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teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions

Only for convenience

Posted by mandi2 on 2019-04-29 14:10:38

My 14 year old cousin was baptized this past Easter sunday and me and my mom helped her mom dress her in her baptism outfit.After her bubble bath,she laid on her bed and was given a rubdown with baby lotion,then baby powder was applied to her groin area.A thick cloth diaper was then pinned on her,then white plastic pants with pink ruffles across the back were put on her over the diaper.Next her white camisole went on next,then her lace socks and white shoes.Her cute,infant style,baptism gown was put on next,followed by the matching bonnet.A pacifier was hung around her neck.We brought her out and showed her to dad and the rest of the family members.They all thought she looked very cute and babyish.For her baptism,her mom picked her up and held her like a baby to recieve the water on her head.She will be making her First Communion on May 19 and has to wear the diaper,ruffled plastic pants and camisole again under her communion dress.

Posted by mandi2 on 2019-10-08 13:56:44

The other girls parents did the diapers and plastic pants for the symbolization of purity and innocence for the confirmation and first communion.That is the main reason catholic parents have their daughters wear them.The other girls wore them under their dresses for that reason and most catholic require their daughters to wear them.

Posted by mandi2 on 2019-10-29 12:58:44

The other girls in your class had their diapers and plastic pants on to symbolize their purity and innocence of when they were baptized as babies.That is the main reason catholic parents have their daughters wear them under the white dresses.The parents want their daughters to feel very pure and innocent for their first communions and confirmation and baptisms.

Posted by JennyM on 2019-12-14 23:53:15

I've wet the bed my whole life so I've always been in diapers at night. Mom also insisted on diapers "just in case" for holidays, traveling, special occasions, and sometimes going to crowded places. I admit they helped even though I didn't like wearing them. I'm 24 and mom still puts me in a diaper for special occasions. Last summer we were getting ready to go to a wedding and she came into my room with a diaper and told me to lay down. I was self-conscious about being a diaper but I ended up needing it.

Posted by EdunRevol on 2019-12-15 20:28:58

Jenny - so - does your mom change your diaper when needed? where?