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Choose my pjs


Posted by carg85 on 2014-07-19 14:48:44

I guess your parents find it sucks more to clean the sheets and jammies twice a week than let you wear goodnites :O And I can understand they go to firmer measures if you keep on taking your pajama's and goodnites off. If you do get back-zip pajamas, your only hope might be that your parents get tired of needing to unzip you all the time in the middle of the night, and gradually put them on you less and less.

Do keep us informed if you get back-zip ones, and what they are like.

Posted by Caecelia on 2014-07-31 18:46:48

Hi KitsuneAngel <3

You should feel lucky - ALL the pajamas I can wear zip up the back and have feet, even in summer. x_x Mom somehow found these ones online that are made out of a thin material so they aren't as hot, but still... I'm 15! Footed pajamas look cute... on people who are 4!!!!!!

My parents say I need to wear them to keep myself pure and stop me from "being naughty" at night... they even have these weird mitten things so I can't get a hold of the zipper. All my friends at school talk about how good it feels to touch down there, but I have no way to! (Don't tell them, but I've tried!) At least your parents let you out of them... according to them big girls shouldn't need to use the restroom at night, so I just have to hold it, and they punish me if they are wet in the morning.

Also, maybe you or your mom would know... all my pajamas have this weird loop thing behind my neck at the top of the zipper on either side. I thought they were for tying but they're loops instead of strings and they don't reach. What are they for?

Looking forward to hearing from you, Caecelia

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2014-09-02 17:03:52

I'll do the laundry myself then, jeez. And they don't let me wear them, they make me. Except they won't need to unzip me in the middle of the night. That's the problem, I don't wake up in the middle of the night when I have to use the bathroom-- I wake up wet in the morning. What sucks about back-zip pajamas is that I won't be able to take them off before my parents see that I'm wet, so I'm probably going to go over my bedwetting limit and that means I'll be in goodnites every night. :|

I'm really not even that bad of a bedwetter, just two, maybe three times at week max. I shouldn't need to wear goodnites every night. I'm way too old to wear diapers anyway. I put up my "pajama and bedtime rules" poll so I could get evidence that other people also think that I shouldn't be having to wear this stupid stuff. Instead everyone just assumed I was a huge bedwetter. >: I put the sleepover pajamas question so I could get some pj pants to wear, but most people said I should wear goodnites and back zip pajamas. Some people even said they should be locking. As if I would ever wear locking pjs, especially to a sleepover. I'd never even wear back zipper pjs to a sleepover.

My parents ordered them before we went shopping for back-to-school clothing. From some german website called enpeta or something. I haven't seen what they look like yet, but one is cream colored and the other one is a "surprise."

Caecilia, your parents seem way too strict.

Posted by carg85 on 2014-09-02 20:50:49

I guess it's this shop then: http://www.inpetto-reha.de/shopframe.php?wg=301. It seems your parents are pretty committed to this: they're rather more expensive than normal pajama's; hopefully they are at least comfortable.

Polls here about what one should wear, how one should be punished, etc., always seem to result in the harshest results. Perhaps people would respond differently if you ask them what they should be made to wear in your situation.

There are other solutions to help you not wet the bed at night - have your parents ever looked into options like talking to a doctor, a wetting alarm etc.? You should at least realize it is not your fault that you sometimes wet, and I assume your parents know that too. So I expect the goodnites are not so much a punishment as a way of dealing with the situation. (But then again I don't know your parents so I could be wrong.) The back-zip sleepers are of course somewhat different because you took the other ones off, so that sounds more like a combination of punishment and a practical solution for what they think is necessary.

So if you were invited to a fun sleepover and your parents would only let you go if you wear back-zip pajamas there, would you not go?

You do make me curious about the 'surprise', so keep us informed.

I haven't seen any new posts of Caecelia in a while - I hope her parents haven't forbidden her to post/visit here anymore.

Posted by KitsuneAngel1 on 2014-09-10 03:35:56

Idk probably since it's all in german. The pjs came in the mail a few days ago. Apparently my parents paid extra to get one in Hello Kitty print for me. I mean, I LOVE Hello Kitty stuff but I hate those pjs. The first night I wore them I had an accident and couldn't take them off because of the stupid flap over the zipper. And my parents have caught me once this month already. That's two strikes and its only the ninth. How can I avoid wearing these pjs so my parents won't know if I go over my limit?

So you think if I make another poll like what you said people would be more understanding?

I've been to a bunch of different doctors, I have an underdeveloped bladder and something called primary nocturnal enuresis. My dad had it too when he was little but he grew out of it by the time he was in high school. When I was younger I used to take DDAVP but I stopped because it started giving me bad migraines. I know it's not my fault, but its so unfair. Nobody else my age has to deal with this and having to wear goodnites if I go over my bedwetting limit just makes it worse. My parents just don't understand. I hear them complaining about how many times they've had to buy me a new mattress but I never hear them talking about how stressful it is for me.

No way, that would be so embarrassing. What if I had an accident? I'd have to ask someone to help me take off my wet pjs. It's bad enough when I have to ask my own parents.

It wouldn't surprise me, her parents seem totally crazy.