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Books, Magazines, Comics


Greatest X-Men Character 2009-09-13
Greatest X-Men Character
Time travel ideas 2010-05-03
I want to write a story and need to figure out the best way to end it
Harry Potter 2010-06-20
Harry Potter
Fav superhero(MARVEL) 2010-09-14
Who do u think the awesomest marvel hero is
Which type of poetry do you prefer? 2010-11-07
Which type of poetry do you prefer?
Photography Magazine 2011-03-29
For a university project I'm designing a magazine for beginner photographers, involving tutorials...
For Guys-a novel affair 2011-04-01
The best novel series for boys. I have excluded the Rover Boys and the Motor Boys, even though th...
for ladys- a novel affair 2011-04-01
The best novel series for girls. I include only ones with 20 or more volumes.
hunger games favs 2011-07-27
hunger games favs
The best of the 52 2011-09-27
This poll pretends to rank the new 52 #1s as they come out.
Inheritance Cycle Favorites 2011-12-07
Inheritance Cycle Favorites
comic book shops 2012-01-03
doing a little research and would appreciate any help you can give filling out some information.
Favorite Hunger Games Couple 2012-04-02
Your Fave HG Couple
Audio books 2012-04-02
Hey! Please share your opinion on audio books.. Thanks.
If tumblr was a person, would they be male or female? 2012-05-10
I am creating a series which I will not reveal details. It involves websites.
Seriously peeps, who you think would win a fist to fist fight. HULK or Superman? 2012-06-14
Seriously peeps, who you think would win a fist to fist fight. HULK or Superman?
Fantastic Four poll 2012-08-20
Fantastic Four poll
Marvel Vs DC 2 2013-05-15
Books: Print or Electronic? 2013-06-24
Ever since Gutenberg invented the printing press in the fifteenth century, print was virtually th...
Smart Products 2013-10-11
Smart Products
Who's your Super hero? 2014-02-25
Who's your Super hero?
doctor who a poll through time and space 2014-03-03
doctor who a poll through time and space
Harry Potter Books 2002-08-05
Which is your favorite HARRY POTTER book
Pride and Prejudice(the classic book) 2002-10-17
I read this book recently and noticed there were no polls about it-NONE! So here it is:)
Books 2002-12-16
Do you read? Does your child read? Are you a child who reads? Waht books do you read? Find ou...