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User: rebecca94


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Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-06-25 14:31:30

Hi Emily

Change over day again. I enjoyed the Baltic trip - several places I had not visited since before Covid and I got to join some of the excursions. I was able to get some first hand feedback on the excursions which will help to modify some of them for the future.

Our next cruise is a longer one - to North Cape -then Svalbard, Iceland and the Faroes. It is celebrating mid-summer (a week late!) There is almost 24 hours of daylight at North Cape and we have a barbecue planned at 2.00 a.m. on deck probably in full sunlight! It does disrupt your body clock though.

Andrew is looking forward to this trip. I expect he will want to join some of the excursions as courier if his main duties allow.

There is a breeze forecast so fingers crossed it will not be too bumpy on the outward journey!

I expect you are pleased that the exams are over. No doubt your students are looking forward to their proms. I have heard that Covid numbers are rising again but hopefully there will be no serious issues. No impact on board at the moment thank goodness!

It seems that Joel's training is a long process. I hope that his ordination goes well. I am sure it will. I will be thinking of you both from within the Arctic Circle! I was under the impression that once ordained it would be the end of the training and he would then be the incumbent of a parish. Will he have more responsibilities after ordination apart from being able to preside at communion?

I don't think I have a cream floral dress but I am sure you look great in yours. The temperatures have fallen a little since your post and I needed a jacket when I went outside earlier.

I will soon be welcoming new "clients" so black blazer, white shirt, tie, black skirt, neutral stockings and black flats. It is a casual night tonight but I expect I will keep my uniform on for dinner.

They are beaming in the Paul McCartney concert at Glastonbury tonight in the main show lounge so I expect we will see it.

I might not get a signal next weekend so don't worry if I don't post until we are nearer the UK again.

Enjoy your week - and Joel's Ordination Service!


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-06-16 14:52:16

Hi Emily

We are visiting Copenhagen, Stockholm, Visby, Helsinki, Tallinn and Gothenburg. It is going well with fine weather although probably not as warm as we hear it is back home. A few smaller ports have been included instead of the trip to St Petersburg which was in the original brochure.

So pleased to hear that your exams are going well and that none of your students copied Summer in Coronation Street. We can't get UK tv at the moment so will have to catch up when we are nearer home.

When does Joel get ordained. You must be both really looking forward to it. Does he have much training to do after that service before he can obtain his own parish?

Andrew is enjoying his time on board. He missed visiting other countries although he doesn't disembark that much. I will be going on some excursions soon as we are seeing if revisions are needed to some of them before 2023.

After all the excitement of the Jubilee, it is back to normal now. We had a formal night last night with me in my blue floral dress - and yes, stockings and Andrew in his black suit which soon came off afterwards!

Your outfit sounded like one of mine for a formal night. Today I am going back on duty in a few minutes - white shirt, black trousers and black flats.

Enjoy your warm weather!

Best wishes


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-06-09 14:32:05

Hi Emily

Getting ready for change over today. We are heading to the Baltic next. It was slightly bumpy as we approached England as there was a stiff breeze but nothing too serious to worry about.

I am so pleased that you enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations. I loved your party outfit especially the finishing touch of the Union Jack sticker over your black lens. I would never have thought of that.

We had several special "High Teas" in the afternoon. How people ate dinner a few hours later I will never know! There were several quizzes, games and films on the Royal Family and the Church Service, Trooping the Colour, the concert and Pageant were all shown on the big screen - not always live as they sometimes clashed with port calls.

I think everyone enjoyed the historic occasion. I managed a red, white and blue outfit (just). Navy skirt, white blouse and red scarf. I always struggle with red as it is not my favourite colour. Neutral stockings and grey flats.

Good to see you had success in a charity shop! I am missing visiting charity shops - I don't think that there are any in Gibraltar and you don't see them in European ports.

I hope that the exams go well - I am sure that they will. Coronation Street was beamed in last night and there was cheating going on in school exams in Weatherfield. A student had concealed prompt cards!

Have a great week.


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-06-03 14:37:26

Hi Emily

A quick update while I have the opportunity to do so.

The Bay of Biscay was not too bad - just a few noticeable areas of turbulence but not serious enough to cause discomfort.

The ship is well decorated with red, white and blue bunting, Union Jacks and the Jubilee portrait of the Queen. We have had a lot of Jubilee related entertainment ranging from films on her life story, quizzes, cake decorating, card making, crown making and of course special meals. Andrew and I enjoyed a "high tea" yesterday!

We saw some festivities in Gibraltar. The centre was decorated with bunting and flags and there was a pageant in progress.

I am pleased to hear that your flower ladies have recovered. It does seem that cases are now rather like a bad cold or the flu. You can relax now that the parents evenings are over.

The Jubilee will give a good opportunity to wear vintage style clothes. I wore one of my dresses (and yes black stockings) to the "high tea" but I am sure you will outdo me over the weekend. I didn't realise the need to dress in reds/yellows/orange for Pentecost. We have a Jubilee related service planned on Sunday to give thanks for the Queen's lifetime of service.

"Work uniform" for me - white shirt, black skirt, opaque stockings, black flats - now off to find Andrew for tea and cake!

Enjoy your special weekend!


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-05-25 15:31:51

Hi Emily

Off on a similar cruise again - this time a little longer continuing to Gibraltar. It is a little breezy today so the Bay of Biscay could be more noticeable if it continues when we are in that area. The forecast is for the winds to drop so fingers crossed.

I am sorry to hear about the flower ladies. Covid does not seem to be mentioned that much now so I think we might be forgetting about it - or learning to live with it as the Government likes to say. Communal areas on board are regularly cleaned and the stair rails especially always seem to be sanitised but it is not the topic of conversation like it was a month or so ago when cruises started again.

I hope that the parent evenings go well for you. I expect it will be the first time you will meet some of the parents in person.

It was a real coincidence for you to find another lady with similar eye issues at the social evening. It must have been a comfort to both of you to realise that you are not alone - and you both had the same preferred solution.

We are starting to plan Platinum Jubilee events - some games, cream teas etc for the days at sea and I think there are plans to join in some of the celebrations when in Gibraltar. There are boxes of red, white and blue bunting ready to go up and other decorations.

Yes - I wore a floral dress for the smart casual. I don't think I will compete with you tonight as it is a casual night. Probably a comfy top and skirt with opaque stockings. I could look for some more black ones if I get a chance when in Gibraltar.

Take care
