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War in Iraq 2013-09-23
War in Iraq
USA vs Middle East 2013-09-23
USA vs Middle East
How should the US... 2013-09-23
It's entertaining enough.
Leadership 2013-09-09
Which skills and traits do you think are most important for leaders to have?
Drinking Age to 21 and over 2013-08-07
Recently in Australia they have been thinking to change the drinking laws from 18 to 21 and over....
Who is the GOP's 2016 nominee? 2013-08-01
This is a poll asking what you think your prediction is for who the republican party will choose ...
What do you think about benefits? 2013-07-10
Benefits are often hotly debated, wherever you live, with opinions swinging from those who believ...
Surrveillance and spying on citizenz by security agencies 2013-06-20
Recently there have been revelations that NSA (national security agency) has been secretly record...
Americans are less likely to vote... 2013-06-20
Who would you be less likely to vote? (AMERICANS ONLY, please)
NSA Theme Song Poll 2013-06-11
Given the recent revelations about the National Security Agency's data-gathering activity, The Pu...
Events in the News 2013-06-11
Events in the News
Questions for Americans only 2013-06-10 (closed)
Hi. From various websites, I haven't gotten a good impression of America and the US, almost to t...
should medium/minimum security prisons be coed 2013-05-28
obviously some prisons shouldn't be but there have been some experiments where co ed prisons fill...
Guns culture in America 2013-05-13
I wanted to see how other Americans feel about guns and if you don't own one what you feel about ...
Was The Boston Marathon Bombing a false flag? 2013-04-29
Was The Boston Marathon Bombing a false flag?
Malaysian PRU13 2013-04-29
Malaysian online pre-election before PRU13 on 5/5/2013. What is the trend for Peninsular Malaysi...
Censorship 2013-04-16
US Federal Government vs. State Governments 2013-04-15
US Federal Government vs. State Governments
A special tax on corporate officials. 2013-04-15
I am thinking about running for Congress as an independent in 2014 because I feel that Democrats ...
Social Security in america 2013-04-04 (closed)
This is a poll on the social security system in America. Only people who are 18+ please. Thanks
100% wage garnishment 2013-04-01
Kansas Department of Revenue has garnished my earnings 100%, and expects me to to keep working to...
UCCP Poll 2013-03-20
This poll is design to get people thinking about their ideology, views and morals
True or false? SANDY and CANDY helped to keep Obama in the White House. 2013-03-19
True or false? SANDY and CANDY helped to keep Obama in the White House.
Give Ireland back to the Irish. 2013-03-14
Give Ireland back to the Irish.
Impeach President Obama 2013-03-11
Do you think President Obama should be impeached? Lets see what the American citizens think! Cast...