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User: youngguy


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Posted in When were you last spanked on 2010-02-13 02:38:32

Yeah, he always got it from his dad with an old-fashioned razor strop, and I guess that thing hurt pretty bad, too, because he admitted that even when he got licked for his speeding ticket, he ended up crying hard because of how it hurt. We were close enough friends that we did talk about it with each other but no one else.

His dad's razor strop left black and blue marks on his butt about 2" wide and maybe 6 or 8" long, at least where it licked him "good" enough to really do damage. He had marks all over his butt, too, and it must have been pretty bad. At least Dad's lexan paddle does not leave marks like that, unless you get LOTS of it the way I did that time. And then it doesn't leave individual marks but makes your entire butt black and blue where it licks you.

Licks from my dad with that lexan paddle was always really bad news!! But it helped you learn your lesson, and you always realized that he and Mom loved you a lot and licked you because they felt you had disregarded other stuff and now needed to learn this way. So it was my fault, not his, and I never blamed my dad for giving me the paddle. Joe, did you feel the same way about your dad?

Posted in When were you last spanked on 2010-02-10 21:29:19

Amazing! This is exactly what happened to me and to one of my friends. Gee, is it like a rite of passing for some guys to get their butts licked soon after they start driving? !! My dad uses a lexan paddle with holes, and even at age 16, you can't help but start crying after a while -- and not too long after that start screaming because the fire on your butt gets incredibly bad!!!

Posted in Corporal Punishment in Christain Schools on 2009-11-07 23:48:09

Our school did not permit corporal punishment of any kind. We were glad about that, though even now at age 18 I've begun to wonder if we'd have been better off knowing that there was a paddle or a strap waiting for us. My grandfather once told me about his school using a wide, fairly thick strap made of leather and how it curled right around your butt. He said it might have been even worse than a paddle with holes in it, including because your butt was on fire the whole way around from one side to the other. But trust me, my experience with Dad's paddle was bad enough!!!!

A phone call from school to home guaranteed my brother and me a good thrashing that night at home, and it DID HAPPEN!! Dad got a lexan paddle for me with holes in it somewhere around 6th or 7th grade or so, and believe me, that thing set our butt on fire like you can't believe!! So there were some pretty terrible lessons learned at home because of things we did in school.

I guess I actually wonder now if it would have made a better dent on us kids to get thrashed at school, as soon as the problem occurred and while we were still in our initial throes of guilt about it. Was that your experience? What do you think?


Posted in Corporal Punishment in Christain Schools on 2009-11-05 01:12:29

A good paddling would help some kids in public schools, too.

Posted in Effective Punishments for Boys on 2009-09-01 02:21:23

Hi, Joe,

Trust me, that paddle my dad uses makes a horrendous impression on you!!! The pain burns in your memory system for a WEEK after you get a thrashing with that thing!! It surely did help you to shape up, though, and that was the purpose. If you needed that because you hadn't shaped up otherwise, then it was "just what the doctor ordered." I can't blame dad for using it on my brother or me, and dad was good about it, even though he sure made it hurt. So you knew you were getting it because he loved you and wanted you to shape up and that he was convinced that you needed it. You really gotta love a dad like that, and I did -- and still do. Indeed, now that I'm in college, it makes even more sense to me than it did when I was still in high school.

Dad made my brother and I keep the paddle in our closet, where we would see it every time we went there. It was just how it was, and it was a sober reminder of what was waiting for you if you messed up too bad. That probably helped, too, and I don't think I got it more than 2 or 3 times in any year. But I'm SURE that thing in my dad's hand would do the job even now!!

My little brother gave Mom some lip. I heard him do it and felt sorry for him because I just knew what would happen when Dad got home. Nor was I "disappointed" by my dad. You can always count on him to deliver, usually good and loving stuff but also a good thrashing if that's what's called for.

My roomie and I have talked about how we got it when we were kids, but I can't IMAGINE giving it to my roomie or getting it from him!!! Seems to me that a spanking is a very personal thing with your dad, one part -- and hopefully a very occasional part!!-- of your relationship with him. I think a spanking is much more than pain, though the pain is part of it. Lots of times I was crying even before I got the first lick, because I felt so bad for having let my parents down by my thoughtlessness. I would almost sooner go home to get thrashed than to consider getting it from my roomie, because it's just the wrong relationship. Does that make sense?

Part of the relationship with your parents is that they are in charge of you and that you respect them as your parents and not just as friends. I fully agree with the saying that I need them and WANT them to be my parents; I pick my own friends.

Did you ever get it from someone other than your parents or perhaps teachers in school, who ALSO are in authority over you? Or even an uncle, who can also be understood to be in authority over you? I can't imagine getting a serious spanking from anyone else. The relationship would just be wrong.
