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teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions

Only for convenience

Posted by GemmaJ on 2020-01-01 19:08:40

Mandi2—I had to wear them on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as well as New Year’s Eve. I have to wear plastic pants over a disposal diaper. It not my choice—my mother makes me. I don’t feel any different when wearing them other than self-conscious. I’ve never had an accident except once when I was 12 during a long car trip. My parents wouldn’t stop to let me use the restroom and I really soaked my diaper. I’ve tried to convince my mother I don’t need to wear them but she’s adamant. I’ll probably have to wear them as long as I live at home. If girls want to do it that's their choice but nobody should be forced to.

Posted by mandi2 on 2020-01-03 13:27:29

To RoxieB-When one of my cousins was 14,she was the flowergirl in her great aunts wedding and wore a white,poofy,midthigh length sleeveless flowergirl dress with a veil.lace socks and white mary jane shoes.Uner her dress she had a 10 ply thick cloth diaper pinned on her with pink diaper pins and over it she had a pair of white,super large size baby rubberpants with pink ruffles sewn across the back!She looked very cute and little girl like and when she would bend over,her diaper and ruffled rubberpants could be easily seen! After the ceremony,her mom took the diaper off of her and she wore the rubberpants under her dress for the reception,dinner and dance.

Posted by mandi2 on 2020-02-08 13:45:27

To GemmaJ-It sounds like your mom is fairly strict! I wear the cloth diapers and plastic pants of my own accord because i like the feeling of being like a little girl or baby at times and my mom supports me!I have heard of and known of some teen girls who have to wear diapers and plastic pants as chastity devices to prevent them from wanting to have sex,and also under white dresses for baptisms,First Communions and Confirmation to symbolize their purity and innocence of a baby in their white outfits.Yes it should be a girls choice as to whether she wants to wear them or not,but some parents are different than others. It could be worse-your mom could be making you wear cloth diapers pinned on with baby diaper pins and then your plastic pants over them! Did you have tights on over your diaper and plastic pants on christmas eve and day or just have them on under your dress? I mostly wear my diaper and plastic pants under white tights for special occassions and holidays.

Posted by mandi2 on 2020-02-25 13:05:59

The other girls had the cloth diapers and plastic pants under their dresses to represent their purity of when they were babies.That is the main reason catholic parents have their daughters wear the diapers and plastic pants under their white dresses.You had to wear them because of your incontinance problem,the other girls had them on for purity.That is pretty much standard in many parishes.

Posted by JennyM on 2020-02-28 04:32:44

EdunRevol - laying down on the living room floor happens sometimes if we're at someone's house. But in public there's not always a place to lay down.