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User: carg85


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Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2014-01-02 19:15:01

I have emailed MisterPoll about this, and today they responded: "We are looking into this issue now. We will let you know what we find out. Thanks for letting us know." So my guess is they haven't seen this thread, but at least some action is being taken now.

Posted in Stuck in clothing on 2014-01-02 19:07:32

Where this poll focuses on a wearer caught unawares that the undressing doesn't go as planned, I created another poll about people who knowingly put clothes on that they need help with getting out of: clothes the wearer can't take off him/herself.

I've also created several polls on overalls, and when I asked how people's perfect overalls would look like, several replied they wanted them to lock. So I created a sequel: Your locking dream overalls, in which the wearer will be stuck, too.

Note that MisterPoll apparently considers the subject of that last poll adult, so you need to disable Safe Mode, but the poll doesn't contain any explicit language or adult content.

Posted in Back zip clothing, Yes/No, Why? on 2014-01-02 08:33:24

Tonight I thought of another reason why parents might want to put their offspring in mittened sleepers. I was wearing my ar-tex sleeper with thumbless mittens, and realized that it's also quite effective to prevent thumb-sucking. The sleeper by the way has only a zipper between the legs, so it's slightly off-topic for this thread, but if people are interested I can describe it in more detail.

@Felinius: from what I read about your ar-tex sleeper, it seems like you need help getting in and out. Do you have a partner / roommate or another arrangement to help you?

Posted in What overalls do you own? on 2014-01-01 16:16:26

I have added more polls on overalls:
Your dream overalls
Your locking dream overalls
Why and how do you wear overalls?

So if you're interested, please vote on those as well.

Note that MisterPoll apparently considers the subject of locking overalls adult, so you need to disable Safe Mode, but the poll doesn't contain any explicit language or adult content.

Posted in Stuck in clothing on 2013-12-31 17:25:30

By the way, I hope it will get busier here once MisterPoll approves the poll and it becomes listed in the directory. But they haven't done any for 5 days now, and the 2 that did get approved already do not yet show up in the search results. By now I have 3 more waiting. So I guess we need to be patient.

At least if you click on my user name you can see the approved polls, and in my messages the links to the other ones can be found.

For everybody: have an enjoyable (and safe) new years eve, and a start filled with fun experiences.

Update: just a few hours after complaining my new polls still weren't reviewed, they were. So perhaps my writing helped ;-) In that case: my polls still do not turn up when I use search And I never get emails when I watch a poll/forum - does this still work for anybody else?