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User: carg85


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Posted in Choose my pjs on 2015-05-03 13:54:03

Well, there might be a chance that Nick heard everything that people might have noticed, and combined it all, but I expect that would only happen if he were quite interested in you already; otherwise I expect there are way too many other people to keep track of everything about them.

Being scared about such things being discovered is normal, and the fear also protects you from doing stupid things that increase the chance of discovery, but it is important that it is not the only 'advisor' and also listen to your common sense, the part that wants to have fun, etc.

I'm sorry to hear you're in so much trouble, but I can understand why the grown-ups are angry with you. I also see that you would want to wear normal pajama's with your friends, but then again, they had already seen you in a onesie anyhow (unless they go to a different school). Your parents might be strict about the time you need to be ready, but at least you know what is expected of you, and once you're ready for bed you can't do anything wrong anymore ;-) So now it is back to slowly earning back privileges.

In case your parents don't mind you having a locking sleeper for summer: I ran into a store that sells the sliders: http://zelikovitz.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=7125&category_id=293&vmcchk=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53 Since these fit on most normal plastic coil zippers, your parents might save quite a bit of money by buying regular onesies and replacing the slider, instead of getting those special ones from in-petto. It looks likely that they would work with the spongebob ones too.

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2015-04-10 18:13:49


What I remember from my mono is that I felt better fairly quickly, but they wanted me to take it easy for a longer while, esp. with swimming in a large lake.

Those Spongebob onesies are cute - a bit more feminine than his normal merchandise.

Wow, that PJ day was quite an emotional rollercoaster. I see a few positives in there:
Of course talking to Nick. I wouldn't immediately assume the worst about his remark - he might as well mean that your outfit was more because of the school spirit or extra credit, than just laziness. Or perhaps that putting something on with a back zip probably isn't easier than normal clothes.
See if you can keep his attention by saying hi when your paths cross, or perhaps even a small remark in passing. Nothing big or scary, just to keep the communication channel open, and who knows - it might become a conversation at one point.
Anyway, I bet you feel the detention and grounding was worth it ;-)

The other positive that I see, is that wearing your back-zip onesie in public for the first time is always the worst, so now that is over, and if in some way it happens again, it will not be quite so scary. (If people remember you telling you borrowed it, you can always say that you liked it and never got around to returning it.)
Don't forget that these PJs have a big negative association for you, but probably not for others, so most will hardly pay attention to back zips or footies, or even fondly remember how cosy and warm they felt when they wore them earlier in life. And back-zip clothing isn't so rare for women; especially at the moment back zip and even back button blouses, dresses and even jumpsuits are quite in fashion. I expect hardly anyone will suspect that your onesies have a back zip for another reason.

About the nurse holding a stockpile of goodnites for you: I guess no one else is going to find out about that, and it doesn't look like you will be needing them at school, so you should probably just forget about them.

So, you saw a fair few others in footie PJs - had most of the onesies you saw attached feet? Did you see any other back zip ones? Or even mittens, like the howTo advised against?
Did anyone ask you about the back zipper? I guess the nurse, when she zipped you up, also closed the button flap, so you were truly stuck?
And did anyone talk or tease about your onesies the following days? (Like why you changed?)
How do you like seeing others, esp. boys, in onesies?

About the locking zipper pull: you can lock it and then you can still close the zipper but not open it, but you can also leave it unlocked, and then it functions just like any other pull - except that it is a bit bigger and you can see the keyhole if you look closely.

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2015-03-28 07:23:08

I'm sorry to hear you came down with mono. I had it when I was about 10, and from what I recall it took months before I could do everything again, like swimming. The only upside might be that it might give you an excuse for some things you'd prefer not to do ;-) Some posts ago you asked what fatigue was - now you have experienced. I think my tiredness is not as bad as the first period of mono, but the feeling of not wanting to get off the couch is something I experience most evenings.

