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Choose my pjs


Posted by carg85 on 2015-05-03 13:54:03

Well, there might be a chance that Nick heard everything that people might have noticed, and combined it all, but I expect that would only happen if he were quite interested in you already; otherwise I expect there are way too many other people to keep track of everything about them.

Being scared about such things being discovered is normal, and the fear also protects you from doing stupid things that increase the chance of discovery, but it is important that it is not the only 'advisor' and also listen to your common sense, the part that wants to have fun, etc.

I'm sorry to hear you're in so much trouble, but I can understand why the grown-ups are angry with you. I also see that you would want to wear normal pajama's with your friends, but then again, they had already seen you in a onesie anyhow (unless they go to a different school). Your parents might be strict about the time you need to be ready, but at least you know what is expected of you, and once you're ready for bed you can't do anything wrong anymore ;-) So now it is back to slowly earning back privileges.

In case your parents don't mind you having a locking sleeper for summer: I ran into a store that sells the sliders: http://zelikovitz.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=7125&category_id=293&vmcchk=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53 Since these fit on most normal plastic coil zippers, your parents might save quite a bit of money by buying regular onesies and replacing the slider, instead of getting those special ones from in-petto. It looks likely that they would work with the spongebob ones too.

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2015-10-29 05:30:55

Hey, I'm getting sleepy rn so I'll respond to you tomorrow and we can catch up, but I haven't forgotten about you, just been really busy! :)

Posted by carg85 on 2015-10-31 07:20:18

Hi, yes, it would be great to get an update on your situation. Apparently you survived the summer in back zip pajamas ;-)

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2015-10-31 22:01:12

I did. I don't know, at this point back zip pajamas are just routine now. It's not that I like them, but it's hard to stay mad about it for so long. I actually just got done asking my parents to let me get ready for bed a little later tonight since I'm going to handing out candy with them but they shot that idea down. Answering the door in my footie pjs and goodnite will be a little embarrassing but I'm sure most people will just think it's my Halloween costume. Later tonight I've got a friend sleeping over too, which I'm pretty excited for. Do you remember that girl I was telling you about who also wore back zipper footies on pajama day last year? This year we sit next to each other in trig and we actually get along really well! She's pretty shy but she's really funny once you get to know her. Nick moved to Oregon over the summer too. )= I was pretty sad about it for a month but I'm better now, I just wonder what might have been.

I went to camp earlier in the year and that was nerve-racking because I thought everyone was going to make fun of me. I even made a poll about it, did you have a chance to vote in it? My roommate (who was awesome!) told me that some of the other girls there were making fun of my pjs behind my back but she didn't hear them say anything about diapers. Aside from that group of b-words everyone was really nice and I learned a lot about oboe. Our oboe teacher there played in the Minneapolis Philharmonic Orchestra and my parents paid for private lessons with her too.

In other news, I managed to get my bedtime back to normal, but now instead of being able to choose my pjs on the weekends I have to earn it by staying dry three days in a row. The worst thing is that my parents have told me that they're getting tired of the goodnites leaking so they want me to find a tape-on disposable that I like... except I don't like any of them. I don't see why it's such an issue for them, I'm not a heavy wetter so it doesn't even happen that often. It's not like they're doing a whole ton more laundry because of it. >:|

I never ended up asking about the locking zippers, it totally slipped my mind. How obvious is it that they lock? Because a back zipper is one thing, there's a lot of clothes with back zippers, but I really wouldn't want anyone else to know that my pajamas lock. If I was hanging out with someone while wearing them do you think they would notice?

Posted by carg85 on 2015-11-01 12:42:00

You could say that in one aspect your parents did you a favor by making all your PJs back zip: once there is no choice it sometimes is easier to accept bad things and get on with your life. Were all of the new ones from the same company as your hello kitty ones (in-petto)? Since they were angry since you, I expect they didn't go through the trouble of having them custom made with nice designs, and just got you the uni-colored ones?

LOL - a back-zip pajama party. Did she ever explain why she has those back-zippered footies? They seem to be fairly uncommon, so perhaps her parents had a purpose in getting those too. Perhaps she is wearing protection at night as well? (But I guess you might not be tat enthusiastic about bringing it up, since then you might need to explain your arrangements as well.) Sorry to hear about Nick, but I'm sure there will be a new crush before long ;-)

It sounds like music camp has made you come a long way in accepting your PJs; even though it must have been hard to go at first, you have learned that you had a good time all the same, and that even though people will have noticed you pajamas, that didn't immediately turn you into an outcast. And even that some other people can accept the diapers, like your roommate. By the way, I wasn't aware you made a new poll, so no answers from me there (and I guess you don't need new answers anymore :-O) Again the results will not have been what you'd prefer, but that just seems the way that people respond on this site - always picking the harshest choices. I'm not sure if you can draw any conclusions from them.

What I don't understand is why your parents keep trying to give rewards if you stay dry for a number of days. From what you've told me until now, you just don't have the control to make that happen, so they might as well let you roll a die a few times and reward you if you had rolled only sixes. But you do have control before you go to sleep, so perhaps you could be more consistent in not using the protection in the evenings, and ask to be let out every time. (And of course the more hassle for them in handling this, the more chance they might decide sooner to make things a bit easier for both sides.)

About the locking zipper pulls: you can see one in the image I added on page 6 of this topic (with the babyish sleeper). It is a pretty large pull, just over 1 inch long in total. There is a small keyhole in there, a few millimeters long, that will probably only be recognizable if you look closely. So worst case scenario: if e.g. someone is talking to you, their attention might be drawn to the large pull, and then spot the tiny keyhole. But more often people aren't that perceptive, and even if they see a small hole in the zipper pull, most would probably don't immediately think that it is a locking zipper, since the vast majority won't even know those exist. (Perversely you'd have way less chance of people spotting it if it was on a back zipper, but of course the whole point of it is to be allowed front zippers again.)