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Choose my pjs


Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2015-01-06 14:54:54

One of the pads I had always used to come off the bed at night, and then sometimes they're not on my bed because they have to be washed. And that's basically what they said, my dad said when I knew I had to go I should've told them so I could get unzipped. I tried explaining that I was waiting for them to come back inside but they said that's its not an excuse and if I'm not ready to be honest about my wetting that I'm not ready to go to bed without protection. So dumb.

Idk why but my parents have always made me put my pjs on at least an hour before lights out.

I don't know who to talk to though. It's really embarrassing to talk about in person.

I just wake them up to unzip me if I happen to wake up and in the middle of the night and need to pee. It's just that most of the time I don't wake up until after. ._.

It's just overall how I'm treated just because I'm wet sometimes. Like this Christmas we flew down to my Grandma's. My mom always makes me wear goodnites on the plane because you can't always use the bathroom during the flight and plus I usually sleep on long trips with nothing to do. I wore my pjs that have the front zipper that goes down to the waist plus a big hoodie and uggs over it so it looked like I was just wearing pj pants instead of a onesie. We hit turbulence and I'm kinda scared of flying already so of course I end up wetting. I was just going to go to the bathroom once it's all over but my mom smelled it and asked me in the dead silence after the turbulence if I was wet. I know everyone heard it and then she stood up to grab the duffel bag so she could get me a new goodnite. It was sooooo embarrassing.

Then on Christmas Eve I stayed over at my grandma's with my cousins while my parents stayed at the hotel. All the kids have to get ready for bed right after Christmas dinner and my parents had brought some of my stuff over, but the only pjs they brought were my Hello Kitty footies that have the back zipper and the button-flap and there no way I was going to get away with not wearing goodnites. It was only like 6:30. All my cousins kept asking me why my zipper was in the back too. Like what do I even tell them? Then to make matters worse I woke up wet Christmas morning and when I went to get changed in to my day clothes my mom just gave me a fresh goodnite and told me that Grandma wants the whole family in their PJs for Christmas photos so I had to wait. At 2pm I finally get to take the pjs and goodnite of, but now I'm wearing a goodnite and a back zippered footie pajama in all the Christmas pictures, hoping that nobody puts them on facebook. I just wish that having this problem wasn't such a big deal to everybody.

Nopers! I'm Norwegian! I just like to draw anime. (:

Thank you! Idk there's some things that make more sense and other things I have questions about, but for the most part it seems like most parents would do the same thing my parents are. Like I didn't know that so many parents would use back zip pajamas or make their children wear protection on long trips, but why are footie sleepers considered the best pjs for bedwetting kids? I was also pretty surprised that a lot of parents said that they would have their child wear a sleeper with a locking or 'secure' zipper if they take off their protection at night and are going to a sleepover. How would the zipper even be locked or 'secured'? Why would this be better than back zipper pajamas anyway? Especially in my case where I already can't take them off without an adult. It was also kindof depressing that almost all the parents said that they would have their children wear goodnites and some sort of sleeper to a sleepover or a school trip and only one said that they should be able to wear whatever they want.

Posted by carg85 on 2015-01-16 17:50:47

Yeah, it seam that parents always have a tendency to embarrass their children. What usually works best with parents, is to be mature about it, which means accepting their decisions and punishment for the things you did wrong in their eyes. Then you can start working with them in how to best deal with this inconvenience, and hopefully find a compromise where they might try a bit harder to not embarrass you and hopefully after a while decide that you don't need the back zip pajama's anymore. (But of course as soon as you would take the goodnites off again, you will lose all privileges once more.) The hard thing of course is to let go of the rebellious feelings, and accept the situation even though you don't fully agree with it. Doubly difficult during puberty I assume.

And it is not only their treatment of you that is frustrating, but also having such a socially embarrassing condition. I have undiagnosed fatigue problems, and it has taken me about 1.5 year to accept that it might not pass and there is a lot I can't do anymore.

Norwegian? Ah, then it makes more sense that your parents would order from a German website that if you were Japanese ;-)

You ask what you could say to your cousins about the back zipper? I can think of a few things:
- currently back zippers and buttons are in fashion for e.g. blouses, sweaters, dresses and even jumpsuits.
- a smooth front looks nicer of you wear something with a pattern, since the zipper doesn't interrupt the pattern.
- some people find the zipper end at their throat irritating, and prefer a smooth neckline in front.

A lock on the zipper would also work on front zip onesies or for people who can reach that button flap. And with a padlock only the keyholder can release you, where with the button flap any cousin or friend could let you out. (I know in your case you would not want them to because they would then see the goodnites, but the people answering the poll might not realise that.)
With 2 fabric loops or D-rings at the top of the zipper you can prevent the onesie from being taken off, and if you can put the padlock through the zipper pull, even from opening the zipper. There are even zippers with a build-in locking mechanism.

