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teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions

Only for convenience

Posted by glennman on 2022-04-03 17:02:50

Hi Mandi2, I haven't had any girlfriends who have worn diapers. If one did, I would probably get aroused and try to take advantage of them. I usually try to take advantage of them anyway and most of the time they are more than willing to let me. Diapers can come off and go back on quickly so they might not be that good for chastity. Girls don't need to wear diapers to get guys aroused and turned on, a nice dress or short skirt that shows off their legs works really good. They don't have to be white puffy dresses for church. Then guys are only thinking about getting under their dress. Girls are good at getting guys to be aroused and if diapers help then they should wear them if they like to. I'm glad you like to wear them and get your boyfriends turned on. If they are typical guys they really appreciate it.

Posted by mandi2 on 2022-04-04 13:37:13

Hi glennman,You are mostly right i guess,but girls wearing diapers and plastic pants know that they will definitely get them turned on.Me and a few of my girlfriends have found that guys get turned on even more when they find the diaper and plastic pants under our dresses and they become more forcefull and dominant.It is especially true when teen girls wear puffy white dresses and veils for baptisms,First Communions and Confirmation with their diaper and plastic pants on under their dress.Most guys find out somehow that a girl has a diaper and plastic pants on under her white dress and the bad part is they only want to get $%!@ from her.How are your sisters doing? Are they still wearing their diapers and plastic pants? How does the younger one feel about older sis putting them on her when they wear them? All for now mandi2

Posted by glennman on 2022-04-10 00:28:40

Hi, Mandi2, Guys get turned on by anything that makes a girl be more girly and make guys want to protect them. They always want to get under a girl's dress It’s so much fun and girls wearing a diaper I guess is a good reason. Guys also want to dominate girls so they can take advantage of them. It's good to see you turn on your boyfriend by wearing diapers. My sisters are still wearing diapers sometimes when they leave the house and like doing it. The younger one likes it better when her older sister puts on her diaper because she is faster.

Posted by mandi2 on 2022-04-11 13:19:08

Hi glennman-Now that Easter is approaching,girls are getting their Easter outfits ready!I saw two girls yesterday at Palm sunday mass who were in their Easter outfits! one girl was around 14 or 15 and the other was around 12.They both had on pastel colored,poofy,above the knees dresses with lace socks and matching shoes and they each had on a cloth diaper and plastic pants under their dresses. You are right,guys do want to dominate girls and take advantage of them,especially when the girls are wearing diapers under a dress!It is especially so on Easter when teen girls are dressed up cute and little girlish and have a diaper and plastic pants on under their dresses.Guys love to get them alone and dominate them! My Easter dress is pink and poofy and above my knees and i will have my cloth diaper and pink plastic pants on under it.I know my boyfriend will take advantage of me so i will be prepared for it.It is great that your younger sister like to have the older one diaper her! Your parents should require both of them to wear their diapers and plastic pants under dresses all day on Easter sunday next weekend.

Posted by glennman on 2022-04-12 00:39:42

Mandi2, My sisters will wear a nice dress on Easter and they always wear a diaper to church. Even if my mother didn't make them they would still wear one with plastic pants. I like seeing all the girls in their dresses during Easter. The shorter the better. It doesn't matter if they wear a diaper, it's a turn on to see girls dressed up. It sounds like you will look great for your boyfriend and I hope you enjoy it when he takes advantage of you. I'll try to take advantage of my girlfriend on Easter and get under her dress. I'm sure she will look fantastic!