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Family Spanking Fantasy Poll

my upbringing

Posted by Tawse Lady on 2014-05-24 18:10:37

I wonder why your mother did not have her friend make a larger chair for you? One that would fit a full size teen.

Hpw cute, an 18 year odl girl leading a babyish 15 year old around

Posted by mini boy on 2014-05-25 12:49:51

Tawse Lady

I think there was a change of emphasis when I reached 16. There was a slight lessening of the baby treatment. Though I still had to wear nappies and plastic pants at night. Chiefly as a chastity device.

Naturally I was still petticoat-ed, wearing skirts and dresses with panties, pelerine socks and Mary Jane shoes. In fact to a greater degree.

My mother, aunt and private tutor increased the level of my spanking, making greater use of the leather discipline strap. I also received the cane across my buttocks. My mother obtained a nice flexible, nursery and prep school cane for this purpose. I used to get 6 strokes over my panties and sometimes another 6 on my bare bottom. Though my mother still liked to use her hand on my bottom as my standard punishment.

Posted by Tawse Lady on 2014-05-25 16:28:51

I wonder why she lessened the baby treatment? Hmm. I do agree with use of the strap and cane. Did Mummy or your tutor ever strap your hands? I love having a boy kneeling in front of me, his eyes streaming tears as I bring the tawse down hard on his palms.

Posted by mini boy on 2014-05-26 17:10:20

Tawse lady.

My tutor was the one that favoured strapping my hands, though it quickly migrated to my bottom and bare thighs.

I am not sure what stung the most my thighs, buttocks or hands. When I had the cane it was always across my buttocks. My tutor usually pinned up the back of my skirt and either applied the strap to my bottom and backs of my legs or applied the cane to my buttocks.

My mother usually liked to put me over her lap to spank me with a leather strap, rubber paddle or occasionally a wooden spoon. She did sometimes cane me when I bent over a sofa.

The result was the same in all cases I was always in tears whatever my age.

Sometimes there was the added effect of humiliation. My mother lifting up the back of my little skirt when out and smacking my bottom or telling me to widen my legs and slapping the inside of my thighs.

She once slapped my legs then quickly lifted up,the back of my skirt and smacked my bottom over my frilly panties. This was in the very public place of a supermarket. As she did this I was told in a loud voice that when I got home my buttocks were to be strapped. I was nearly 17 at the time. The experience was mortifying. I remember going home in tears holding my mothers hand. This was more connected with the extreme humiliation than the sting of my mothers hand.

Posted by Tawse Lady on 2014-05-26 21:59:55

I have also followed a hand strapping with some leather across the bottom. I think the two go hand in hand.

Your mother had a rubber paddle? Nice. I wish I had one. I bet that stings like fire. I also have a spanking strap I use for over the knee. It is about 16 inches long and it cut into two tails.

Did you have erections for Mummy in your panties? I imagine that might be a real problem for a boy of 17. I agree the humiliation of everyone knowing is probably worse than the spanking.
I have done the same thing. Taking loudly so everyone can overhear that the leather is going to used severely when I got my naughty boy home. Some people have snickered and some girls giggled. Poor boy