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User: carg85


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Posted in Choose my pjs on 2017-09-10 08:47:30

When I went to university I studied computer sciences, and a lot of my fellow students hadn't fitted in at high school either (nerds), so most were quite lenient, and the worst that happened was getting ignored by some of them. I'm sure that if I would need diapers and word got out, most would not pick on me for that. But I think studies like law and medicine were already less tolerant, and other colleges might also be a bit more like high school. Still everybody matures and many will feel less of a need to pick on others to be accepted themselves, and more will realize it is not your fault that you need diapers, and might have one or the other limitation themselves. But I'm sure there will be large differences in school, study and fraternity/dorm, so I can't guarantee you'd be alright. Still I would hate for you to miss the experiences of 24/7 college life, so I hope you'll find a solution by then and not let fear be too strong a factor in your decision.

Do you also have onesies that look like a blouse with attached panties? I guess all of them open at the crotch? Most will close with snaps - don't they ever pop open if you sit down or bend over, like you mentioned you are afraid of with the shortalls?
With overalls, especially if they have higher sides (like with more buttons) you probably can still use regular t-shirts, since the diaper won't be visible at the sides and overalls keep things from sagging anyway.

I wasn't very confident that I'd be able to give you some useful clothing advice, never having seen you, not knowing how your fellow teenagers normally dress, etc. And apparently culottes (/skorts/gaucho pants) aren't your thing, but I'm happy that I nonetheless helped you find some things you like.
I wonder how the new jumpsuits will fit lengthwise - I believe you mentioned before you are not that tall. But if that means the crotch of the jumpsuit hangs a bit lower, that might even work better for you. Flared sleeves that are too long might be a bit bothersome, though.
I love the kangaroo pocket on the blue one, and hope the unevenness in the neckline doesn't irritate your throat. But otherwise it looks really comfy. The pink jersey sweat jumpsuit that was your first choice I would prefer as well. Note that it helps to sometimes check back if something is available in the right size, because of the returns.
Will you reveal to us what you need them for?
And the pom-pom ears one, do you see that mostly as for lounging at home, or would you also wear that on visits or even to school?
That pink v-neck jumpsuit looks very elegant, but it is from the tall collection, so that would probably not fit you well. (Note that they also have a petite collection if the regular ones are tall for you as well.)
The short-sleeved one with the peplum is probably not suitable for winter either. I wonder if the peplum wouldn't draw extra attention to your behind.

I wouldn't be surprised if you would manage the back zip on these yourself: there is no tab like on your PJs, although the zipper pull might be a bit fiddly. And if they are a bit roomier and stretchy that helps too. If you can they might be suitable for school anyway. Otherwise your parents might like them for the long car rides or for lounging where you otherwise would need to wear back-zip PJs.

Hopefully your grandmother adding bottom-closing to your shortalls will work out. You might also consider a zipper: those on your new jumpsuits are hardly visible either. You'd only need a fold or something to put the zipper pull and prevent it from dangling freely below the seam. I'm doubtful though that adding bottom-opening would also work on long overalls: the opening would need to go down the legs quite a bit, so it would be a lot harder to hide.
Any ideas on other clothes or Halloween costume you might want to ask her for?

I'm not surprised aunts are often stricter than mothers as a babysitter: they want to do the right thing, both because they care for you and because they owe it to your mother. If anything happens on their watch they might end up in a quarrel with their sister, while an outsider as babysitter might just not be asked again. And an aunt will not know you and the way your parents deal with you as well as your mother, and she can't blindly trust what you tell them, since so many teenagers will lie or not tell the whole truth to get what they want.

And it is funny to see you write to Bobbyjw things similar to what I wrote to you a few years ago, but then you weren't ready yet to accept them ;-) It is nice to be able to use your experiences and growth to help others - for me it is often more theoretical and far longer ago, but you of course know exactly how it felt then.

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2017-08-27 10:27:02

Yeah, the choice of what you are going to study is difficult: you have to consider what you are good at, what you like to learn more about, and what kind of job you'd want to have later. (I mean there is little use in trying to learn to be e.g. a veterinary surgeon because you want to know how animal bodies work, if you wouldn't like physically handling animals and curing them.) You might also consider which studies should result in a well-paid career, although I don't think that would work if you aren't really interested in the field as well.

I don't think you should worry too much about how things will go in dorms and such: you're getting mature enough by now to take care of yourself, and you're far from the only one (as you have seen at camp), so there will be ways to deal with your handicap. Since you don't know what college/university you'll be going to, and probably also have no idea on how things are when you live there, you just have too little information to make plans or worry overmuch. I'm sure that when the time comes you, your parents and your school will work out a suitable solution.
Apart from that in my experience people at university are way less judgmental than at high school, so you'd be unlucky to end up with a roommate who wouldn't be understanding.
You might need to switch to front zip sleepers though unless you'd want to depend on your roommate to release you.

Yes, there are loads of different onesies and bodies to choose from, often also looking like a regular t-shirt or even blouse. And lots of choice in overalls and sleepers still. I do agree with you that shortalls with buttons at the bottom would look pretty suspicious to many people, unless they are inconspicuous, like snaps.