Your increased wetting might only be because you're ill: whenever you're ill or stressed or tired, your weak areas are affected most. Like for someone with a bad back it might act up again in such situations. So your wetting might very well go back to normal when you've recovered, but I can't rule out that your body is also getting used to letting go more easily. I'm no doctor, so perhaps yours could advice you better on this subject, but since they didn't find a good explanation on why it happens, he might not be able to give definite answers either. But even if it would persist after you recovered from the mono, I wouldn't be surprised if you could train your body to go back to your previous amount of wetting. So, no guarantees unfortunately, but reason to despair either.

"and you said exactly what my parents told me. Why not?"
I'm sorry, I'm saying so much that I'm not sure what you are referring to here.

Yes, I can imagine it would be better to avoid sleepovers and overnight school trips. Kids and teenagers can be rather cruel when they find out. But I believe you can influence on how long you would be made fun of by how you react to it. If you can make them realize that this is out of your control, just as much as a person with bad eyes needs glasses, and can point out a physical limitation of the person teasing each time, it will probably soon taper off to a bearable level. But let's hope it will never come to that. And don't forget, you are not the only one by far who's bladder is not always cooperating, and there might even be others in your class with the same problem (who are just as scared of others finding out).

Where I live we don't have pajama or generation days, or at least not when I was in school, so I have no idea what would be enough. But I think you should not wear something that makes you feel worried all the time. So if you think you can pull off wearing diapers and back-zip footed PJs in the spirit of the day, that would be great, and it might even be good for you to feel accepted for it, even if only for that day. But if you keep on worrying that people might suspect you need it, or start asking where you got your pajamas, and you don't want to make up a lie about it (e.g. borrowed from a cousin), you'd be better off wearing your front-zip onesie without feet.

I do think a locking zipper puller would be most comfortable, if you (or your mother) can get your hands on one. But I think a small padlock at the throat would not be that noticeable, especially when in bed. (With jumping up-and-down it would probably bounce uncomfortably though.) I've worn a small padlock on a back zipper for fun/play once or twice, and I was actually surprised on how little I felt of it, even when lying on my back.
On the inside might be slightly more uncomfortable, so you would only choose that if you want it to be invisible - when wearing such pajama's on pajama day you might not want to explain what those D-rings are for if they are visible - but perhaps with a ribbon through them in a bow you might prevent questions. Again probably it depends how confident you can feel about it, whether you can pull that off.

Posted in Stuck in clothing on 2015-03-15 13:13:18

Hi Michi, thanks for sharing your 'adventure'. Looking back at it, did you also find some excitement/enjoyment in not being in control and at the mercy of your wife?

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2015-02-20 15:58:11

Was this the first time you had such a 'mature' talk with them about this? How did you like it - did you feel they took you more seriously if you stayed calm and respected their opinions too? Do you feel like you achieved anything? 2-piece pajama's sound like an improvement.
As one who's school period is pretty long ago, I'm not sure I'd be the best person to advice you on how to talk to your class mates about it. I did list a few arguments in an earlier post on how you could explain a back zipper; perhaps those could be useful. But perhaps you're getting ahead of yourself here and will your parents be more considerate about your reputation at school.
Have you considered what you would want to do on overnight trips? You probably wouldn't want to wear goodnites, but perhaps it is worse if you had an accident and others noticed? I assume for pj day that would not be an issue - unless you fall asleep during class like when watching a movie at night ;-)

When you mentioned locking pajama's, my first reaction was surprise as well, because at first it sounds worse: then not only you couldn't take them off, but also nobody else apart from the one with the key. But then I realized in your case you wouldn't want anyone else to help you out of them anyhow, since that would show your goodnites, so in your case it might indeed be better.
Onesies can easily be made lockable by adding D rings on both sides of the top of the zipper. Put a padlock though them, and you can't take it off anymore. It would be even safer if the zipper pull has an opening that the padlock hasp can go through, because then you can't lower the zipper anymore. Otherwise you might still reach the goodnites.

If you want, it might even be possible to put the rings on the inside, so that they are not visible. But then the padlock will be on the inside too, which might be less comfortable. Perhaps a padlock with a plastic cover would help making it less cold and prevent scratching. And they come in fun colors.