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Atheism v.s. Theology 2001-01-13
With the seperation of church and state and the secularization of schools,many clergymen are talk...
The Rapture of The Church 2001-05-06
There are many varrying views concerning the existance of a Rapture of the Church. Even those who...
How Christianity is perceived 2001-11-09
Overrated? Attacked? Misunderstood? Ignorant? What do you think of Christianity in general?
Wicca 101 2001-12-12
Okay, if you think this is full of you know what, just go to another poll, okay? This is just to...
Morality & You 2002-04-09
Do you believe that morality is "supernatural", i.e. an unchanging principal from God, ...
Religion and Homosexuality 2002-05-23
Hi, I wanted to know how much of a basis religon has on the thought process and exceptance of hom...
Are we living in the end times? 2002-07-10
Questions on current events and on bible prophecy.
You're not a good Catholic, if you... 2002-08-09
What makes people a good Catholic, is it enough to just believe in God or do you have to show it?
jesus' resurrection 2002-11-02
What do you think of Jesus' resurrection?
receiving communion 2002-11-06
How should people receive communion?
salvation 2002-12-06
A question for Christians! 2003-06-10
Was there DEATH before Adam and Eves sinned. If yes, then God is responsible for DEATH . If no, t...
The Crusades and Modern Jihads 2003-07-02
Over 900 years ago, in 1095, the first of many Christian Holy wars was launched. In response, Mus...
Is religon getting stronger in the last few months? 2003-10-26
Generally, Religon has gotten Weaker and weaker with the passing of the decades However in the...
abortion, capital punishment, religion, morals, etc. 2004-01-20
This is just a poll on some moral issues.
Is there a god? 2004-02-14
Do you believe that there is a god?
Religion Poll 2004-02-16
Now a days when man is being more and more selfish & materialistic, it is needed to get his a...
Satanism 2004-05-19
Traditional or Modern satanism. Which do you fit in? Traditionalists worship Satan as a god, wh...
Revelation 2004-06-07
Whether or not the book of Revelation is real.
God and Jesus Christ 2004-08-03
This is a poll whose objective is to know what are your beliefs about God and Jesus Christ. This ...
Spirit Guides and Angels and God and others 2004-08-12
Do you believe in any of these things?
poll for muslims 2004-08-13
as muslims know there are many different beliefs in Islam. God said he would guide those who wou...
Sunday School 2004-08-13
This poll is designed to help me out with my Sunday School teaching.
ARE YOU FOR SALE? 2004-08-25
Are Christians dressing more like the world? Are we showing too much and causing the body of Chr...
Religions of the future 2004-12-26
What will our beliefs look like years from now?