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User: carg85


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Posted in Stuck in clothing on 2014-01-04 21:46:30

Overaller, thanks for your contribution. That's a nasty predicament - it seems to me the seam would be doing nasty things to your crotch area that way! But couldn't you just undo the straps to get out? Or am I understanding the situation wrong? Your girlfriend must be pretty strong to lift you that way!

Kate, yet another great story! Keep hanging around a bit more and who knows what surfaces next ;-) A Cagoule was not something I heard about before, so I did an image search. Funny that about half of the hits are of masks you'd expect a robber to wear, and the other half of rain jackets. An interesting combination of the two: Wiggly's cagoule
But I guess yours was more like this?
One reason I can think of to tie it close is that you were afraid the wind might get under it and blow it up? On the bank of a river you could easily get such updrafts.

Posted in Choose my pjs on 2014-01-03 20:22:23

Hi Kitsune, I guess by now you have your cold weather PJs? (And with this cold you're probably glad they're warm!) So what types did you and your mother settle on?
Luckily the choice in one piece pajamas (footed and not) is huge at the moment, so if that was the outcome I'm sure you can find something you like, too.

Posted in Footie PJs for Me on 2014-01-03 20:02:17

For those who are interested in back zippers, or even locking zippers, mittens and such, I created a few polls that might suit you: Stuck in clothing is about incidents where the wearer suddenly found out (s)he couldn't take his//her clothes off, while clothes the wearer can't take off him/herself is more about clothes the wearer is aware of needing help to get out of.
You can also take a look at my profile to see all my polls.

Posted in Back zip clothing, Yes/No, Why? on 2014-01-03 19:54:36

Shamelessly plugging another poll: clothes the wearer can't take off him/herself: this one should match all posters in this thread and probably quite a few lurkers (= readers who haven't posted) as well. Where my previous poll Stuck in clothing was more for situations that caught the wearer unawares, this one is about deliberately wearing clothes that the wearer can't take off.

Posted in Back zip clothing, Yes/No, Why? on 2014-01-03 14:35:11

Hi bfpro, nice to hear from you. Are you disappointed your sister had to wear them only a few times? Well, at least they are still around for when she misbehaves: if you feel she's misusing her power over you, you can always suggest to your mother now to put her back in them. You might even suggest that your mother sews mittens on them like with one of your sleepers - that would surely be a hefty punishment for her!

You wrote before that the reindeer sleeper is even softer inside than your others, and that you didn't mind the lock really, because you couldn't take it off yourself even without the lock. Is this one of your favorite sleepers then? But don't you feel the lock if you sleep on your back?