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User: rebecca94


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Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-09-03 09:13:06

Hi Emily

The school holidays seem to have flown by! It is a pity that your break was disrupted by Covid but I hope that you were able to relax from your daily routine and recharge your batteries!

We have not heard much about Covid recently - no problems on board - but it could rise again during the winter. I think boosters are for the over 50s at the moment.

We are now off on a cruise through the Irish Sea, Hebrides, Faroes and Iceland. I am not looking forward to the Hebrides section if the weather is windy!!!

Kate is doing well - so confident and learning fast! I was really nervous during my first port talks but they don't seem to trouble her. She will be with me until our break. She will have a break at the same time as the ship will be in dry dock for maintenance and then we will be together during the winter in the Caribbean!

We are looking to book a last minute chalet or cottage - you can get good deals if you shop around on the internet. Andrew is looking forward to the break as well.

I am glad that your wedding went well. I thought you would have been more nervous with the priest but I see your point. I would enjoy a long walk as well - we might get some in the West Country

I expect the summer clothes will soon be packed away. Your casual outfit sounded fine. Smart for me this morning - will soon be welcoming "new clients" - white shirt, black knee length skirt, opaque stockings - tie, black blazer and black flats to be added soon.

I hope that your first week back at school goes well.

Take care


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-08-29 12:38:46

Hi Emily

I am so pleased that your GCSE results were a good outcome for you and the school. I suppose there will always be some students who don't do as expected - perhaps they were not feeling too good on the day - but these will be balanced out by those doing better than expected. At least you can relax now!

I hope that your latest wedding went well. Is it more nervy being verger when the rector is taking the service? Services will soon be second nature to Joel but I am sure that funerals will always be a little more difficult.

Andrew is a lot happier now that WHU have managed a win and are out of the relegation zone. He is hoping for a few more wins now to lift them up the table. We went for a walk together in Bergen as we both had some free time - and it wasn't raining! There are some pleasant walks along the inner quay and down to a park.

We didn't go to the far north this time - with stops at Kristiansund, Geirainger, Olden, Andalsnes and Bergen with a tender planned for Lerwick on the way home. The weather was OK - a bit cloudy and misty and a few bumpy spells at sea.

We hope to go to the West Country in three weeks - no doubt some offers will be available on accommodation. We have been in that area before and enjoyed it.

It is good that you received your insurance payment - not the same as your holiday but at least you didn't lose any money.

I have to do some "planning ahead" with Kate now - getting things ready for the next trip. For me - nothing as fashionable as your "day in white" - comfy black trousers, white shirt and black flats.

Enjoy your Bank Holiday!


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-08-23 14:14:17

Hi Emily

I am so pleased that your results were better than you anticipated. I thought they would be as the students had such a good teacher! I do like Joel's comment of "a waste of a good worry!" but we all tend to look on the pessimistic side when waiting for results etc. You will now be able to enjoy the rest of your holiday and enjoy preparing for the new school year.

Kate is a quick learner and we get on well. She has a lot of patience - needed when dealing with some people - and is keen to ensure everyone is happy after sorting out issues. In a few weeks she would like to have a go at a section of a port talk.

We are now in Amsterdam (outer port) and will be heading back to the UK next. We then have a trip to Norway. This cruise has gone well. Just a bit bumpy during one evening in the English Channel. We hope that the "clients" book another trip and there are some good offers available to tempt them.

Andrew is really miserable about WHU. Bottom of the league and I don't think they have scored a goal yet. I told him that they can only go upwards but he didn't appreciate the comment! We are starting to look for places to visit on our break but have not decided on anything yet.

I hope that the wedding went well. Joel must be used to taking services on his own by now. I do plan to buy some plain dresses for evening wear on board. I think I probably have about 75% white underwear with several black items as well. Yes, mainly stockings now - but bare legs in hot environments such as the Caribbean.

I do like the latest black and red outfit - smart but casual.

For me - white shirt, black knee length skirt, opaque stockings, black flats.

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-08-17 15:22:26

Hi Emily

Back in England again and shortly leaving on a short "starter cruise" designed to attract people to take their first cruise. We are going along the English Channel again calling (hopefully) at Jersey, Guernsey, Antwerp and Amsterdam.

We have just welcomed people on board and I am giving a short port talk later before dinner. I have a new trainee with me for a few weeks, Kate, who is keen to learn about shore excursions. She is 22 and like me started in the head office.

It does seem much cooler now but we had a heavy shower for about 20 minutes earlier.

I wanted to post quickly today to wish you well for results day which I think is tomorrow. I am sure everything will be fine even though the year group missed out on the exam experience 2 years ago and the marking may be now less lenient.

It sounds like you are now well prepared for the autumn term clothes wise. I must admit I am not a fan of cord - it can make me shiver when I touch the fabric - but they the skirts will be hard wearing. I must look for a plain dress - it would make a change from my florals.

Andrew is getting gloomy about WHU - back to normal this season he moans - but at least he is not have to suffer seeing the matches. I will see if he will come clothes shopping with me during our holiday if it is not for lingerie. He needs some more clothes for himself as he wears items until they start to get tatty.

I love your summer outfit - and pleased that you are joining me with more white!

For me - smart uniform at the moment with pale brown stockings.

Take care - and I hope it goes well tomorrow


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-08-13 14:02:26

Hi Emily

We are now on our way back to England. It probably is cooler on board with the sea breezes and air conditioning inside but you do have to be very careful with sun burn. There are quite a few very red people around and the shop has sold a lot of lotion/cream!

We did see some evidence of the wild fires in the distance when near the Portuguese coast - the hills were black.

I am pleased to hear that you are both recovering more quickly this time. I am sure that the school holidays will help you - just some gentle preparation work at home. Fingers crossed that your students will do well with their results. I am sure that they will be fine!

We have heard about the heatwave at home from our parents. Mother mentioned that the garden does not look too good. She is staying inside during the middle of the day. They even closed the charity shop at 12.00 on Friday!

I managed some shopping in Gibraltar and Andrew did some sight-seeing for an hour. We caught the shuttle bus from the quayside to the town centre - only about 5 minutes away.

I bought some neutral and pale brown stockings from M&S and some white knickers. I also bought some cotton T-shirts (white and pale blue) from shop that was the equivalent of TK Maxx. I now have enough stockings until our holiday and the T-shirts will be useful if the heat continues. Gibraltar is useful for shopping as they use the GB pound and everyone speaks English!

Andrew enjoyed looking at the canons and forts. They have interpretation boards explaining their history. He too avoided lingerie shopping!

Our holiday is w/c 19th September. We will book something nearer the time as you can often get last minute bargains!

I hope that your optician appointment goes well. I am sure it will.

For me - black skirt, bare legs, cream sandals, white shirt - just doing admin work today - day at sea but near the coast so the signal is fine. May go ashore in Porto.

I hope that you both stay safe in the heat
