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ABORTION 2012-05-18
This survey is for a project in a Catholic highschool. In Canada abortion is legal and many belie...
What do you consider a sin? 2002-02-27
Here is some things that may or may not be considered sin to some people. Choose your opinion for...
Christianity and Sexuality 2002-12-12
This a poll for people who are interested in Christianity and its conflicts with sex and sexuality
What is a Graven Image? 2003-09-02
All Bible-believing Christians, and most other people, will be aware of God's Second Commandment ...
Religion: A Murderer 2003-11-04
In the past, religion has taken many lives from this world. People are so far into religion that ...
Religion VS Demographics 2004-12-15
Hi, this is a poll to see what the religion of people is in several sterotypical groups. Please a...
Satanism 2005-07-29
i am an occultist, and thinking about joining the church of satan and i wanna see how ignorant y...
Your worst vice. 2008-05-24
Recently, I've been showing some interest in morals, so I came up with these two polls. This one ...
Halloween Poll 2011.10.31 2012-02-15
Best Poll about this holiday
Who is/was Jesus? 2012-04-02
I am interested in who people think Jesus is/was.
Atheist, Agnostic, Secularist, non-religion poll 2012-09-26
A poll about non-religious demography
What religion are you? 2012-10-01
What religion are you?
Barefoot to Church 2012-11-07
This poll is to see if people go barefoot to church or other religious services.
Should i Convert to islam 2012-12-13
recently i wanted to convert to islam... is it the right thing to do... and how should i convert
Islam 2002-06-03
General opinion about Islam.
What Kind Of Bible? 2002-10-22
Hello. A am doing this poll to prove a point at school. Please be honest. THANKS
Islam in America 2002-11-06
Islam is the fastest growing religion in North America. Why do you think Islam is growing so fas...
Dodekatheism (Greek Olympian gods worship) 2004-07-07
Dodekatheism is a religion that people in ancient Greece believed in. It is based in Greek mythol...
Choice of school uniform 2004-09-25
These are some school uniforms I have seen (in Canada, US and UK). Which would you prefer?
Christians: Demographics of Calvinists and non-Calvinists 2004-10-26
This is a simple poll to discover what sort of people are Calvinists (those who believe God has p...
Other Religions - What do you know? 2004-12-12
I am a Religious Studies major, and I want to see what others think about learning about other re...
Is God real? 2005-07-08
The title tells ecactly what I mean. Is God real? To what extent? Why do you feel this way?
Religion/Lifestyle 2005-08-11
This is just a poll to see how people's lifestyles relate to their beliefs or lack thereof.
Sex and religion 2005-10-12
Do you have sex and if so is it in agreement with religion?
The Issues of Religion 2006-01-24
This poll is to see just how you feel about the issues that religion faces.