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teen girls wearing diapers for special occasions

Only for convenience

Posted by mandi2 on 2019-12-17 13:45:04

To EdunRevol and Jenny-I think its great Jenny that you are still diapered at 24!Do you only wear disposable diapers? I wear cloth diapers and plastic pants,usually the ones with babyprints on them.If you look back to my post about my baptism at 14.my mom did change my diaper after my party even tho it wasnt wet.I layed on my bed and she pulled down my rubberpants,unpinned my diaper,then pinned a fresh on on me,then pulled my rubberpants back up. Jenny,you shold get plastic pants to wear over your diaper,they help prevent leaks and also make girls and women feel more babyish for special occassions.

Posted by JennyM on 2019-12-22 03:00:10

Yes she changes me. It depends where we are but she tries to find somewhere I can lay down. If I'm just wet then sometimes standing up in a bathroom. I wear disposables.

Posted by GemmaJ on 2019-12-24 17:22:39

I'm in high school and have been made to wear diapers for holidays, special events, and long car trips all my life. I'd rather not have to wear them but it don't care anymore. I don't think anyone knows other than my mother but I'm careful the way I dress so no one can tell.

Posted by mandi2 on 2019-12-26 13:28:00

To GemmaJ-You are not alone! I wear cloth diapers and plastic pants for holidays,special occassions,etc because i like them and the feeling they give me of being like a little girl! I wore them under my holiday dress on christmas eve and all day yesterday also.I have worn them in weddings and under my First Holy Communion dress and baptism dress when i was 14.I also wear them around the house also.Momsupports me and puts the diapers and plastic pants on me when i want to wear them.My diapers are the Gerber flat cloth ones in the 24x27 inch size and are pinned on me with diaper pins and my plastic pants are adult size in pastels and babyprints and fit me blousy and crinkle when i walk.What kind of diapers do you wear and do you have plastic pants over them?

Posted by EdunRevol on 2019-12-26 13:32:13

Jenny - why doesn't she just change you in the living room where there's room to lay down on the floor?