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User: carg85


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Posted in Short-alls on 2015-08-01 09:15:51

I haven't heard from Tradboy anymore, but I already went ahead and brainstormed on a shortalls construction inspired by his description. This resulted in actually making them. In case others are interested, I described the process and the end result on my website.

Posted in Short-alls on 2015-07-20 17:29:52

Hi Tradboy,
thanks for the new details - I appreciate it, both for your attempts to remember it after so long, and to go through the remaining trauma.
For me the details are very interesting, because I really like overalls and shortalls, especially when the wearer can't take them off hum/herself. I don't envy you for the abuse you suffered from them and your aunt, but the construction of the shortalls / harness intrigues me. If you're willing, I would like to make some sketches of them based on your descriptions, and see how many details we can fill in. Perhaps I would even try to rebuild a version of them myself, since they seem very easy to construct. More using the ideas to make my own version than to duplicate yours exactly.
Another advantage for your aunt (next to the easy, and so probably cheap, construction) must have been that they sound quite adjustable, so that you could grow quite a bit before they were too small. At which age did you wear these? In other posts you mention an age of about 15 when talking about your aunt?

There are still several questions of my last post unanswered, but I assume you just can't answer those, so I won't ask again. Perhaps if your memory is coming back a bit more you can re-check them.

If you say they were more like a harness than a piece of clothing, that raises the question with me if she also used a leash - sounds like that would fit in the humiliation scheme, and the metal ring in the back could function a attachment point.

Actually in my last post I was considering asking if she had ever locked you into clothing, but didn't consider it likely since she seemed more prone to use mental domination and humiliation to get her way, but it seems that I was wrong. Did she apply the lock every time after the incident?
From your description I assume that the pouch was flexible and small, so you could probably just pull it a bit to one side to go the the bathroom, or did you need to be released from them? The plastic lining was probably for hygiene, with the added 'benefit' of being uncomfortable and sweaty?
It sounds like your aunt wasn't too concerned about you touching yourself, or did she also take measures (especially at night) to keep you chaste? I guess in the 70s that was not such an issue anymore with the general public, although I hear stories that such measures are still in practice until this day, but I assume that is pretty rare, and mostly in strictly religious families.

On the subject of restrictive clothing I even have a website called Bondage in BiBs, and your descriptions would fit its theme pretty well, so if you give me permission I would like to use some of your posts in the user contribution section. If you might be willing to give permission, and/or see if we can make fairly accurate sketches, it might be easiest if you could mail me at carg@xs4all.nl, so we can talk directly and I can send you scanned sketches.

Posted in Short-alls on 2015-07-15 09:08:14

Hmm, definitely a different construction than most shortalls, so that makes it harder to get a good impression of them. Let me ask some more questions to get it clearer (in so far as you can still remember the details):
- the pouch is of nylon AND plastic - is the plastic used as lining, or a hard plastic in a cup shape, or ...
- a leather waistband - closing at the side(s) with a buckle perhaps?
- what material the bib was made of? It sounds like a rather strange mix of materials that probably wouldn't win a fashion award ;-)
- so the underside of the pouch has a nylon rope attached that runs around to the back, and can move freely through the waistband so that any pull from above on the ring will translate directly into pull at the bottom part. I assume this one is of fixed length. I guess the steel ring was somewhere halfway up your back, between the shoulder blades?
- Then you mention straps going around to the bib - are these going under the armpits and thus separate from the ropes over your shoulders, or am I misunderstanding?
- The shoulder straps you call ropes - are they the same thin nylon as the rope through your bottom, so they dig in your shoulders as well?
- These ropes are permanently attached to the bib in front, and adjustable at the steel ring. If it is rope, it would seem most likely just to knot them, but in an earlier post you also mentioned buckles?

If the frilly blouse on top was back-buttoning, that would surely add another layer of difficulty to fiddle with the shortalls.

Posted in Short-alls on 2015-07-14 12:54:06

Tradboy, could you describe the back of those punishment shortalls in more detail? If the straps just crossed and ran to the waist belt, you could probably still loosen them. So did they have a bib or triangle in the back that the straps attached to? Assumably high enough that you couldn't reach them?

So, did your wife start with the zip tie and locking tie pin because she caught you having loosened the collar or tie, or did she just come up with it on her own as part of the progressive strictness?

It sounds like there is not much progress possible anymore, with the collars covering all of your neck, wearing them all the time except to bed and sports, and at a certain moment tightening a collar further might severely limit your lifespan ;-) So I wonder if she still finds ways to increase the neatness and discomfort of your outfits?

I'd like to see a picture of that locking tie pin, perhaps with the special tool? (If you would want to oblige me, but have no way to publish a picture here, you can also mail it to carg@xs4all.nl.)