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teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions

Only for convenience

Posted by mandi2 on 2022-05-05 14:18:19

Hi glennman-That must have been a real turn on for your sisters boyfriends to see them in their diapers and plastic pants and have intercourse with them.Did your mom start them on the diapers and plastic pants when they were younger?Your girlfriend shouldnt be scared about wearing a diaper as no one can tell she would have one on.Society accepts girls wearing diapers more than it does boys,so it would be no big deal! Since she likes to wear feminine cloths,the cloth diapers and plastic pants would make her feel more girly and cute! You should take some of your older sisters diapers and plastic pants and when you two are alone,show them to her and have her try them on. This past sunday,May 1st,our parish had First Holy Communion and there were a few teen girls in the class,and being a cloth diaper and plastic pants wearer my self,i helped dress a few of the teen girls in the bridal dressing room.I helped their moms pin their diaper on them,then pulled their plastic pants up their legs.The one girl,who was 15,had snap on plastic pants,so i snapped the one side while her mom did the other side.All of the girls looked very cute and pure in their poofy communion dresses and veils!

Posted by glennman on 2022-05-07 15:26:39

Mandi2, Hello, My sisters boyfriends get real turned on when they are wearing diapers and they know then they are going to get lucky. My mom had both of them wearing diapers when they left the house when they were really young. They don't wear them all the time now and haven't for a long time. My girlfriend likes to wear feminine clothes to turn me on and it works so well I can't control myself most of the time. She knows I'll do anything to get under her dress or skirt. She said she'd see if she'll warm up to wearing diapers. I'm glad you enjoyed helping the teen girls be diapered for their first communion. Did the teenage guys there know they were diapered and in plastic pants and get excited about it?

Posted by mandi2 on 2022-05-08 12:40:05

Hi glennman,Yes,it is very natural for boyfriends to get real turned on when they know their girlfriends are wearing diapers and plastic pants!Have your sisters ever said how they feel wearing their diapers and plastic pants around their boyfriends? Your mom did the right thing starting then out young with the diapers and plastic pants. You should explain to your girlfriend that wearing diapers and plastic pants makes girls feel cute and little girlish and more feminine and that it would be a really great turn on for you!The next time you and her are going to be alone,have some of your sisters diapers and a pair of plastic pants with you and show them to her and tell her you want her to try them on and wear them for a while.That way she would know what they are like and that you love seeing them on her! I did enjoy helping the teen girls get diapered for their First Communion!The communion dresses are considered as an extension of the baptism gown so the girls wear the cloth diaper and plastic pants to enhance their purity and also represent their purity and innocence of their baptisms as babies.The one girl i saw was 15 and her mom put baby print plastic pants on her over her diaper and they fit her blousy and she looked like a baby!She looked really cute in her poofy,short communion dress and veil! There was only one teen boy in the class and he knew the teen girls were diapered under their dresses as it is common knowledge that the girls wear them.The rest of the boys in the class were 7 and 8 year olds. After the ceremony,some of the teen boys in the congregation hit on the teen girls and try and get them to go off to a secluded place and get down on their knees and give them $%!@ in their communion outfits.I saw one of the girls i helped diaper sneek off with a boy and a while later they came back and the girl had the smell of semen on her breath!Do your sisters have lots of diapers and plastic pants each? Keep me posted.Mandi2

Posted by glennman on 2022-05-10 00:45:36

Mandi 2 Now that they know their boyfriends are really turned on by their wearing diapers they like having them on when they are with them. My girlfriend may be warming up to wearing them. She hasn't yet but she said she might surprise me some time. She keeps wearing clothes that turn me on so I can wait. This past weekend she dressed up and had on thigh highs which she left on when I took advantage of her and it was so hot. The feeling rubbing against them was so good. It sounds like some of the girls weren't so pure and innocent after the ceremony! They must have had a good time though and at least one teen boy got lucky. I understand why the boys hit on them. Any boy would do the same thing because the girls looked so beautiful and they would be excited about what they were wearing. Boys will be boys. My sisters don't have that many diapers and plastic pants because they don't wear them all the time and usually for what my mother thinks is special.

Posted by mandi2 on 2022-05-10 12:20:41

Your mom did the right thing putting you in diapers and plastic pants!