About your grandma making you clothes: some people just love making things for others, especially when they are obviously very happy with it. Like if they don't have a job (anymore) and few people/animals to take care of, it might give them satisfaction to do something worthwhile and feel useful. I can't judge if your grandmother is one of those, and she would be happy to make you more, or that she doesn't feel like that and already has a busy and satisfying life. If you're not sure either, you might try to find a way of asking her that would get an honest answer.

For fall/winter clothes you might also consider culottes (either as pants, overalls of jumpsuit), like http://www.newlook.com/row/womens/clothing/playsuits-jumpsuits/black-wrap-front-culotte-jumpsuit-/p/520860101?comp=Browse, since they have a quite wide bottom, so they should conceal incontinence material pretty well.
A while ago there were also jumpsuits in sweatshirt material and even fleece, that looked pretty similar to onesies, but had pockets and such (e.g. http://www.asos.com/asos/asos-jersey-sweat-jumpsuit-with-tape-detail/prd/7296815?clr=darkgreen&SearchQuery=&cid=7618&pgesize=34&pge=8&totalstyles=322&gridsize=3&gridrow=12&gridcolumn=1), but I don't see many anymore in the online shops. Many jumpsuits zip at the back currently - not sure if you'd consider that much of a disadvantage now if you wear protection anyhow.
Of course sweatpants or pajama pants would work too, if you're not going for an elegant look.

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2017-08-12 15:10:31

Thanks for your extensive answer again.
Is this upcoming school year your last year of high school? Have you already been thinking about college/university? (Both what you want to study, and how your diaper wearing would combine with a dorm?)

Sounds like your whole wardrobe is adapted to diaper wear by now. Did you get any more onesies after the one with the mittens? If you want a short sleeved/legged one that you could wear to bed, perhaps your grandmother could make one? (These will probably also be allowed: http://littlekeepersleeper.com/Short-Sleeve-Sleepers - the ones without logo come also in large sizes.)
Yes, you still see enough overalls and shortalls (in summer) that it won't draw attention, though several models are probably to close-fitting to work for you. De you mostly have the regular blue denim ones?
Onesies you didn't mention in the older messages - is that something you picked up from last year's camp? Having one that snaps at the shoulder might make diaper changes a bit more work though, since you probably need to fully undress.
Did you get any more inspiration from the IC camp? Probably many sleepers, onesies and overalls in use there?
I'm afraid if you want day clothes in your size for easy diaper changes, the only options are special needs clothes, and Adult Baby ones. Both are often less than fashionable though.

When you used the locking zip pull, did you actually engage the lock? And that didn't feel any different than wearing back-zipped PJ's? Did you replace the zipper pull again after you used it?

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2017-05-28 07:47:06

Hi Kitsune, thanks for what you said about my parents. They are stable, but we are still busy getting them into permanent nursing homes (different ones since my father needs a mental care facility and my mother a physical).

It is quite interesting to see how you are still developing and maturing, but in that aspect I have little to say that Xerxius (or as you call her(?): Xerious :D ) hasn't already written. I would expect that it won't take too long anymore before you feel confident enough as a young woman to not care so much anymore about things that might seem babyish (although of course there will be limits about that in public ;-). I wonder if the current popularity of sleepers is also partly due to people liking the feeling of returning to their childhood - when everything was simple, and knowing everything will be taken care of. Perhaps similar to your current attitude towards back-zipping sleepers: no temptation, no worries, just comfy.

The weather will probably have turned warm by now where you live too? (Here it was 30C = 85F yesterday) That probably means footies and fleece are not comfortable anymore. I assume you have enough sleepers for summer by now? Perhaps it would be nice to have some with short legs and arms too?
I wonder about what Xerxius wrote on compression shorts - wouldn't compressing incontinence material make it less effective?
You wrote only one week of summer camp this year: would that be a regular camp or the one for IC? If you had a choice, which would you prefer?

About the locking zipper: I agree that it might not be necessary (anymore), but since it has been on your mind for such a long time, I'd say just give it a try. Take one of your less favorite sleepers and swap the pull (make sure it has a 5mm plastic coil zipper; front or back zipper doesn't make a difference). It might even make you feel more relaxed, knowing there is no way to break the rules even on a sleepover. And I don't get the impression your parents will use it to make things harder for you, anymore. Unzipping you might take a bit more time though, depending on how quickly the parent has the key ready, so it might require a bit more planning if you want to use the bathroom when you can.

And one request: especially now that the time between posts gets longer, and more people participate, it is sometimes hard to figure out what you are responding to. So perhaps you could mention the subject (like I did above with e.g. "About the locking zipper") or copy-paste the question with a '>' in front in the cases where it might not be obvious?

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2017-02-26 07:59:34

One more question: you told us about the cheetah onesie with mittens that you got for Christmas. Is it a coincidence that you got one with mittens, or were you inspired by some of the comments here and specifically asked for that model?
I do hope for you that your parents won't get the idea to sew those hand openings closed (temporarily) for a punishment.
Could you still take them off yourself with the mittens on? (I assume they are front zipping or buttoning.)