave it unlocked, and then it functions just like any other pull - except that it is a bit bigger and you can see the keyhole if you look closely.

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2015-04-30 16:16:45

I'm so shy though! Especially around him. D: Saying hi to him in the hallway sometimes is all I can do without my stomach getting full of knots. But yeah, definitely worth it. :P

On pajama day I'd say about 20% of the girls wore onesies and a few boys did, but on generation day most of the girls in my grade were wearing onesies. For both days most of them did have attached feet but there were some without and some people also wore two piece footies. Generation day was actually kind of depressing. Since my grade was supposed to dress up as babies/toddlers some girls wore diapers over their clothes and of course a couple wore goodnites over their footie pjs, which I what I normally wear. Basically it seemed like everyone's idea of what a kid would wear to bed IS what I wear to bed. ): That's true, I'm probably just assuming the worst. I just get paranoid, like when I was sitting in detention every time I shifted my weight there was a little crackling noise from my goodnite. What if someone sitting next to me heard that? And what if they hear later that I had to have someone bring pjs for me during first block? The reason I was worried about why Nick said that is that I was thinking what he heard all that and then put it all together. He's a smart guy, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard for him to figure out...

Anyway, I didn't see anyone wearing pjs with mittens, but on both PJ day and Generation day one girl I have open campus with wore back zip pajamas. I remember her looking really shocked when I saw that I was also wearing back zipper pjs for PJ day. (I'm sure I looked pretty shocked too though lol) A few people, mostly my friends asked me why the zipper was on the back but I just said that I didn't know because they weren't mine. I'm not sure everyone believed me though, my friend Alyx just said, "suuuure." And yup, the nurse made sure to do the button over the zipper every time she zipped me up. It's possible my aunt told her to.

Well, nobody asked me why I changed except for a couple friends, aside from a few acquaintances asking why I didn't wear the hello kitty jammies on Generation day. The only way anyone who's not in my first block class would know is if someone from the class told them, but people talk, you know? If there was some rumor going around I would be the last one to hear it. & I don't know if onesies are very flattering clothing for boys to wear. It's more of a cutesy thing and I don't think most boys go for that.

Ok, well I don't really know how I can bargain with my parents right now about getting locking pjs. It's kind of a long story, but my aunt was babysitting me last weekend while my parents were out in Korea for a meeting and on Friday I had a friend over and it was her first time at my house. Anyway, my aunt called downstairs for me to get ready for bed like an hour earlier than usual, but she NOT the kind of woman that you can argue with. So I got an idea: my friends are allowed to stay after I get ready for bed for a while and my aunt was too busy watching a movie upstairs to come downstairs, so I just went in to my parent's room and grabbed a set of my mom's pajamas to wear. That way I didn't have to wear anything embarrassing around my friends and we also got to finish our movie. But after my friend went home I fell asleep on the couch... and my aunt woke me up in the morning totally fuming because the couch got pretty wet and I wasn't supposed to be wearing those pjs and I was apparently 'dishonest' with her and ton more things. She calls my parents when they get to their hotel and for the rest of the weekend I have my goodnite and pjs on right after I finish eating supper and she's $%!@ed with me like all the time so I'm trouble constantly. Then my parents finally get back and they tell me that I have to earn back choosing what pajamas I wear on the weekend/trips, that I don't get any input on new summer pjs, which are all going to zip up the back now, and that for the next two weeks I have to be 100% (goodnite, pjs, zipped up, teeth brushed) ready for bed by 7:30 exactly. (8:00 weekends) If I'm even just a minute late it gets extended, which I think is harsh. I mean, I was able to convince them to keep my bedtime the same, but still.