Many people answering polls are from the USA, where sleepers for children, and even teenagers and adults are more common. The benefit of a sleeper is that a diaper is held in place even if it gets heavy, where it might drag down pajama pants. So that might be why so many people answered those were the best.
And I guess parents would be worried that their child might ruin other peoples beds by wetting on a sleepover or trip, so they might even find goodnites more important than at home.

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2015-01-30 19:56:09

The problem is that in order to stop wearing protection my parents say I have to have two dry weeks on the calendar, which I don't think I can do. Can I have your help figuring out what a reasonable compromise would be? Because I have to have my pjs and protection on at 8:30 on school nights and 9 every other day. Right now my parents make me wear my back zip pjs on school nights but they let me choose on weekends or days I don't have school. My mom also makes me wear protection on every long trip we take and whenever I wear pajamas in the car then she makes me wear goodnites then too, but my dad doesn't care. Whenever my parents leave town my aunt comes over to babysit. (she always brings my cousin with too. ._.) Do you think I could bargain with my parents to be able to wear non-footed, non-one-piece pjs on the weekends?

What are fatigue problems?

American of Norwegian descent I should say. My dad actually has dual citizenship and travels there for business a couple times a year! He always sends me yummy krumkaka that my grandma makes. ^_^

Well I could say that but I'm pretty sure my cousins know or at least they suspect the real reason I have them. ):

I didn't even know that they made locking pajamas for teenagers let alone that this many parents use them. So it's for a situation like a sleepover, where a chaperone would be given the key? A number of people in the polls said they use or would use some sort of locks on the pajamas if the bedwetter was going to a sleepover and had issues with wearing their protection. I guess its effective at keeping the bed dry, but I would hate to be the girl with locking pajamas at the sleepover.

I know they are common but a lot of people here wear them ironically, but I asked my mom and she told me that pretty much all kids footie pjs, even teenage ones, have extra room in the crotch for protection but idk if that's true. That makes sense I guess, but I still don't understand why parents would have their kids pack their footie pjs for a school trip or sleepover.

Posted by carg85 on 2015-02-06 08:57:48

Actually I don't think you can bargain with your parents about wearing protection at night, but you might try to see if you only have to put your pajama's and goodnites on just before bed. I think your parents should stimulate you to use the bathroom also in the evening, instead of making it harder to go, and bring you already in the 'night setting' halfway the evening. (Wearing pajama's sort of triggers the body that night time is there, and night time is when accidents occur...)

For further bargaining on non one-piece pajama's, you probably would want to have been on your best behavior, like not having complained about the current situation for a while. It might be easiest in spring/summer, because one-piece pajama's are often warmer, so you could argue that with warm weather you should be able to wear something cooler. And if that works, and they have no reason to regret their decision, you might be able to extend that when the weather turns cooler.

Fatigue means tiredness: I have about half the energy I had a few years ago, so now I can't do most sports, vacations, etc. It took quite a while for me to accept these limits, because it is always hard to accept when your body is not behaving as is 'should'. I mentioned it because I wonder how much of the frustration you feel towards your parents is actually frustration about your body 'misbehaving'. But since being angry with your own body is not very effective, it is common to find another target for your frustration.

One-piece pajama's always have much room in the crotch, also the ones for adults. That is necessary because you don't want it to press on your crotch if it bunches up a bit at the top. Especially males don't like pressure there, but I assume for females that would be uncomfortable too. I would guess that the ones from in-petto, like your back-zip ones, will be constructed with room for protection in mind, but the adult ones at e.g. Walmart won't.

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2015-02-09 16:50:38

So you're saying I just have to get used to wearing back-zippered jammies and goodnites until my parents think I don't need them anymore? What am I going to do about pj day or overnight trips for school?

I don't think my parents would let me wait to change until bedtime since I've had a lot of accidents before bedtime recently, but what if my parents got me a pair of locking pjs with a front zipper? Then I'll have less accidents because I can unzip myself before bedtime but my parents are happy because I still won't be able to cheat on their calendar by changing into a dry goodnite at night.

No it's because they don't understand how embarassing it is to still wet the bed or even to still be wearing footies at this age. Like they always have my aunt babysit me when they're gone, which is bad enough, but she always brings my cousin. She makes us get ready and go to bed at the same time (she is a few months younger than me), but she gets to wear whatever she wants to bed. Imagine trying to hang out with your younger cousin who is wearing pj pants and a t shirt while you have to wear footie pajamas and basically a kind of diaper, which half the time I'm not even allowed (or able) to take it off unless I ask permission first.

My mom was talking about kids sizes. She says that when you have onesies that go from little kids sizes to big kids sizes (like at kmart) the little kids sizes have the same amount of room for protection that the big kid's sizes do, they just don't want to have to make adjustments for it. And I know, my inpetto ones have enough room for an actual diaper lol. All the extra room camoflages my goodnites well though! (: