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User: rebecca94


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Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-05-19 15:40:19

Hi Emily

We are now in Porto. It is warm and sunny and I will soon be welcoming the "clients" back from their excursions.

The Bay of Biscay was not too bad - a bit bumpy but I have known much worse! Lisbon is next

We had a screening of the Europa match last night. Quite tense Andrew said with Rangers losing on penalties. The room was full mainly of men and the show lounge was a sanctuary for the women who were not football fans watching a show put on by the dancers of the sixties.

It is good that the restrictions are gradually easing and things are now almost back to pre-pandemic. We are not talking about Covid that much either.

I hope that the exams go well for your students. I am sure they will with such a good teacher. Will things remain easier for you for the rest of this term or do you start planning ahead for the autumn term?

I do need some more black stockings. I only have one pair at the moment but they do get worn at talks. Trousers today though as I have been running up and down the gangway!

I might wear my floral dress tonight for a "smart casual" evening Your last outfit sounded great. Andrew will no doubt try to avoid a tie - preferring an open neck shirt!

I hope that you enjoy your weekend and I will try to post again on change over day

Take care


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-05-15 08:04:31

Hi Emily

Sorry for the delay in replying - insufficient signal for the first time in ages on our way back from Iceland! We went alongside in the Faroes - a bit cloudy which spoilt some of the views but dry. Iceland was beautiful - the last lowland snow giving way to spring with a few flowers coming into bloom. We did have some storms but not enough to spoil the trips.

The men were occupied last night with the FA Cup Final which was live on the big screen. The extra time and penalties caused a bit of disruption with dinner with far more people than usual opting for the informal buffet!! Andrew thought it was a reasonable game for 0-0 I think WHU have two games left but nothing much to play for.

Great that school is very nearly back to pre-Covid normal. I hope it stays that way. I think that the vaccines are helping. Hopefully no new variants will appear. Will it be easier for you when years 11 & 13 are on study leave?

I expect Church services will be back to normal soon but maybe some of the older congregation will be more cautious. We had a non-denominational service this morning. Some well known hymns, readings etc.

Yes skirts sometimes for shore talks with stockings! It can depend on the state of the sea! We do go back to our own cabins after you know what as they are too small for two people to sleep comfortably.

Next we sail south - Spain and Portugal.

Your last outfit sounds just right for a formal night! It seems strange that some people said that they missed your patch. I suppose they got used to seeing you wear it during the restrictions.

For me at the moment - white shirt, tie, black skirt, opaque stockings, black flats - off to do some admin.

Take care


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-05-08 09:46:57

Hi Emily

A slightly longer cruise this time - Ireland, Scottish Isles, Faroes and Iceland. We are so lucky with the weather. There was no trouble with tendering last week which makes life much easier for me - no refunds etc to organise.

The Faroes is often a difficult port of call - so fingers crossed in a few days.

I am so pleased that you enjoyed Southend/Westcliff/Leigh. It was a good idea to travel by train as car parking can be difficult on Bank Holidays. We must go to Southend one day as I don't think I have been there.

It must be a relief to be nearly back to the old normal at school after two difficult years. Hopefully Covid numbers will stay low with the vaccines continuing to work. I think mask wearing is now reducing generally although we have a free supply on board. As far as I know we have had no issues with the virus recently but people can get tested in the medical room if they are worried.

Andrew was disappointed at the Frankfurt result but not surprised. The season is now nearly over and he says that they did better overall than he expected. He is quite busy and enjoying life on board. He is not so worried about his mother now as numbers fall. We enjoy ourselves several times a week - making up for lost time!

No tights for me since my last post - you will be pleased to hear! White shirt, ships neck tie, black trousers, black flats - off to do a shore excursion talk in 30 minutes.

I love your outfit - sounds just right for a warm spring day.

Enjoy your week


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-04-30 17:40:34

Hi Emily

The taster cruise went well. Fine weather and calm seas! We will now wait and see how many first time cruisers book for another longer trip. We are now on another short cruise taking in North France, the Channel Islands and the Scilly Isles again. There will be several tendering ports so I hope that the calm seas continue. There could be light rain tomorrow. The ship is medium size. There are some smaller ones - mainly for speciality themed cruises - whale watching for example and some huge ships which are mainly in the Med and Caribbean/USA.

I am pleased that things are going well at school - an extra day off for you on Monday. With luck the weather will be OK for a day out with Joel. I expect you will be preparing students for their exams in the next few weeks. It is good that you can wear your glasses again.

I hope that the church AGM went well. They are always short of volunteers for positions at home. I think the vicar's wife is secretary of the PCC so maybe in the future.....!!

Andrew was disappointed at the Chelsea result and the defeat in the European Competition. I think they are playing tomorrow. He is fairly pleased with the season as there has been no relegation battle to worry about!

We are "smart casual" again tonight - a similar outfit to last week. I hate to say it but tights do occasionally get worn but not too often. Always stockings on formal nights of course.

Your outfit sounds ideal for a formal night - but you could wear it for "smart casual" if you had more formal outfits in your wardrobe. Some ladies look like they are attending a royal function!

I hope that you enjoy your long weekend


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-04-23 18:15:03

Hi Emily

We are just starting off on another shorter cruise - mainly as a taster for people who have not cruised before - to the Scilly Isles, Cobh and then Belfast.

The Easter trip went really well. The seas were calm, always a bonus around Scotland and there was little rain. No problem with tendering. We had the usual services and quite good congregations. There were also competitions lead by the galley staff to decorate plain chocolate Easter eggs - great fun but a bit messy!

I hope that Joel enjoyed a relaxing week but it sounds as if you have been busy. I think exams will be taking place this year so no doubt you will soon be preparing for them. I remember how nervous I was when they were approaching. I hope that discarding masks won't result in more infections although it seems that numbers are now falling.

Steam railways are always popular and are on the itinerary of a lot of coach trips - not so many on cruise excursions due to difficulty in timings - port calls can sometimes be slightly delayed by weather etc. Andrew and I do love pub lunches though.

Andrew was very pleased at the European result. I think they are playing Chelsea tomorrow. He is missing seeing live matches but may be able to listen to radio commentary tomorrow.

Smart casual is a skirt and top. Andrew wears an open neck shirt A comfy outfit. Formal means a suit and tie for Andrew and a dress for me.

It sounds like your last outfit would have been ideal for formal!!

I am about to change into "smart casual" for tonight's meal - I had better make my way up to the dining area.

Enjoy your week!
